backstop means hard border? need immigration and custom check point? Correct?
need passport too?
some people want a simple answer
the solution is far from simple
many businesses trade with the economic union(EU)
this means their currency is tied to the value of their economy
the value of the currency directly effects jobs
it also directly effects basic business
if and or when the UK leaves the EU
it will mean that Ireland will suddenly have an international border and forced currency exchange in the middle of their country.
they will have to stop on the side of the road and pay tax
declare goods
show their passport
every truck
every car
every trip to the local shopping mall
any time they go down the road and they cross the border, they will be forced to produce travel documents which many of them may not have and would have to go and pay for.
the added search and regulation of goods moving across the border would be soo crippling to the smaller market that it is likely to spike inflation inside that smaller market.
this is why i posted the pictures of worthless money in massive inflation countrys
it would undermine the value of wages paid to the average person and force upon them currency conversion changes and such like compliance costs
which would be a forced cut in wages and a forced increase in the cost of goods.
inflation of goods
cutting of wages
considering the massive financial hit that Ireland took after the 2008 global credit collapse, it would seem like cruel and unusual punishment for their long hard years of fighting to get back on their feet.
the average person who voted for BREXIT has no real understanding of this reality.
a top priority of the UK should be to look at urgently making arrangement to allow Ireland to continue business as usual without sudden massive compliance and currency costs being dumped on them.