If I use the word "if", there is a good chance you have done it, hence my saying it.Using an 'if' is one form of coyness. (If you think I'm doing that, say so.)
Its usage is more aimed at indicating an effect arising from a cause. I could also use "because".
It's not.Since the 'if' premise is false, the rest of the statement matters not. Simple.
Just look at your recent fall back on your assertions on who owns the responsibility of being sincere in a q & a format.
Then you are not being as successful as you could be. Every time fallacies of argument and discussion are employed, whatever one tries to promote in the name of rational discussion is undermined. Note, this has nothing to do with the subject under discussion, its about methodology. While this is a sort of casual forum, so one can expect an element of ego jockeying from time to time, if the medium is overwhelmed by its relentless pursuit you inadvertently bring the subject of attitude to the discussion as the main focus.That is not my endeavor. My endeavor is to encourage rational, defensible discussion of objective things. I don't care which way it goes nearly as much as I care that it goes rationally.
Ok, that's good to know.It is not uncommon to see me defend some valid point made by a theist - just as it is not uncommon to see me challenge a poorly constructed atheist argument. (In fact, I challenged one right here in this thread - the crystal rubbing comparison - defending you, in fact. It wasn't until the argument was clarified that I was willing to grant it as valid.)
Now - I can't help the fact that there tends to an overlap between theist beliefs and irrational thinking* - at least here - by some of the more vocal contributors, but I certainly don't fault you for not seeing the nuance of my focus.
To sum: a topic can only advance through rational argument. By calling out irrationality, I am making way for advancement of the discussion.
*for the record, I don't think you're one of the irrational ones.