Valued Senior Member
He only does this because he realises his approach of belief in bronze age myths is inferior to how modern day folk are entitled to use reason and have freedom of investigation and thought...they are not tied to unsupportable dogma as he finds with his world view.Jan has created an ideal situation: a multiply-conflicting funhouse of thread-irrelevant pretexts for disparaging science and all those who value reasoning from evidence.
Who would not be angry and lash out at what brings his world to dust..rather nothing.
He is, rightly so, jealous of our correct accumulated knowlegdde.
He much teg angry when he must admit that our science is 100% correct, when there is nothing in his world view that enjoys any reasonable evidence for any of the unreasonable claims he is forced to defend with the only tools avaiable to him those of avoidance and trickynesz and of course a tiresome claim that reason cant beat dogma.
Jan works on the basis that if he makes the same claim over and over and over that it will somehow gain credibility when unfortunately his over and over game is just tiresome... ... he must also feel anger that his position is presumably so laughable that he can only engage the unrealistic strawmen he builds for whatever arguement he must sidestep.
Of course he must critisise reason and science because his world view can not survive if he at any point could be trueful with himself.
What an unwinable battle within must take place.
Wanting to be honest but forced to be tricky.
The lies he would have us believe are only the ones he is forced to endure and of course that can only leave him bitter causing him to make wild unsupported critism of reason and those folk who enjoy a world free of the necessity to repeat nonsence in defence of unsupportable superstitious made up bronze age notions.
He must realise that the universe is eternal, our science tends to support that idea rather than rule it out it is him and his kind who scoff at a universe from nothing so as to hide the reality that it did not come from nothing but came from an eyernal prexisting something ...but clearly the eternal universe rules out all mythical creators, his and all the rest of invented creators made up before humans evolved to realise there is no design, there is no soul, there is no after life, there is no hell and there is no creator.
All that is left for Jan is anger...anger that he has been conned and it is that anger that causes him to lash out at reason and anyone that employs reason over following unsupported dogma...reason is the prime cause that has caused his world to fade away into irrelevance.
And so each time he rejects reason and science let us feel compassion for all that has built his anger and caused his confusion.
I qill stip short of a final crushing move as I like Jan and only want to see him set off on the road to real enlightement.