What Are Your Priorities?

Life priorities, ya mean?

Well, here's my list of life priorities:

1. Define and refine my opinion of what is right and what is wrong, and share with the world
2. Do what is right in my opinion, and do not to what is wrong in my opinion
3. Make people I come in contact with happy
4. Live life to the absolute fullest

Maybe this list will expand. Maybe not. But I am confortable with this list thinking about it right now.
Athelwulf said:
Life priorities, ya mean?

Well, here's my list of life priorities:

1. Define and refine my opinion of what is right and what is wrong, and share with the world
2. Do what is right in my opinion, and do not to what is wrong in my opinion
3. Make people I come in contact with happy
4. Live life to the absolute fullest

Maybe this list will expand. Maybe not. But I am confortable with this list thinking about it right now.
This is strange.... I would expect #4 in place of #1..... :confused:
This is strange.... I would expect #4 in place of #1.....

And how the hell are you going to live life to the absolute fullest if you don't even know what life is or having spent the time necessary to examine how to live it to the "fullest"? What is fullest? Eat everything in sight? Drink everything in sight? Fuck everything in sight? Read everything in sight? Kill everything in sight?

Your recipe for life is merely hedonism. Have fun. Ha! What a joke.

My list?
Bah! Who needs a list.
Here it is.

1. Live.
2. Die.

In between these two is a whole world of possibilities. And I will use my judgement as each situation arises rather than make an aribitrary 'list' that I would undoubtably have to go against from time to time thus making me feel 'bad' for breaking what amounts to a resolution.

But, hey, what's it matter. Go. Have fun.

(Hmm. Just realized that my list is practically the same as DreamWalker's only less verbose. Ha! Anyway, this shows the power of such a list. Although our lists are identical, the enactment of the lists we call our lives would be quite different. I think we can all agree on that.)
invert_nexus said:
And how the hell are you going to live life to the absolute fullest if you don't even know what life is or having spent the time necessary to examine how to live it to the "fullest"?
Many waste their entire lives doing just that.... :rolleyes:

What is fullest?
Nothing at all.

Eat everything in sight? Drink everything in sight? Fuck everything in sight? Read everything in sight? Kill everything in sight?
It has to do with balance and peace... :rolleyes:

Your recipe for life is merely hedonism. Have fun. Ha! What a joke.
No, it has nothing to do with pleasure, it has to do with simplicity. Being satisfied with little is the key to happiness. It is much easier to be happy with just contemplating the stars and the sunrise than trying to get as much stuff as you can (which is, unfortunately, the norm in our society....).

1. Live.
2. Die.
List what is not obvious.... :D

In between these two is a whole world of possibilities.
Yes, that's why it is kinda meaningless...

And I will use my judgement as each situation arises rather than make an aribitrary 'list' that I would undoubtably have to go against from time to time thus making me feel 'bad' for breaking what amounts to a resolution.
You don't need to break a list if you make a very flexible list. Having fun is a very flexible thing. All by itself is not good enough. You need self-discipline to really have fun. Not only that, you need to have fun with simple things. "Have fun" actually means "to accept everything naturally and react to everything in a non-desiring manner, with responsability and without worrying too much about the outcome".
1. My happiness
2. Happiness of those I know
3. Doing what is right
Good thread, TS. Self-reflection is fun. Therefore you have completed your first priority. Now what?

first, a stoner quotation:
"The years go fast and the days go so slow."

One of the most insightful things I've ever heard. Most people so bent on their 'priorities' they forget that its just the positive analogue of procrastination. They forget to appreciate the moment and run around like rats in search of the cheese ( of which I am also guilty ). When in reality, the cheese is at your fingertip.

Forget about what your plans are. Life unfolds in a not-so predictable way. You may be hit in the groin tomorrow, by sack of uranium and loose your ability to have fun :))) So enjoy it while you still can. And don't be so afraid of using it.

My number one priority:
-Rid myself of all priorities and pretention.

Not as easy as it sounds!
Best quote I ever heard was from a movie...I often remind myself of its message sometimes when I find it neccessary to do so.

"I am, I was" ~ A.I

For me it defines life....the rest is all in the air, left to figure out.
1. seize the wonderful opertunity I have been given simply by being born.
2. die
although, cosmictraveler has a good list
My priorities?


have fun
have fun
have fun
have fun
have lots, lots of fun

that's about it.

"Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law."
my priorities

1. Spread my seed
2. Propagate my ideas
3. Force other people to serve my goals
4. Obtain a plasma TV for my own viewing pleasure
5. end the pain
6. end the loneliness
Athelwulf said:
5. Stop -Bob- from spreading his apparently-contaminated seed

. . . :p

Hah! What are you going to do about it!

I'll get a breeding partner, even if she's fat ugly and stupid (even better?).

And then she will poop out my little babies, one by one. Merely a vessel to propagate my seed. When she is used up, I will leave her and move on.

Ah, little Bobs and Bobettes. How cute.

1. Rid my self of my concept of self.

2. Dismantle all normative concepts of reality from my own psyche. Be as it were, infinite in my perception.

3. The ultimate paradox.
Read this on a T-shirt. Beer is life. The rest is just details. :D