Why are some so... (please read on)?


Why do so many people appear to have so much energy in them?

My uncle for example said that he almost doesn't get anything to eat every day yet he has extremely high energies and works about 15 hours (sometimes even more) every day, driving long distances from city to city and working extremely hard every day yet he manages to do it, even without food.

It's as if he solar-powered or a Cyborg or something.

While me, I don't even manage to get out of bed every morning.

My uncle is simply a very high-energy and very high-intensity guy while I am the exact opposite.

So why do some people have so much energy in them and are capable of working 12 or 15 hours every day without having to eat much at all?

What is the physical explanation for this if there is any?
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I think a lot of it is attitude. Abraham Lincoln who was said to be bipolar (manic-depressive) was nevertheless a wise man. He said that most people are about as happy as they make up their minds to be. I realize you are not talking about happiness, but energy level, but to me they amount to the same thing. I venture to guess that you are a teenager and your uncle is a working-class stiff with a wife and children. Am I right? He works hard because he feels he has to, and as an adolescent you require a lot of sleep as your body develops and grows. I don't mean to be offensive, I am just guessing.
He works hard because he feels he has to, and as an adolescent you require a lot of sleep as your body develops and grows. I don't mean to be offensive, I am just guessing.

He is a self-employed electrician and self-employed electricians have to work extremely hard because they are dependent only on themselves for income. And yes he also has three kids (two of them above 20) to take care of.
A successful self - employed person can only be successful if they are self motivated. That means that you do what you have to do to get what you determine needs doing done in a timely manner. You are aware of your responsibilities and accept that they are yours to deal with so you take care of business. 45 years of self employment here, still going strong and hard.

"Objects at rest tend to stay at rest, objects in motion tend to stay in motion." If you get yourself going and get used to working hard, that tends to be your' normal state.

Additionally, some folks uptake more nutrients from their food than others and thus eat far less and go much further on that than someone with a less efficient digestive tract.
Why do so many people appear to have so much energy in them?

I think a lot of it is attitude.

I don't think this is attitude.

I think that molecular biology, biochemistry and maybe even physics can explain why some people have much higher energy levels and higher fitness levels than others.

Everything living is made of amino acids, including people and animals and these are in turn made of atoms, especially carbon atoms because all life on Earth is carbon-based.

In the past it was believed that atoms are fundamental and indivisible. Today we know that atoms are in turn made of subatomic particles called quarks and that quarks are in turn made of more fundamental entities called supersymmetric strings and supersymmetric strings create reality.
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Why do so many people appear to have so much energy in them?

My uncle for example said that he almost doesn't get anything to eat every day yet he has extremely high energies and works about 15 hours (sometimes even more) every day, driving long distances from city to city and working extremely hard every day yet he manages to do it, even without food.

It's as if he solar-powered or a Cyborg or something.

While me, I don't even manage to get out of bed every morning.

My uncle is simply a very high-energy and very high-intensity guy while I am the exact opposite.

So why do some people have so much energy in them and are capable of working 12 or 15 hours every day without having to eat much at all?

What is the physical explanation for this if there is any?
I think that he might have more to eat than he realises himself. He spends so much energy that even though he eats much it still makes him feel like he hasn't had much. He might also eat small things often, which hardly gets noticed but still gives him enough energy to last the day.

I think the reason that you don't manage to get out of bed every morning is because you don't force yourself to be active even though you don't feel like it. Working and having a active life will make you adapt to it, you will also start to eat more even without realising it.

Just my two cents.

And a third cent; Having a steady breakfast can do wonders during the whole day.