What do you think of this!

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Registered Senior Member
Picture a future where distributing Linux is a crime punishable by a hefty fine and a prison sentence. If that sounds ridiculous, then you haven't run into the Security Systems Standards and Certification Act. It's the very latest - and most bizarre - word in political back-scratching from one of South Carolina's U.S. senators. And he'd rather not talk about it, thank you very much.

It is unlawful to manufacture, import, offer to the public, provide or otherwise traffic in any interactive digital device that does not include and utilize certified security technologies that adhere to the security systems standards adopted under section 104. This is the heart of the new Security Systems Standards and Certification Act (SSSCA), a draft of legislation proposed by U.S. Senator Ernest "Fritz" Hollings, a Democrat from South Carolina.

Yes, it is vague, and perhaps intentionally so. The SSSCA raises a number of questions, none of which its politically powerful sponsor feels compelled to answer.

They might be trying to push this through while every one is talking war!
I would at a guess, think that this would have something to do with companies and individuals creating technology that might include encryption to which they would have to have some form of certification to say that they conformed to giving the governing body a backdoor.

If that's not the case, perhaps it's an attempt to remove virus creators but in away it would remove all meaning of freedom from people being able to create things not just software.

I know that those sorts of Act's are passed quitely unless someone voices abou them so that in itself is good, But a good question would now be "Should this be moved to another topic?" since it is bringing up a point about legislation and rediculous rulings, especially since you pointed out it could stop such things as linux.

Perhaps the Senator is just scared of some naughty pictures being leaked out (of him) in some storage device :D
Originally posted by odin
They might be trying to push this through while every one is talking war!
I doubt that. It was in the pipeline long before the WTC incident, and it's (I hope) too ridiculous to countenance, even for congressmen, whose willingness to be bought is legendary.

Under the SSSCA (if passed), it'll be illegal to own a digital watch that doesn't have the requisite technology. The same goes for Tamagochi, laser pointers, laproscopes, digital rectal thermometers... the list is endless.

In short: you won't have to give up your trusty Linux. Unless you want to play Diablo II.
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