Why Do People

its because they have stopped taking steps towards god, they no longer care. to give respect to those that show you respect is good, but showing respect to those that do not show you respect is godly.
its because they have stopped taking steps towards god, they no longer care. to give respect to those that show you respect is good, but showing respect to those that do not show you respect is godly.
I am tempted to refute that but not in this thread or this section of the forum. That belongs in Religion if it belongs in this forum at all.

Why do people say "I've never seen anything like it in all my life"? Or "There's none better in all the world"?
If I've never seen anything like it, what the heck does "in all my life" mean???
If there's none better, what is the purpose of "in all the world"???

For many years, many people often said Sue and me checked on them, Cindy and me didn't hear the storm & so on & on.
For some years now, it has been the opposite. Such as : The police told John and I to stay away from the crime scene & She gave the leftover pizza to Rose and I & so on ad nauseum.
