Where do thoughts come from ?

External!? So Mind body connection huh!? Well in that case, the DC comic book Universe's, The Watch Men's very own, Dr. Manhattan, is a very realistic character. Awesome, and of course, you could be right, who on Earth am I to judge?
In researching this a bit, I've learned that the brain is made up of 100 billion nerve cells (neurons), interconnected by trillions of synapses. How does all of that produce a single thought, independent of what anyone else could be thinking at the very same moment? That's a pretty thrilling thought, in and of itself.
Consider that a picture is made up from billions of color pixels. I believe this is how the brain functions. the neural network constructs a composite of neural information bits which are experienced as a holographic image inside the brain. This is how we can experience a lifesize image inside an average adult brain volume of 1260 cubic centimeters (cm3) for men and 1130 cm3 for women. This is quite remarkable, when you think of it.

The physical brain inside your skull can only make "best guesses" of what it receives second hand from your sensory inputs. But it seems to have an enormous memory storage capacity, from which it can draw and fill in details that may not necessarily be observable by the senses in real time, but are available in the memory, which is made up from sets of microtubules. When these undergo "catastrophic disintegration" Alzheimers loss of memory is the result.
(see also Alternative Theories sub-forum)

This is how writers can write a book , describing in detail the imagined scenery and external conditions necessary for development of the plot.
Memory is understandable but new thoughts come from where ?

Even in a life of monotonous routine, perceptual events and sensations do not perfectly repeat themselves every day. That content gets converted to descriptive thought or understanding, and can additionally stimulate personal, creative imagination. No boundaries have been provided for "new" as to whether it can apply to variations of the familiar (common) or must pertain only to the radically novel (rare).
Anil Seth demonstrates a beautiful example of the brains flexibility and ability to incorporate new information or to make sense from prior nonsense.

One phenomenon is not "I believe it, when I see it", but "I see it, when I believe it".

If that curious statement intrigues you, do watch the Anil Seth video in my thread; "Is consciousness to be found ........" in the Alternative Theories thread.
On second thought, it's perfectly appropriate to post it here as well. It actually answers the OP question, if one takes the time to actually concider the "proofs"presented in the lecture.
Mark Turner said:
Memory is understandable but new thoughts come from where ?
What new thoughts? Your brain cannot create new thoughts other than what it "knows" or can "imagine", from memory.

Watch the video by Anil Seth. This guy knows what he is talking about.
What new thoughts? Your brain cannot create new thoughts other than what it "knows" or can "imagine", from memory.

Watch the video by Anil Seth. This guy knows what he is talking about.


in that case the new thoughts which are aspects of the sensory range sometimes.
wegs said:
In researching this a bit, I've learned that the brain is made up of 100 billion nerve cells (neurons), interconnected by trillions of synapses. How does all of that produce a single thought, independent of what anyone else could be thinking at the very same moment? That's a pretty thrilling thought, in and of itself.

Because of Life's Energy .

Life Energy is an Entirely different form of Energy from Cosmic Plasmas .

Life Energy wants to Know ....

Cosmic Plasmas don't want to know ....knowledge . We do Life does .
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I think thought comes from geometry of arrangement of atoms ( or may go smaller) in mind. Like computer our thoughts come from analysing what information we take in and what we retain. All the emotions may be different setting to deal with certain situation. Our brain itself might be a complex quantum computer which resets once data has been analysed and information is retained. Out brain might not be fast in calculation due to analysing data from each of our cell (or may go smaller lol). So our thought might come from our computing mind and we don't remember because before the memory is retained it is processed first. Idk if words are right, i think its more like information is put into output before going to memory section hence we don't remember where it comes from.
river said:
Because of Life's Energy .

Life Energy is an Entirely different form of Energy from Cosmic Plasmas .

Life Energy wants to Know ....

Cosmic Plasmas don't want to know ....knowledge . We do Life does .

Nonsensical gibberish....

or if you like, you can

The Universe forms the Periodic Table . Based on particles(atoms) , to the sub-atomic , ( quantum ) . Nothing changes . None Evolve .

Life Evolves . To thinking .
The Universe forms the Periodic Table . Based on particles(atoms) , to the sub-atomic , ( quantum ) . Nothing changes . None Evolve .

Life Evolves . To thinking .
I asked you to explain in depth, not continue with more baseless gibberish.
pad it important that you reply , in threads which I can . Reply . Otherwise it is a conversation you have with your self .
pad it important that you reply , in threads which I can . Reply . Otherwise it is a conversation you have with your self .
You need to ask yourself why you cannot reply to any sub-section in this forum like everyone else. And of course I would at least get some common sense talking to myself rather then you...