what kind of computer?

What type of computer do you have?

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I have a 850MHz Celeron with 448 MB RAM, 85 GB storage, 15" flat panel monitor with assorted other goodies. Built myself.

I also have a 400MHz Apple PowerBook (which is actually faster than the Celeron).
800 Mhz Athlon (tbird)
196megs of ram
Abit KT7 Mainboard
Sound Blaster Live!
Nividia Gforce2 Ultra
2 20gig Western Digital hard drives
Tdk Velocd 12x10x32
Aopen Dvd
Pentium 233mmx
3.2 gig harddrive
32 mb sdram
1mb edo video ram(2D)
Voodoo 2 8mb edo ram
24x cd rom
cheap sound.

And my computers name is Eliza. :)
Named after that famous chat program 'Eliza' made in the 70's. ie last century.

hmm, well.

i got me a thnkpad 265dx lap top (IMB)

486.. not sure, but it worx!!

550 mhz celeron some motehrboard, 64 mb of ram (getting 256 more very very soon) cheap snd, mach 64 vid card 17 " monitor.

damn straight, its powered by linux!

getting a new AMD t-bird 1 ghz, gygabyte 7dx motherboards.. and other stuff! gtg
The best computers are those that you can work on and replace parts without having to buy the original maker's parts and have enough room to add what you will. Some of the homemades use a lot of their expansion slots to add video drives, mouse drives, ect. This eats up room that could be used for other expansions. So to me the best is one that is generically compatible with almost any peripheral. For example, I learned on a Magnavox 386. Almost nothing was compatible with the thing resulting in having to buy the item and then return it two or three times before I found something that would work. Some of the computers are designed so that only a certain style or shape will fit if that part goes out. I.e. a popup cd rom reader. For those you must purchase from that manufacturer at whatever price they care to charge. Better that you’re not locked into this option and can buy from a large choice of makers. You can then shop for a better price. Not to mention that you don’t have to wait for the part to arrive, which can be weeks.
I just put together an Athalon 1.1 Ghz...256Mb RAM...DMA 100, 30 Gig HD...CD Burner...32 Mb AGP V-card...TV/FM tuner card.

My wife and kids now own the Athalon 600 which I put together last year.

My Mom is using my 486 Compaq laptop for her typing class.

My Pent. 166MMX is sitting in the back room waiting for a stick of RAM and a floppy and a good use. I haven't decided what I want to do with it.

I rather buiuld my own then buy a packaged system. the cost for do such runs anywhere $450.00 to $650.00, depending on the accessories that I might replace.
No question on price. A lot of folks just don't have the knowhow to assemble their own. Some don't have the time. As for your 166, you could have one of those house programmed computers handling everything from security to turning on the water, house lights, hot water heater ( to save money, you'd be suprised how much turning it off saves) turning on the air condidioner proir to arrriving home, ect. Another thing could be the home network base. Add a large hard drive, some memory if needed, and necessary network euipt. and use it for a storage device for your other computers. If not sure about necessary netwroking equiptment required then they make plugins to take care of that. I'm sure there are other uses but these come to the top of my head right away.
I was thinking of a small network so my kid and I can challenge eachother while playing our favorite computer games, or I might give LINUX a whirl. I tried to give the 166 to my mom, but she didn't want it. I'm worried that she plans on keeping my laptop (LTE Elite).

Play'em myself. Unless they're old ones the 166 may not have enough horsepower or be current enough to run them. Games have a way of making you update/upgrade rather frequently. For the older ones though, not a bad idea!
eBay might be an option, but the demand lQQks a little flat...

<a href = "http://listings.ebay.com/aw/listings/going/all/category3743/index.html">eBay--Pent. Systems</a>

I can network the two Athalon systems without using the Pent. 166. I just hate to see it sitting over there without any use. Maybe it is time to instal LINUX. I have been wanting to give it a try but never had an extra computer for it.
whatta great idea bowser!!!! the easiest, by far is RedHat. i run redhat only becasue i cannot afford a new distrobution (yes, i know they are free... but i only connect at 28.8 and i dont feel like d'loading all hat)

the best, well... the favorite by the 31337 computer world (coders, hackers, nerds, geeks....w ahtever you wish to call them) is slackware.


:) e-mail me if you have anymore questions, im sure you can answer them on the internet though. dexter@bsd.sh
I have a couple versions sitting around here on CD. It's something I have wanted to play with but just didn't have a free CPU. I think I will do it.

BTW: "Athlon" I think I've misspelled that several times on this thread. <img src = "http://www.sciforums.com/images/icons/icon10.gif"> ...pretty silly
Well, I loaded Mandrake on my Athlon 600...interesting. I'm gonna play with it for a few days then try to sell the system. I need to pay off my Visa--I bought a new motherboard last week.
Originally posted by Deadwood
Pentium 233mmx
3.2 gig harddrive
32 mb sdram
1mb edo video ram(2D)
Voodoo 2 8mb edo ram
24x cd rom
cheap sound.

And my computers name is Eliza. :)
Named after that famous chat program 'Eliza' made in the 70's. ie last century.

Thanks for making me feel better after Porfiry description of his computer ....

I have a AMDk6 450mhz
128 Ram
SB Live
GeForce 256 Anihalator
20 GB storage
17' AOC

And it think that's all.
It ins't powered by linux... YET!
My laptop's name is Kira. That was to be the name of my first-born, but I liked my computer sufficiently and also realized that the probability of my ever having a first-born are not that great. :(

My desktop is unnamed, but I refer to it using an assortment of profane language that would be censored were I to type it here. In fact, right now, my desktop is totally dead -- it powers up but doesn't bring up the video display, nor does it load the OS. This, after a week of misfortune in which my DSL and phone lines died for no apparent reason along with my $400 (CAN) dollar headphones. If I were a superstitious man I might think someone was trying to ween me off technology (good luck, indeed).
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