I want to know how many infractions I would get for starting an FU thread? I could say FU to all the personal attackers that WON'T stop. I could say FU to all the PMers who say nasty things. Does anyone know how many infractions would be given by a mod for an FU thread? Does it depend where I put it? Would it be deleted? Would I be banned? Almost serious here, folks. This is getting very old.
I am the moderator of this subforum. We are free to discuss profanity, including spelling out the words and giving examples of their usage, since after all it is language and that's what we're here for. However, I edit profanity out of postings if it is an insult directed at a specific member, group or idea. Even when it's in a foreign language and is grammatically incorrect.
The majority of our members are young, and many are very young. I believe I speak for a consensus of the moderators (and I am paraphrasing one of them) when I say that we don't want a parent to ask his child why she is on the internet instead of doing her homework, the child to answer, "I found a great website where this really bright grad student is helping me with my linguistics project," the parent to say, "How wonderful, let me see what he's posting," and then discover that the subforum in question is peppered with spurious four-letter words.
If your FU thread is about the origin of the term FU and the emotions it evokes in people to whom it's directed, that's scholarship and that's what SciForums is all about. If your purpose is 1. Not to add anything substantive to the scholarship on this website AND 2. Merely to provoke an angry reaction from other members, that is our definition of "trolling" and I will delete the thread.
I'm pretty stingy with infractions, I've only given one or two in the months that I've been a moderator, and none in my own subforum. But other moderators are free to give infractions outside of their own turf, and we're reluctant to overrule each other. As for banning, the subject has come up three times since I've had the executive-restroom-key to the Moderators subforum and in all three instances I spoke out against it, but in one case I eventually changed my mind in exasperation. Nonetheless banning is more or less by consensus so it's not entirely up to me.
Linguistics doesn't get a lot of action so I'm able to be a pretty hands-on moderator. If I don't like something I just go in and change it rather than complaining about it.
As for your problem with personal attacks, I suggest that you read the name of the website:
SCI Forums. We are currently working to make that emphasis on Science clear. Surely you've noticed that Free Thoughs has been demoted to the bottom of the table of contents. This is a meeting place for scientists and people who are interested in science. That includes off-duty scientists and future scientists seeking advice for the lovelorn, sharing their favorite music and shooting rubber bands at each other. But even discussions of art, history, current events and dating are expected to respect the principles of science, or at the very least not flout them. Occam's razor, peer review, disprovable theories, observation-based reasoning, etc. If you don't like our bias in favor of the scientific method and against non-science or sheer anti-science, such as religious fundamentalism and 19th-century theories of "racial" supremacy (both of which I personally define very broadly), I don't know what to tell you except that you may have come to the wrong website.