It's not clear inasmuch generalized knowledge based on research of behavior is actually useful in specific situations.Agree. And this is all about understanding animal on its own level without having to Anthropomorphize it. It has its own cat-reasons for what it does, and they're not the same as human-reasons. But that doesn't mean that, with some careful observaton and research, we can't usually understand their behavior to a good extent.
And some of that "research" is idiotic beyond comparison. I once saw a test they did to find out whether cats prefer commercial cat food or mice. The setting of the test was a veterinarian's examination room, a cat was placed on the examination table, and the veterinarian placed before the cat a bowl of commercial cat food and a dead mouse, and then waited to see what the cat would choose. It chose neither and jumped off the table. Only someone with absolutely no regard for animals could "design" such an "experiment."