Why be a moderator.!!!

Originally Posted by cluelusshusbund

"Keep it simple stoopid"

Sciforums seems bogged down by mountains of rules... which only seems to necessitate more rules... ect... ect.!!!

It isn't that easy.
There is also the issue of free speech.
Take for example the issue of abortion, which always causes trouble.
The following are not actual quotes.
Poster "A" thinks people who have the procedure, or support it, are clearly "murderers".
Poster "B" thinks that poster "A" is clearly "a woman hating fascist" and has a "medieval mindset"
Should they be allowed to express their opinions or not?

Express ALL ther opinions about ALL issues of abortion... absolutely... an after the new system of "keep it simple stoopid" was made known... callin each other names woud be a prollem quickly solved wit a temp ban... an in the blink of an eye... name callin woud be much more rare than wit the present complicated hit an miss "system"... an i dare say... much less need for temp bans.!!!

When posters know they will be treeted like adults responsible for ther actions... by respectful mods applyin these clear-cut simple rules to "ALL"... posters will be more likely to self-moderate... be more respectful to mods an more satisfied wit ther esperience at Sciforums.!!!

A-men :)
No one was called a troll. Trolls are a common problem on internet forums, and moderation is the common solution.

Bald faced liars are a common problem, too. Honesty is the common solution for them.
Bald faced liars are a common problem, too. Honesty is the common solution for them.

Which was one thing I liked about your science vs. religion image. Of course some folks just can't handle the truth.
"Keep it simple stoopid"


callin each other names woud be a prollem quickly solved wit a temp ban... an in the blink of an eye... name callin woud be much more rare than wit the present complicated hit an miss "system"

Really Timmy? What would you do about these two:

(Q) said:
Syne said:
No one was called a troll. Trolls are a common problem on internet forums, and moderation is the common solution.
Bald faced liars are a common problem, too. Honesty is the common solution for them.
Mind you, no one is "callin each other names", so there "woud be [no] a prollem", right? No need for this to be "quickly solved wit a temp ban", so they can just carry on, right?

Disclaimer: The posts quoted herein are used as an example only and are not meant to imply anything about nor reflect in any way Randwolf's actual views on who is doing the trolling, who is a liar, etc., etc...
"Keep it simple stoopid"
Sciforums seems bogged down by mountains of rules... which only seems to necessitate more rules... ect... ect.!!!

I've seen a blatant rip of Sciforums rules used on other forums online (So blatant they actually left sciforums.com in the rules themselves, copied word for word)
The rules here are two part, There's the standard assumptions in regards to what's practical (the short list) and then the long and definitive. Originally it was just the Long version, however considering the capacity for some peoples attention deficit, it was suggested to simplify them.

I still have a simplified rule set pinned in the Comp Sci subforum which was drafted when there was only the long version, it just concentrated on the main concerns of a community more than my own pet concerns. (The only bits people might need to consider are bolded to draw attention.)

In any society or community, rules can increase in number over the years. Depending on the people in that particular group defines on how many rules are created, since we can all do things that don't need rules in place but are just seen as common courtesy. (e.g. opening a door for someone) In this instance societies can be quite picky about what criteria people have to meet to be let in, sciforums has always had an open door policy. (Apart from a few Sciforums Nationalists that tend to not like new joiners.)
Maybe we should have a special subforum where you can say what you like.
We could call it the snake pit.
Any thread that has degenerated into a slanging match can be moved there.
Or the offending part of it can be split off as a new thread there.
That way, the people who want to discuss the subject reasonably can get on with it,
and the people who hate each other can name-call to their heart's content.
Maybe we should have a special subforum where you can say what you like.
We could call it the snake pit.
Any thread that has degenerated into a slanging match can be moved there.
Maybe we should just add these emoticons and call it a day:


Any other ad homs, explicit or implied, result in a temp ban. Nice and simple, "stoopid", as clueluss might say...
Really Timmy? What would you do about these two:

Mind you, no one is "callin each other names", so there "woud be [no] a prollem", right? No need for this to be "quickly solved wit a temp ban", so they can just carry on, right?

