What's Your Favorite Bushism?

wow..so many folks know so much about social gaffes bush has made..but how many of you know anything about the economic policies he enacted that have ravaged the american economy?

stop focusing on the stupid shit, and start educating yourself on his real goal:
enslaving you to the elite.
wow..so many folks know so much about social gaffes bush has made..but how many of you know anything about the economic policies he enacted that have ravaged the american economy? stop focusing on the stupid shit, and start educating yourself on his real goal: enslaving you to the elite.
We know about that stuff. We just have to take a break from it once in a while.
We know about that stuff. We just have to take a break from it once in a while.

why would you take a break from somebody trying to financially imprison the youth of america? this is the greatest swindle in the history of the country, and all we ever hear about is "how stupid bush is", or "how funny he speaks".
its not funny. its sick, and perpetuating the myth that bush is stupid makes one an accomplice.
Why would you take a break from somebody trying to financially imprison the youth of America? This is the greatest swindle in the history of the country, and all we ever hear about is "how stupid Bush is", or "how funny he speaks". It's not funny. it's sick, and perpetuating the myth that Bush is stupid makes one an accomplice.
Soldiers on the front lines tell jokes. People in Auschwitz told jokes. This is so common that we have the term "gallows humor" for it. I think the ability of Homo sapiens to not only appreciate humor but even create it in the most dire circumstances is one of the species's most endearing features and I would not call it "sick."

The tens of millions of us who believe that Bush's IQ is below 100 may be wrong, but he's inarguably in the bottom percentiles of college graduates, which is nothing to be proud of in an era when American universities offer remedial English to their freshmen and their average graduate reads at what my generation called the sixth-grade level. Coming fresh on the heels of a Rhodes Scholar, it's neither inaccurate nor misleading to call him just plain "stupid." It's inconceivable that his rare accomplishments--by anyone's agenda--are not a combination of behind-the-scenes manipulation, skillful advisors and handlers, and a bit of dumb luck.

If you read the news you surely know it's not true that "all we ever hear about is how stupid Bush is or how funny he speaks." That's the special province of Jon Stewart. By presenting various things Bush has said on the same topic at various times during his reign, he makes a case both for his stupidity and for his lack of mastery of his native language--one of the primary indicators of intelligence in our species--that is difficult to gainsay.

In any case, this is the Linguistics board. Now that the Moderator has weighed in, I'd like to return this thread to its original purpose, which is to laugh at the man's butchering of our language--or at the most to express our outrage as linguists over that one facet of his presidency. If you want to start a political debate, please take it to the Politics board and I'm sure everyone who's interested will find you there. The rest of us want a laugh break.
"We cannot let terrorists and rogue nations..hold this nation hostile or hold our allies hostile"

love that one.. I think he meant to say hostage..
To be a momentary semiotician:
the flight jacket. This linguistic sign that he was tough, military, a man of action, a 'real' commander in chief, etc., was hysterical. The wives at the barbeque would have laughed at this particular husband in the parallel backyard gesture. Of course here it was a part of world politics. Oops.
why would you take a break from somebody trying to financially imprison the youth of america? this is the greatest swindle in the history of the country, and all we ever hear about is "how stupid bush is", or "how funny he speaks".
its not funny. its sick, and perpetuating the myth that bush is stupid makes one an accomplice.

.. You can be naturally smart.. Or surround yourself with smart people or you could just let your father give you all the advice.
I like the one about Bush taking a book to bed with him every night. Hasn't he finished colouring it in yet?

Talking of the war in Iraq, it came out afterwards that when Bush asked lapdog Blair to join him in the war, the British secret service asked the American secret service what they were going to do after they had beaten Saddam Hussein (there was of course no doubt this would happen). The American secret service said they had it all covered and not to worry.

It has been said of Bush that when he is sincere, talking on something he really believes in, he does well. It's only when he's insincere that we get the Bushisms.
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It was said by someone a few years back on BBC Radio 4 after some Bushisms had been read out from a book of them.

Corny Dubya joke: Bush is playing draughts with a boy of three.
"He's smart!" says one of Bush's aides.
"Is he heck?" says Bush. "I've beat him 3 times out of 5."
What did junior mean when he said that he believed that, “humans and fish could peacefully coexist”. What was he talking about? I did not know we were at war with each other.
None of that is true. He is a decent, kind, funny, honorable man of God. And some people just hate that. :rolleyes:
Some of my favorites have already been mentioned, but here's another:

"You can fool some of the people all of the time and those are the ones you want to concentrate on."

- N
None of that is true. He is a decent, kind, funny, honorable man of God. And some people just hate that.
He may be any of those. At the very least no one could say he's not funny. But that argument is for the Politics board. What we're focused on here is his well-documented inability speak his native language fluently--at least in public. That's fair game for the Linguistics board. Like Spoonerisms, Bushisms are entertaining.

I already squelched an anti-Bush diatribe a few months ago on this thread, so I'm trying my best to be impartial and stay on topic.

I realize this is a tempting subject, but please: no more politics from anyone.
I have an entire book of Bushisms. It's a book that counts down the time left until Bush is finally out. I also bought a wall calendar from the same people a couple days ago. Here are the Bushisms for January:

"More and more of our imports come from overseas."
"I believe we are called to do the hard work to make our communities and quality of life a better place." -- Collinsville, Illinois, January 2005.
"Keep good relations with the Grecians." -- The Economist, 1999.
"There's no such thing as legacies. At least, there is a legacy, but I'll never see it." -- The White House, January 2001.
"Then I went for a run with the other dog and just walked. And I started thinking about a lot of things. I was able to-- I can't remember what it was. Oh, the inaugural speech, started thinking through that." -- US News & World Report, January 22, 2001.
"See, one of the interesting things in the Oval Office-- I love to bring people into the Oval Office — right around the corner from here — and say, this is where I office, but I want you to know the office is always bigger than the person." -- Washington, DC, January 2004.
"I've been to war. I've raised twins. If I had a choice, I'd rather go to war." -- Charleston, West Virginia, January 27th, 2002.

There are 384 days left, by the way.
I know someone already mentioned it, but my favorite was, "fool me once... shame on... you, [short pause, thinking perhaps?] fool me can't get fooled again!"