What happens when light stops?

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What happens if light stops?

If light stops, time also stops. Also stops the expansion of space. All materials will be broken down to until the singularity. All substances will be transformed into energy states. This energy intensive fields are distributed equally everywhere in space, due to entropy law. It lasts, until all the frequencies will be at the equal level radiation. It is the return to previous period of big bang.:D
If light stops, time also stops. Also stops the expansion of space. All materials will be broken down to until the singularity. All substances will be transformed into energy states. This energy intensive fields are distributed equally everywhere in space, due to entropy law. It lasts, until all the frequencies will be at the equal level radiation. It is the return to previous period of big bang.:D
Congratulations Burtay, this is the oldest resurrection of a thread I've ever seen!

When the light of a more distant star passing near a massive object in space appears to curve it is not because the photons of light are responding to the nearby mass as if they themselves have mass. The photons are moving in straight-line paths. It is spacetime through which they are moving that is curved by the massive object nearby.

It is analogous to a spoon in a glass of water. It appears bent but is not physically bent.

The photon is moving straight. The mass is curving spacetime. The curvature of spacetime makes the photon's straight-line behavior appear to the outside observer to be curved as if in response to the mass, but the photon only knows it is moving straight.

More Einstein, less Newton.

it appears einstein said massive objects cause or are-in curved space time, meaning that gravity is a factor. yet he failed to tie gravity in his eqations.
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