Msg To all “What ‘is’ Time” SciForums participants.
Ok, I'm going to say it. I’m getting really disappointed with the direction this forum is going. And some of the people here claiming to be scientific while also actually engaging in name calling should be starting to feel a bit embarrassed for themselves. As the saying goes “what is a good man if he is not a bad mans teacher, and what is a bad man if he is not a good mans teacher”.
However, i do not think all is lost. I have chatted on a lot of “what is time”, “Does time exist?” forums, and I had hoped I’d found a forum that wasn’t heading down the (amusing but) unproductive “your mum...” route : ), so perhaps we can get back on track, I have a few suggestions below.
I consider this area of ”time” to be the most unscientific area of science I have ever seen. Why, because it’s the one area where people seem free to rush to insults, and to kick the scientific method aside without even giving it lip service. However, that also makes it a an area from me where I think some fascinating things may be waiting to be found.
The problem is, so many people rush of to say why they think a certain thing exists or not... without even clearly defining it... and just as bad many seem to intend to define it as they go along, and think that defending a side, as opposed to logically and objectively checking all possibilities, is scientific. Which it is not. We can’t change how nature happens to be or not, we can only work together to try and work out how it may actually be.
SO, if I can take it everyone has got their insults out the way ( here on a what is meant to be a “scientific” forum ) and realised they do not advance scientific knowledge.
So could I suggest we all take a step back in case we are too entrenched in an opinion, as opposed to describing and testing actual observations, as per the scientific method.
And remember, if time does exist, then we are all wasting it going round in circles, and if time does not exist we are all at least wasting energy and telomeres ! ( perhaps we can all at least agree on that :^).
Imo, this cannot be an emotional issue, progress in science comes for checking foundational concepts, so can I suggest the one thing everyone here, with any opinion (the possibility of time v the possibility of timelessness), can at least agree we need a clear and agreed, working definition of “time”. And from there start afresh?
My position is I sincerely think matter just existing and interacting may be all we need to explain all we observe, and to explain away some misunderstandings, so I can’t provide a definition, but I also can’t explain my reasoning in contrast to an undefined thing that seems to be slightly different to each person defending it.
The OED definition of “time” is,
“The indefinite continued progress of existence and events in ‘the past’, ‘present’, and ‘future’ regarded as a whole:”
So can the 'for time' people agree on that, or modify it to an agreed (perhaps more scientific) definition.
Then, perhaps we can free ourselves from apparently personal investment in this issue, and more systematically civilly, and scientifically discuss at least an agreed definition, and the existence etc of each of “time’s” suggested components.
Just my opinion, Matthew Marsden