Why do you present it as though it's a gender difference? Men also reject women whom they don't find attractive for reasons that vary from one guy to the next.
People of "high status," which in American culture usually means financial wealth, but may also include appearance and/or personality, have many more potential mates to choose from. Sure, you're sitting there saying, "It doesn't matter. I would have chosen my beloved wife anyway." But isn't that just a little bit because
you would never have had the opportunity to become acquainted with Shakira?
Hey, I love Mrs. Fraggle with all my heart. But what if I was rich and famous and had met Loni Anderson first? (You young guys probably don't even know who that is, but trust me, 30 years ago she was a real heartbreaker.)
Why don't you just look it up on the internet? You're presenting a rather controversial hypothesis and SciForums is hardly the best place to resolve a controversy.
I'm rather curious to know where you even heard about this at all? It sounds like it either came from the National Enquirer or an internet discussion board like this one. In either case, it ain't worth doodley-squat.