What do you think is the opposite of fear?

Discussion in 'General Philosophy' started by jandt, Dec 10, 2002.

  1. wynn ˙ Valued Senior Member

    As far as I know, the latest count of default reactions to threats is this:

    1. fight
    2. flight
    3. freeze
    4. tend and befriend

    Sometimes, when humans (and some animals too) are afraid, they try to tend to and befriend the feared person or other being.
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  3. origin Heading towards oblivion Valued Senior Member

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  5. Diode-Man Awesome User Title Registered Senior Member

    With fear you generally want to get away from what is scaring you...

    With Love you generally want to cling to whatever it is you love...

    Love is the opposite of fear.
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  7. -ND- Human Prototype Registered Senior Member

    opposite of fear is confidence.
  8. kx000 Valued Senior Member

    You can not beat fear! What do you people not understand? You will always be affraid of something; a sharp rock, a snake, no milk in the morning for cereal, etc. You can not cancle out fear with bravery because you had to be affraid first to be brave, contentment is living in constant fear of risk's. Confidence is not an emotion, it is a state of mind. There are two ways to make yourself indistructable, i.e defeating fear. Option A, establish FAITH in God, or a good woman. Faith makes fear irrelivent, why would I fear a dog mauling me? Even if it kills me, which I doubt it can because im me im going to Heaven, I have nothing to worry about. Scared you will never get married? Well, its only because she is waiting for me back in Heaven. Option B, learn to be passive. Be passive and you look fear in the eyes, you take the mask off death. You say hey I know what you are cappable of, but I wont stand for it, and I will not even act twoards you because you are not worth it. You can hate me, but I will still love you. You can kill me, but I will still die for you. The Lion & the Lamb.
  9. -ND- Human Prototype Registered Senior Member


    I beg to differ, they are both in your head and yourself, I don't see how confidence doesn't apply, and I do believe in God fyi, I am not an atheist or with everyone here

    con·fi·dence (knf-dns)
    1. Trust or faith in a person or thing.
    2. A trusting relationship: I took them into my confidence.
    a. That which is confided; a secret: A friend does not betray confidences.
    b. A feeling of assurance that a confidant will keep a secret: I am telling you this in strict confidence.
    4. A feeling of assurance, especially of self-assurance.
    5. The state or quality of being certain: I have every confidence in your ability to succeed.
  10. kx000 Valued Senior Member

    Faith vs. Confidence
    Faith is active, and unwavering because he has seen the light, and understands the light. Confidence is yeah okay maybe, I can do that I know I can, but im just going to keep doing this also just in case. Faith in confidence on steroids.
  11. Big Chiller Registered Senior Member

    Blatant ignorance is the opposite of fear...
  12. keith1 Guest

    Blatant ignorance can be blissful to the sword overhead or unwarrantedly cautious among friends. You'll need to rephrase you're statement.
  13. Big Chiller Registered Senior Member

    Is trust or certainty the opposite of fear?
  14. kx000 Valued Senior Member

    Ignorance keeps you safe from the world on a pillar high off the ground surounded by a moat filled with aligators bellow, faith gives you wings... see if fear can even touch you. Michael (faith), killed Lucifer (Light, fear), think about it. Faith kills fear, it makes it irrelivent, seriously /thread. This is my life, I look the devil in the eyes and I shed a tear for him.
  15. kx000 Valued Senior Member

    There is no opposition to fear, only faith, which makes fear irrelivent.
  16. Big Chiller Registered Senior Member

    I disagree.
  17. keith1 Guest

    Did somebody already say, "Knowledge is the opposite of Fear"?
    Knowledge is something you can trust with certainty.
  18. keith1 Guest

    Icarus had wax wings and no fear of the sun. You need to revisit you're statement.
  19. Big Chiller Registered Senior Member

    If knowledge is something you can trust with certainty why would that make knowledge the opposite of fear we're talking about opposites here.
  20. Pineal Banned Banned

    So if you are afraid of a lion that is charging you....?
  21. keith1 Guest

    If you ask, "Is trust and certainty the opposite of fear" , I was supposed to reply something like, "Simply yes"? Or am I allowed to elaborate with an additional thought to knowledge as it may be appropriate?
  22. Big Chiller Registered Senior Member

    That's up to you...and not my concern.
  23. keith1 Guest

    No, because of my knowledge of available weapons. Wait, I have fresh knowledge to bolster my claim...the lion is old and has no teeth!

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