Oh dear. assumptions. Again.
Would you care to refute my
points rather than make unfounded claims about my person?
ad hom doesn't go far toward supporting your contention, sorry.
So either you included "continuous" extraneously (as NMSquirrel pointed out), since you seem to think it means the same as "eternal", and you're unaware of the
definition of the word:
OR you know that "eternal" is not the same as "continuous", and are now being disingenuous at minimum.
Either way, you fail.
Now, do you dispute my illustration of true yet not "continuous, eternal and unbroken"?
If so, on what grounds?
In other words you're also unaware of what a "fact" is.
Please show where my previous argument is either (or both, it's up to you) "inane" or an example of "downright brazenly stupid reasoning".
If you cannot then I at least expect an acknowledgement that you were wrong, if not an actual apology.