Moral for a few: You cannot claim monopoly of sceince.
Except you, of course. You already have monopoly over science.
Moral for a few: You cannot claim monopoly of sceince.
sorry I'll be sure to do that.I'm having trouble understanding your sentence. Your grammar and syntax are chaotic and don't make a lot of sense. Please do us all a favor and proofread your writing a little more carefully before you hit the SUBMIT REPLY button!
What? I read on Wikipedia the dates of languages and it said Greek was older.As I mentioned before, Greek and Latin are of approximately the same age, probably within a few hundred years.
oh that's right I forgot to think about cave writings.The technology of writing is a tremendous aid in linguistics because it's the only positive evidence we have of languages that are older than sound recording technology. But writing only goes back a few thousand years. Before that, our work is based entirely on reasoning, comparison and analysis.
ok fine but that doesn't go for people who didn't pay their "taxes"Your citation of the Mafia is not at all a good example of the breakdown of civilization. The Mafia was famous for maintaining order in its own way. People who opposed it were dealt with harshly--just as they were in Rome! But the Mafia was ruthless in maintaining peace and order on its own terms. People could travel long distances, at night, carrying merchandise to other cities for sale, without worrying about being robbed--so long as they paid their "taxes" to the Mafia bosses. The Mafia can arguably be seen as simply an alternative form of government.
no, my question was which branch of Christianity came first.And BTW, casually identifying Sicily as a part of Italy is something you could only get away with in recent times, since the unification of Italy in the 19th century. The Sicilians still have their own proud traditions, and a language of the Italic group that is related to, but not directly descended, from Latin.The religion of the Roman Empire was Christianity. It was many centuries before Christianity split into the Catholic, Protestant and Eastern Orthodox branches.I'm not sure I understand your question. Surely you know that the other five civilizations besides Mesopotamia-Greco-Roman also developed legal codes, systems of science and scholarship, religions, etc.: Egypt, India, China, Inca and Olmec-Maya-Aztec.When a body of culture breaks up into separate parts that evolve and go off in their own directions, it isn't always the case that any one of them more closely resembles the original than any other. I promise you that if you ask a member of any of today's plethora of Christian churches which one of them is most faithful to the original principles of their prophet and their holy book, each one of them will say that it is his own.
I know that. That's not what I'm, talking about./ I'm talking about the fact that Christians are the ones who believe in his existence. Not the Jews. (of current time)And no, it was not the Romans who "came up with" Christianity. They merely institutionalized it. You really need to read a lot more history if you don't know that Jesus and his original followers were Jewish, not Roman.
What? I read on Wikipedia the dates of languages and it said Greek was older.
If Wikipedia is incorrect than is it always quoted as a reference around here?
Except you, of course. You already have monopoly over science.
We don't know the origin of any of the New World people (south of the Arctic) except the Na-Dene, because recent research (just a couple of years ago) discovered a relationship in both their DNA and their languages with the Yenisei people of Siberia. That migration was around 15,000 years ago, and it's very difficult to establish language relationships that far back because they change too much. This one was a miracle and I wouldn't expect it to happen again any time soon.How come so called sanskrit in India supposedly originated in Indo Europe have same elements among the Maya - And if there was PIE And invasion here too who did they invade? or are they going to be other theories of earlier Dravidian settlement here too? Then there is news - There are a number of elements in the Maya language with more or less the same relative frequency of occurrence that are from Telugu, Tamil and so called Dravidian languages of India that occurs in Sanskrit right from the veda.
Sure, but which version of Greek? The Latin spoken in the Roman Empire is a few hundred years younger than the Greek spoken in the Greek Empire, butWhat? I read on Wikipedia the dates of languages and it said Greek was older.
You must mean "cave paintings." That was imagery, not language. The earliest writing we have is on stone and clay.oh that's right I forgot to think about cave writings.
You can say exactly the same thing about people who don't pay their taxes today. We don't usually shoot them but they are punished rather harshly by our modern standards. If you file for bankruptcy in the USA the only debts that are never canceled are your student loan and your taxes.ok fine but that doesn't go for people who didn't pay their "taxes"
There were no "branches" originally because it was only one religion. The schism between the Eastern Orthodox church and what we now call "Catholicism" happened between 500 and 600CE, but they both claim to be the "original" form of Christianity. The Reformation, the founding of the Protestant churches, began in 1517 when Martin Luther (after whom the Lutheran church is named) tried to reform the Catholic Church, and was completed in 1648 when the amazingly bloody war between the Catholic and Protestant disciples of the "Prince of Peace" more-or-less ended. The Mormon church (officially the Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter-Day Saints), which many Christians do not believe to be a branch of Christianity, much less Protestantism, was founded in 1830. Rastafarianism, which is an offshoot of Christianity but not widely regarded as a branch of Christianity, was founded in 1930. The Unitarian Universalist church is also an offshoot of Christianity but it does not preach the divinity of Jesus and many congregations even downplay the existence of God; it was founded in, my question was which branch of Christianity came first.
The Jews do not deny the existence of Jesus, they simply don't believe he was the Mashiakh or "Messiah." The Muslims not only accept his existence but also regard him as a prophet, just not the latest one.I know that. That's not what I'm, talking about./ I'm talking about the fact that Christians are the ones who believe in his existence. Not the Jews.
