My first dog was a golden Labrador. Much the same nature as a retriever.As an asthma suffer myself, I feel for your wife. We have a Mini Golden Doodle (Golden Retriever cross with a poodle). And he is an amazing dog, does not shed that much, does not smell, no issues with my asthma because there is less skin shedding, exceptionally intelligent and very playful and terrific with the kids. I walk him in the morning and afternoons, although the morning "walks" is pretty much his walking me and not the other way around and by walks, it's pretty much a steady jog to sprint. They do require grooming, but it's a joy with him as he just kind of flops in my lap as I brush him while watching TV. I tend to do this every night as it settles him down a bit and it's kind of a routine, plus it keeps his coat knot free.
We have a very big yard (just under an acre), so he gets a lot of exercise and has constant human contact at home and is played with constantly because, really, who can resist that face, not to mention many many things to play with, but he loves his "walks" *cough* runs *cough*, because it gets him out and about. He's my constant companion, to be honest... If we go down to the coast (he adores the beach), he's the first one in the car.. If I go anywhere that he can come, he's the first one in the car and all I need to do is jiggle the car keys at him and open the door to the garage and he's there, waiting for me to open the car door. He even goes with me to drop the kids to school, and pick them up. He gets a kiss and cuddle goodbye or hello outside the school instead of me, because it's apparently less embarrassing to hug the dog instead of one's own mother in front of school friends.
I honestly do not think I could ever look at another dog breed now. Such a beautiful dog. Pretty much identical to this guy:
5 years old.. And named Wooks, for obvious reasons. I'd post his picture, but the only photos I have of him where he's not right in the camera and the only thing you see is fur (loves the camera and thinks he needs to get right into it each time), has my kid's or other family member in it, so I won't post those.. But he looks pretty much exactly like this guy.
I am actually considering getting another one, to be honest. I highly recommend them!
Although I love all dogs and all breeds, my two Rotties were exceptional.
The last one lived till he was 13.5 years [a great age for this breed] and would lay at my feet while I was watching telly, and lick my toe jam constantly and thoroughly!
We sometimes would have problems with AG people doing the rounds and distributing the Watchtower: If I ever saw them coming, I would sit Rocky at the front screen door, and when they attempted to walk up our path, he would give just one almighty loud bark, and stand up!
It did the trick all the time.
ps: Whenever I hear on the news etc about any dog attack, I feel like grabbing the owner and throttling them!
Most breed of dog treated with the right amount of "firmness" and plenty of TLC, will not be a problem from my experiences.....including the poor old Pit Bull and the fearsome reputation they have.
Never looked like having any problem with either of my Rotties.