Why do black people run faster than white?

The reason is Black people (particularly Ethiopians) train at higher altitudes where there is less oxygen so when they compete at lower altitudes they have more oxygen allowing them to run faster: cramp and muscle pains are caused by a lack of oxygen and the muscles release an acid which hurts.
No doubt a factor in longer distances, but AFAIK, not in sprints, at least not the "acid builds up and hurts" comment.
The Tarahumara of North Western Mexico, are also a mountain living people, with
enhanced ability for long distance running.
I wonder if this link always occurs.
The Tarahumara of North Western Mexico, are also a mountain living people, with
enhanced ability for long distance running.
I wonder if this link always occurs.
Usually as lung capacity adapts to the thinner air if you were born there. Even just training for many months at high altitude givers you an advantage compared to training at sea level. Considering how much money is envolved with top line race horses, I wonder why they don´t train at high altitudes - at least for the mile or longer races.
Ireland is famous for training racehorses.
They use beaches to train on.

Come to think of it, racehorses are Arabian stock aren't they?

Is everyone ignoring my Post #10?

Evidence strongly indicates a genetic heritage. Forget Politically Correct views & explanations relating to training at high altitude.

Most (Almost all?) of the top 100 sprinters can trace their ancestry to a region in West Africa.

Most (Almost all?) of the top 100 long distance runners can trace their ancestry to a region in East Africa.

The above is very strong support for a genetic explanation, very like due to some evolutionary pressure.
I don't think that anyone is disagreeing with you.
Local conditions favour fitter genes.
That's standard Darwinism.
Is that politically incorrect?
I suspect that blacks from many regions other than those mentioned in my Post #10 do not rate higher than the norm in running ability. For example: I do not think the Australian aborigines are noted for running ability. Similarly, I would not expect blacks from the equatorial forest region of Africa to be noted for running ability.
"All the great runners are black" =/= "all the blacks are great runners".
The first statement is a perported statement of observed fact. The second is a racial stereotype. D'oh!
There is a simple answer why black people are faster than white people, their skin color, which is black absorbs faaar more sunlight than the white skin of all people, white people should paint their bodies in the black color in order to match black people's running performances.
Sorry for a bad joke I couldn't resist.
Due to the fast-twitch muscle fibres in their bodies by birth they move very briskly even in taking the running as comparatively to the white people even they are much faster in their own swimming by making more practice by all means.
We know that something appears black when it absorbs light and do not reflect it . So it might be possible that they gain more energy as they absorb light energy more as compared to white ones .
winning a marathon is all in your mind, focus, forget all the negative, forget all of the pain, focus and strategize every mile ran. It is harder to do if you do not have a community who has done the same thing previously. But an individual from a separate nationality can still win, their mind has to be focused and their body must respond with unison.
Blacks can run fast in a short race, but not many do well in a marathon. I don't know why that is.
Blacks can run fast in a short race, but not many do well in a marathon. I don't know why that is.


Look at any major marathon results and notice from where the top 20 winners are; Ethiopia, Kenya.
Mountains are 2500ft training elite runners, red blood cell count higher, passed red blood cell oxygen count through generations.

does not mean one can't beat them, it is just harder.
There are a lot of superfluous Posts to this Thread.

As mentioned in Posts 10 & 47:

There is genetic heritage involved.

Almost all of the best sprinters in the world are descended from West Africans. Many (most?) of the best long distance runners are descended from East Africans.

Australian Aborigines & blacks from tropical parts of Africa are not noted for running ability.

Unless you disagree with the above, there is not much more to say on this topic.
... Unless you disagree with the above, there is not much more to say on this topic.
Without disagreeing with any of your facts, there is more to say and several of us have said it:
One can ask (and even answer): what is genetically different in the sprinter from the marithon runners? The answer is that good sprinter usually have greater fraction of fast twitch mussle fibers and I think, but am less sure, that the marithon guys (and gals) have larger lung to total body volume yatios. Take a look at a greyhound racing dog or cheeta - They seem to be only lungs on four legs with small head and tail!

Look at any major marathon results and notice from where the top 20 winners are; Ethiopia, Kenya.
Mountains are 2500ft training elite runners, red blood cell count higher, passed red blood cell oxygen count through generations.

does not mean one can't beat them, it is just harder.

I'm speaking from my personal experience in the military. It seemed that the black troops had trouble with long runs and long walks in the field. No endurance.
I'm speaking from my personal experience in the military. It seemed that the black troops had trouble with long runs and long walks in the field. No endurance.

my guess is because they were black-Americans and not actually from Africa. So their genes for endurance fitness and focus of mind were completely gone, filled with genes that were passed by Americans.