why do my armpits smell different?


Valued Senior Member
Why does the sweat under my left armpit have a sharper smell than the sweat under my right armpit?
Let me get this straight...are you saying your Left doesn't smell Right...or that your Left smells more Right?
Sculptor has bilateral diaphoretic asymmetry.
There does not seem to be a difference in the amount of sweat, just in the odor.

I am reasonably certain that this has to do with a difference in the microbes living on the skin
beyond that
I am clueless.
Related but irrelevant comment. Years ago when I was a genetics student, our professor started a class experiment based on the everyday observation that after eating asparagus, some people smell it in their urine while others don't. Question: is the way they metabolize asparagus the genetic determinant, or is the determinant different smell receptors?

The obvious experiment: eat asparagus, smell your urine than exchange urine samples and see the result. A clever set-up but one that caused a class-room rebellion.

Unsurprisingly, of course. (Science falls to social niceties once again!)
Has anyone noticed a pattern in Sculptor's questions lately? I'm detecting symptoms of cabin fever.
Has anyone noticed a pattern in Sculptor's questions lately? I'm detecting symptoms of cabin fever.
I'll bite
Why do you think that?

(probably difficult to see a pattern when you are in the middle of it?)
Maybe there isn't one. It's just an impression; maybe I'm imagining it. Look back over the past month and see whether you discern a suggestion of extreme boredom. Your own perception is all that really matters.
Maybe there isn't one. It's just an impression; maybe I'm imagining it. Look back over the past month and see whether you discern a suggestion of extreme boredom. Your own perception is all that really matters.

as previously stated its difficult to see a pattern when you are in the middle of it
I'm just new to this website (joined-up today), but I'll risk posting my first response on here here [any fans on here of Gertrude Stein's brilliant literary invention of repetition?].

The great thing about Science is that in 'doing it' one starts out with the simplest explanation first; reaching it by working from First Principles & going forwards from there. So, does Sculptor have a significant difference in physical & chemical microenvironments (humidity, dioxygen level, temperature, saltiness, etc.) between his two pits, perhaps occasioned by his job-type (or hobby) leading to the preferential & regular squeezing of one armpit more than the other? Skin microbiota populations & cell densities & proteomes (e.g., respecting catabolic processes in particular) can easily be affected by tiny differences in local parameters.
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