LOL. What could you possibly know about science?
that integrity rules! Not the community accepted benchmarks!
(not toilet paper hanging on the wall, showing an ivy league education)
If you want to challenge me, start with Heisenberg.
math is not the hard part and i have sat with mathematicians who know damn well.
defining the evidence is where the advancements come from.
ie.... black body radiation or that UV catastrophe; has anyone changed the types of mass? Observed the structures (molecular and volume) to RE-check the predictions.
Same with the double slit experiment.
The photoelectric effect in itself shares that each structure has different thresholds to release a 'per se' electron
as well the bohr quantum leap/jump analogy in itself shares the same ideology of 'energy upon mass' at each potential change
but how many OF the EXPERIMENTS (evidence) have you REHASHED?
"Predicting" is what people like you like to read. ("what happens at the event horizon"; crap)
but from how phospholipid bilayers assemble to what is holding the nuclear pore of the 'nuclear envelope" in place.....
that be what is most important (and i 'predict' all the time for all of them; from the Max demon thu to the UVC......... seems best to address the underlying rules, versus just the theorem (mathematics is not the hard part))
ie... to combine the comprehension of what many have accepted, any true physicist should know that chemistry in itself is a joke (reductions?????????? life based on reductions???????)
or even the thread title
What does it mean to have random mutations?
answer: the community does NOT know how it works, (per the OLD OLD school, like's just uncertain, see heisenberg)
it is like a bible-thumper, you have your benchmarks (road blocks, and that is just it and of nail-biting arrogance, you continue, because the MAJORITY OF THE COMMUNITY holds the fool with the most 'toilet paper' as the idiom of sustaining the last word)
guys like einstein and wolff, observe evidence before belief (both knew, the work is incomplete; 'ie....
"random is not an option"'
and like here, the 'accepted', (heisenberg and planck) hold the most clout (in copenhagen)
almost 100 yrs since, and to this day, not a mathematical frame sharing how nano crystals GROW
nor how life exists upon mass
jeff............. you like your beliefs
i don't