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Registered Senior Member
I see you still prefer to bomb with links and appeals to authority which does not properly address what I pointed out. What a surprise!
Paddoboy, do you realize that any attribution to Gravitational Wave and interpretations of 'fitting' GR mean nothing at all if there are other causes and fittings which do not relate to GR or GW assumptions, interpretations and theory?
Is that too subtle? James R, others, and I, have tried to get that subtlety through your blinkered obsession with links and appeals to authority that does not actually address the points in question properly. Why are you so emotionally attached and in denial of what is obvious to any rational objective scientist and logical thinker here and elsewhere?
Just because an earlier interpretation and attribution was made to GR GW, it doesn't mean it was set in stone. This question of Magnetic forces and losses to the system can explain exactly the same orbital decay rates as their initial GR GW attribution and interpretation 'fitting' can. Which makes the question open to discussion on its merits (not on your layman or other "experts" kneejerking from arrogance and denial; learn the lesson which Penrose spoke of when he stopped kneejerking against valid ideas and questions which he used to call "nonsense" when they weren't).
Please now do the necessary: Provide arguments and references to where the actual extreme E-M forces and interplay in such extreme body binary systems were properly quantified and considered as possible explanations for the energy loss and orbital decays observed.
Thanks. Best.
Distractions? Irrelevancy?? More just a cop out.
Let me again say in no uncertain terms, you were wrong in claiming that Penrose was a founding Father of the BB, and also wrong in insinuating that he had any say in raising it from hypothesis to theory stage.
His only connection to the BB theory was in conjunction with Hawking and talks of the Singularity and nature of.
But of course you can stopthis right now by showing some reputable history or link claiming Penrose was either one of the founding Fathers, or instrumental in establishing the BB.
Afterall you did mention you have read his history, so nows your chance to verify what you claim.
No one has ever claimed that magnetic forces do not have some effect, but the evidence shows that energy lost via gravitational radiation is the main cause and matches what is seen in orbital decay......
The 1974 discovery, by Russell A. Hulse and Joseph H. Taylor, of the first binary pulsar PSR B1913+16, opened up new possibilities for the study of relativistic gravity. PSR B1913+16, as well as several other binary pulsars, provided direct observational proofs that gravity propagates at the velocity of light and has a quadrupolar structure. Binary pulsars also provided accurate tests of the strong-field regime of relativistic gravity. General Relativity has passed all the binary pulsar tests with flying colors. The discovery of binary pulsars had also very important consequences for astrophysics: accurate measurement of neutron star masses, improved understanding of the possible evolution scenarios for the coevolution of binary stars, proof of the existence of binary neutron stars emitting gravitational waves for hundreds of millions of years, before coalescing in catastrophic events radiating intense gravitational-wave signals, and probably leading also to important emissions of electromagnetic radiation and neutrinos. This article reviews the history of the discovery of the first binary pulsar, and describes both its immediate impact, and its longer-term effect on theoretical and experimental studies of relativistic gravity.
Concluding remarks
The 1974 discovery of the first binary pulsar has given us a cornucopia of important scientific benefits. The most spectacular ones concern the first experimental evidence that Einstein’s theory of General Relativity is valid beyond the usually tested quasi-stationary, weak-field regime. Indeed, binary pulsar data have probed, for the first time, relativistic gravity in regimes involving (either together or separately) radiative effects and strong-field effects. The citation accompanying the award, in October 1993, of the Nobel Prize in Physics to Russell A. Hulse and Joseph H. Taylor read: “for their discovery of a new type of pulsar, a discovery that has opened up new possibilities for the study of gravitation”. As we have discussed, these new possibilities for studying gravitation have been even more sucessful than what was envisaged in the months following the discovery. Even more importantly, the class of systems discovered by Hulse and Taylor promises to bring new discoveries in the near future, through the physics of the late stages of evolution of compact binaries: gravitational waves, probes of nuclear-matter equation of state, possible connection with gamma-ray bursts,. . . Let us finally mention the hope that radio pulsars in orbit around a black hole will soon be discovered. The black hole companion could be either a ∼ 10 M⊙ black hole, or, possibly, a much more massive black hole. Recently, a magnetar was discovered near the massive (∼ 4 × 106 M⊙) black hole at the center of our Galaxy [97]. Searches are underway for discovering pulsars having better timing stability, and closer to the galactic center. Such a discovery would be a fantastic new milestone for General Relativity.
Due to the fact that the evidence shows that gravitational radiation was the prime result of the Hulse-Taylor binary Pulsar system, as well as many others, they were awarded the Nobel prize for physics.
Yes, I can understand how you may now like to deride, denigrate at attempt to cheapen the world recognised top award for the sciences, but I really suggest you do some inner soul searching.
You, as a no body [like me] rattling away and preaching your gospel on a public science forum, really and truly, makes absolutely no difference to anything in academia and the professional ranks, just by the way as James has also mentioned.
The question that needs to be asked is how, and/or why so many cranks are under such delusional complexes as to believe they are making any difference to the science world in general.
On that score, I may take James advice and leave you to stew in your own juice with of course your next lengthy evangelistic lesson naturally directed at me.
Unless of course you do have some link to support your nonsensical claim re Penrose and/or the Hulse-Taylor Pulsar Nobel prize winning evidence for gravitational waves.
I see you still prefer to bomb with links and appeals to authority which does not properly address what I pointed out. What a surprise!
Paddoboy, do you realize that any attribution to Gravitational Wave and interpretations of 'fitting' GR mean nothing at all if there are other causes and fittings which do not relate to GR or GW assumptions, interpretations and theory?
Is that too subtle? James R, others, and I, have tried to get that subtlety through your blinkered obsession with links and appeals to authority that does not actually address the points in question properly. Why are you so emotionally attached and in denial of what is obvious to any rational objective scientist and logical thinker here and elsewhere?
Just because an earlier interpretation and attribution was made to GR GW, it doesn't mean it was set in stone. This question of Magnetic forces and losses to the system can explain exactly the same orbital decay rates as their initial GR GW attribution and interpretation 'fitting' can. Which makes the question open to discussion on its merits (not on your layman or other "experts" kneejerking from arrogance and denial; learn the lesson which Penrose spoke of when he stopped kneejerking against valid ideas and questions which he used to call "nonsense" when they weren't).
Please now do the necessary: Provide arguments and references to where the actual extreme E-M forces and interplay in such extreme body binary systems were properly quantified and considered as possible explanations for the energy loss and orbital decays observed.
Thanks. Best.
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