I'm not even a professional scientist. Although I have an extensive education in science, my degree is in business administration and my career is in software development and management, and I now make a living as a writer and editor.Fraggle is a sceintific giant.
oh ok thanks for the info, but there's still one thing that remains. When I said that thing about Greek and Latin about I read on Wikipedia that Greek is older and you said sure but which version. Sorry I thought it was obvious, I'm talking about the oldest versions of both languages.We don't know the origin of any of the New World people (south of the Arctic) except the Na-Dene, because recent research (just a couple of years ago) discovered a relationship in both their DNA and their languages with the Yenisei people of Siberia. . . . .
We have no way of knowing what the "oldest version" of any language is before it was written down--except within very broad limits that are useless for a comparison like this. Obviously older forms of both Greek and Latin must have been spoken for quite a while before the Greek tribes, and later the Roman tribes, settled down, built cities, learned to write, and established transcontinental empires. But we can't point to a year on the calendar and say, "At this date the language had changed so much that people couldn't understand the old one, so it's time to call it a new language."oh ok thanks for the info, but there's still one thing that remains. When I said that thing about Greek and Latin about I read on Wikipedia that Greek is older and you said sure but which version. Sorry I thought it was obvious, I'm talking about the oldest versions of both languages.
oh ok hmm maybe it's that the oldest language between Latin and Greek as far as what has been written down is Greek. Maybe that's what Wikipedia was going by, eh?We have no way of knowing what the "oldest version" of any language is before it was written down--except within very broad limits that are useless for a comparison like this. . . . .
Probably. It's a no-brainer that when the Greeks began writing Greek the Romans were speaking Latin.oh ok hmm maybe it's that the oldest language between Latin and Greek as far as what has been written down is Greek. Maybe that's what Wikipedia was going by, eh?
Rhea Silvia, the mother of Romulus and Remus, was raped by the Greek God Mars, so they were half-divine. Rhea's brother, King Amulius, was afraid that his nephews would take back the throne he had stolen from their father, so he had them drowned. They were rescued and suckled by a she-wolf, a motif still common in the city's art.Rome was reportedly founded by Greeks, i.e. Livy writes that Trojans leaving Troy came to the Italian peninsula, and one of the descendants was Romulus, who then established the city of Rome a few decades (centuries?) later.
The majority of linguists put the Italic and Hellenic groups in the Western Branch of the I-E family, although the entire family relationship is becoming less clear in the light of recent research. That would make Latin and Greek more closely related to each other and to the Celtic and Germanic languages, than they are to the Eastern Branch (the Baltic, Slavic and Indo-Iranian groups) and to the isolates like Armenian and Albanian. After all, both Latin and Greek retain the K in the word for "hundred," the defining difference between the "Kentum" and "Satem" languages (Latin centum vs. Sanskrit satem.)rpenner said:Greek and Latin probably had no common ancestory not common to most Indo-European languages, which is to say they diverged circa 4-5000 B.C. and were almost certainly distinct circa 2000 B.C.
A little??? Linguistics is one of the softest of the "soft sciences." Evolutionary biology, one of the weakest of the "hard sciences," provides two independent sources of hard evidence--DNA and fossils--for the theories of its practitioners. All we have are the current languages and their ancestral forms--going only as far back as their particular linguistic community left durable written records.The deep time picture of European Linguistics is a little mushy . . . .
And there is a respectable hypothesis that, on the contrary, Latin and Proto-Celtic evolved from a common intermediate ancestor.. . . . but we both agree that Latin did not evolve from Greek, but from a common ancestor.
Hardly. Even the Wiki article on the Indo-European family only dares give the hypothetical time of the appearance of the subgroups that still exist, such as Germanic and Indo-Iranian. The technology of writing came rather late to the Indo-European tribes, so we haven't got the detailed evidence necessary to guess when the earlier splits took place.Is the Kentum/Satem split well-dated?
I don't know if it has enough detractors yet to be called "out of vogue," but this is an example of why you can call the whole field of Indo-European linguistics "mushy." It's still not settled whether the Baltic and Slavic languages derive from a common intermediate ancestor. I don't remember where I saw it any more, but one scholar even said there was enough evidence to remove Greek from the Kentum branch.Wikipedia suggests that this hypothesis is not in vogue as being parsimonious with the distribution of languages
Well, at least I know my limitations and cited sources that were kind enough to provide hints of the care needed in adopting a viewpoint.laymen with too much time and not enough training, and a few members of SciForums.
I was certainly not referring to you. I can hardly escape that category myself! Lately some skepticism has been posted about the validity of the Indo-European family.. . . . laymen with too much time and not enough training, and a few members of SciForums.
Having briefly been an Econ major after being a science major, I certainly agree. Supply and demand is a sound theory, but the rest of it...? How could any economist call himself a true scientist if he advocated communism, a system in which the individual contributions of people to the economy (and therefore their aggregate contribution) are not required to correlate with what they take out???Possibly Economics is softer than Linguistics since there is at least as much political spin and kind of a disconnect between model and reality.
We still don't know whether the technology of language was invented once and spread rapidly like the domestication of the dog or cat, or invented in multiple times and places like the bow and arrow, farming, pottery or writing.The genesis of human language is rare . . . .
I parted company with the gurus right there!Economics: Humans are rational decision makers . . . .