No ban needed that i see.!!!
No ban needed that i see.!!!
OK, so how do you resolve the cognitive dissonance with your prior statement - 'callin each other names woud be a prollem quickly solved wit a temp ban... an in the blink of an eye... name callin woud be much more rare than wit the present complicated hit an miss "system"'? Are you saying those two aren't calling each other names?

So the way to avoid your "keep it simple stoopid" rules is to rely on careful syntax and other technicalities? Sounds a lot like the way it is now...
Maybe we should have a special subforum where you can say what you like.
We could call it the snake pit.
Any thread that has degenerated into a slanging match can be moved there.
Or the offending part of it can be split off as a new thread there.
That way, the people who want to discuss the subject reasonably can get on with it,
and the people who hate each other can name-call to their heart's content.

It all depends on what the goal of Sciforums is... an a subforum like that coud be risky cause the estra free speech avalible in that flame-subforum might wind up gettin more business than the actual Science forums... but id like to try it an see what happens :)
OK, so how do you resolve the cognitive dissonance with your prior statement - 'callin each other names woud be a prollem quickly solved wit a temp ban... an in the blink of an eye... name callin woud be much more rare than wit the present complicated hit an miss "system"'? Are you saying those two aren't calling each other names?

Yes not a prollem.!!!
So the way to avoid your "keep it simple stoopid" rules is to rely on careful syntax and other technicalities? Sounds a lot like the way it is now...

Yes... that part IS a lot like it is now... an it woudnt be avoidin "my" simple rules... it woud be "keepin it simple stoopid" :)
I dont thank mods shoud call people "Trolls" when speekin as a mod/performin ther mod duties... do you agree wit that.???

I do not think anyone, mod or member, should generally resort to name-calling. "Troll" is a convenient short-hand for specific behavior (and useful as a description for warnings/infractions), but it generally serves no good purpose to "have it out" with someone and derail a discussion into accusation and counter-accusation. If a mod thinks you are trolling, then they should take some action, other than simply calling you a troll. If a member thinks you are trolling, they should report the post.

As the SciForums posting guidelines state:
Warning: Do not feed the trolls! Do not reply to inflammatory posts or threads and do not reply to insults. Hit the ‘report’ button on the relevant post(s) and let the moderators deal with the matter.
- http://www.sciforums.com/announcement.php?f=87

Hitting the "Report" button is far less disruptive and far more likely to result in action being taken, especially when both sides have already slung mud.

But when I say "trolls" without applying it to a specific poster, it communicates the whole list of behavior I wish to relate. The important thing is that it is not unduly attributed to a specific group or person.
Originally Posted by cluelusshusbund
I dont thank mods shoud call people "Trolls" when speekin as a mod/performin ther mod duties... do you agree wit that.???

I do not think anyone, mod or member, should generally resort to name-calling.

If a mod thinks you are trolling, then they should take some action, other than simply calling you a troll. If a member thinks you are trolling, they should report the post.

Yes i agree... an callin someone a Troll is name callin... no good comes from it an no one shoud do it.!!!

But when I say "trolls" without applying it to a specific poster, it communicates the whole list of behavior I wish to relate. The important thing is that it is not unduly attributed to a specific group or person.

Well sure... just like were usin the word Troll here is not name callin... jus disscussin an issue.!!!
In any society or community, rules can increase in number over the years.

A goal for Sciforums:::

A more enjoyable place to discuss issues... wit less moderation needed... based on the idea of better self-moderation due to bein treated like responsible adults.!!!
A goal for Sciforums:::

A more enjoyable place to discuss issues... wit less moderation needed... based on the idea of better self-moderation due to bein treated like responsible adults.!!!

A beautiful dream, if only the forum was populated only by such people.