What would you do if..

Discussion in 'Parapsychology' started by Magical Realist, Jul 1, 2014.

  1. Magical Realist Valued Senior Member

    Go back to hallucinating. You made more sense then..
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  3. Motor Daddy Valued Senior Member

    Again you fail to understand the difference between your dead Aunt sitting on your sofa talking to you for 30 minutes, and a lightening bolt that strikes and kills people, starts fires, etc.

    Lightening is measurable, and it causes damage! There is a sound component to lightening too, it's called thunder. Most kids have seen and heard thunder and lightening all their lives. Dead Aunts on the sofa? Never!
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  5. Captain Kremmen All aboard, me Hearties! Valued Senior Member

    Re dead aunt scenario:

    I have such an aunt. Dead that is. But as yet she has made no visitation.
    I would like her to do so, as she was a good laugh.
    Should she do so, I would consider whether she was a product of my imagination.
    As the imagination is by its nature unverifiable,
    I would be left wondering whether the apparition was real or not.

    I would apply this test.
    Many things that my aunt knows, I also know.
    But many things which she knows, I do not know.
    I would question my aunt to find out if there is anything that she knows
    that would be impossible for me to know.

    That knowledge must be definite and verifiable.
    If my aunt starts saying
    "My information is something to do with gas, or it could be pass or maybe ass",
    or "There's a name of someone beginning with an S"
    or she starts mumbling so I can't quite make out what she's saying.
    Immediate rejection.

    If the information given proved correct, I would give the aunt temporary credence, pending further investigation.
    If the aunt had no knowledge of anything outside of what I knew myself to be true,
    I would assess that she was a product of my imagination.
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  7. billvon Valued Senior Member

    I don't hallucinate dead aunts, so the issue is moot.
  8. Captain Kremmen All aboard, me Hearties! Valued Senior Member

    What if the dead aunt was insistent?
    Mine would be.
  9. Magical Realist Valued Senior Member

    Ghosts are certainly measurable with emf meters and motion detectors. They can cause damage by moving objects. They can make noises and talk. And as I already established with Abe Lincoln's ghost, have been seen by numerous witnesses. Ghosts have been sighted all over the world since ancient times. I doubt there's an app for it yet. I'll check and get back with you.

    Well wadda ya know! Here's a Google app for turning your phone/computer into a ghost detector!

  10. Magical Realist Valued Senior Member

    You just said you would be if you saw her on your couch. Are you now saying you can't hallucinate such a thing? Make up your mind.
  11. billvon Valued Senior Member

    That's probably correct.
    No, I am saying I do NOT hallucinate such things. (can != does.) Since you have admitted the same thing, looks like we agree.
  12. Magical Realist Valued Senior Member

    I've never admitted I can hallucinate the ghost of my aunt and my visiting neighbor at the same time. That was your claim. Remember?
  13. Captain Kremmen All aboard, me Hearties! Valued Senior Member

    My test is a good way to sort the false from the true, with regard to aunty apparitions.
    See post #83

    Even if you have a pre-existing faith in apparitions, it is a way to sort out the possibly true from the definitely true.
    After all, even if you believe in apparitions, you need to divine which are genuine and which are the product of wicked emanations.
  14. billvon Valued Senior Member

    Again, can != does. (In case you didn't understand that shorthand, it means the word "can" is not the same as the word "does.") Since you have admitted you DO not hallucinate your aunt, looks like we agree.
  15. Magical Realist Valued Senior Member

    It was a hypothetical question. You understand what that is don't you? IF this happened, what would you do? The IF assumed you were seeing an apparition of your aunt. You claimed it would be a hallucination. You even claimed the neighbor seeing her was a hallucination. I never agreed with that at all. Sinking in yet?
  16. billvon Valued Senior Member

    No, I claimed that I _assumed_ it would be a hallucination. In general I assume the most likely explanation unless presented with good evidence to the contrary.
  17. Magical Realist Valued Senior Member

    Same thing. You're claiming it would be a hallucination because you assume it is one.
  18. billvon Valued Senior Member

    No. I would _assume_ it was a hallucination. In general I assume the most likely explanation unless presented with good evidence to the contrary.

    If you got off the Internet I am sure you would do the same. If a friend of yours came to you and said "I see dead people sitting on my couch! And they're talking to me!" your first concern would be for your friend's mental health - not whether he had a couch cover to keep the ectoplasm off his couch.
  19. Magical Realist Valued Senior Member

    No I wouldn't assume that. If he said his aunt appeared to him on his couch and spoke to him for awhile, even having his neighbor coming over to confirm it, I'd assume it was a real experience and not a brain glitch. See, the prospect of the paranormal doesn't threaten my world or my sanity like it apparently does yours. It's simply one of those unexplained aspects of reality that goes on. It doesn't effect my grasp on reality in any way whatsoever. We have hardly scratched the tip of the iceberg of what is out there. There's still so much left to learn about what reality is and what is possible for it.
  20. zgmc Registered Senior Member

    What did your neighbor do? Did your aunt acknowledge him? What did you guys talk about? Did she know she is dead? WWe need all of the details here to figure this out...
  21. Captain Kremmen All aboard, me Hearties! Valued Senior Member

    If I have a visitation from my dead aunt,
    should I give her the aunty test?
  22. zgmc Registered Senior Member

    absolutely! the aunty test and pinching should be protocol when dealing with specters.
  23. Sandralove Registered Member

    there was a study that seeing dead people is related to hallucination.

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