Who sang this?


Registered Senior Member
There have been a few old melodies that I had heard in my childhood on the radio, but have not been able to locate the songs or the singer so that I can buy that music.

One such song is:

Is it raining in the New York city......like its raining here.....

The singer is supposed to be someone called "Cashmin 'n' west" as I could understand from the compere.


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Oxygen said:

The song is "Is It Raining In New York City?" by Cashman and West. The above link is where you can buy the album.

Just so you know, you can google lyrics pretty effectively by searching on

At least, that's how I do it.
Thanks buddy!

No kidding, I did search about this song, but never could find it. I found out about a plenty of other songs, but not this one.
Yeah, that's the funny thing about search engines. My husband and I actually tested this out. We both brought up identical search engines, typed in identical phrases, hit "enter" at the same time and got radically different results. I almost never have a hard time finding what I'm looking for, but he can be looking for something simple and basic, and come up with diddly/squat.

Anyway, glad to be able to help!
Thanks. Aren't old songs just great!

And I like your name......"Oxygen". It's so life giving!
Thanks. I had just heard a song by that title on one of those CDs you order off the TV, I think it was called "Pure Moods" or something like that, and I liked the sound of it. It reminded me of a time when something went horribly wrong with my bronchials and I suddenly couldn't breathe. My brother whipped up some rosehips tea and had me drink it slowly (not easy to do when you can't breathe) and everything suddenly broke up, my lungs cleared, and WHOOH! THAT RUSH OF OXYGEN! I guess I've been grateful to it ever since. :)

We never did figure out what had happened. I don't smoke, and second hand smoke has never bothered me (unless blown into my face). I was just talking to my dad when all of a sudden I got hit by Revenge of the Phlegm. It was pretty scary. As Johnny the Homicidal Maniac once put it, "Nothing brings out the zest for life in a person like the prospect of suddenly losing it."