We never went to the moon.

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"The recent Fox TV show, which I saw, is an ingenious and entertaining assemblage of nonsense. The claim that radiation exposure during the Apollo missions would have been fatal to the astronauts is only one example of such nonsense." -- Dr. James Van Allen
What does he know about the Van Allen radiation belts? Poser.

Now, if his name was FatAlley, and he lived in his Mom's basement, then he might be taken seriously.
Are you saying that none of this was fakable? Pictures of the moon from lunar orbit can be taken with unmanned craft.

I've never seen the flag anomaly disproved.

Somebody please disprove it instead of just insisting that it's been disproved.
No one and no amount logic or evidence can change your mind, it is useless to try. It doesn't matter in the slightest on any level what you believe. This is pitiful and boring.
="origin, post: 3333192, member: 143078"]No one and no amount logic or evidence can change your mind, it is useless to try. It doesn't matter in the slightest on any level what you believe. This is pitiful and boring.

Here's the anomaly that proves the hoax by itself. At the 2:35 time mark air caused by the astronaut's approach makes the flag move.

"Apollo 15 flag, facing air resistance; proving the fraud of alleged manned moon landings."

Here's the proof that it had already started moving when he was too far away from it to touch it.

Initial Apollo 15 Flag Movement

Here's a long discussion on this issue.

I say the pro-Apollo people on that thread who have the attitude that they proved the footage was taken on the moon haven't proven anything. I know you people are going to automatically agree with them but the viewers can decide for themselves.
Or it was buried in very dry fine particulate matter that didn't hold very well. Earth soil packs because it has moisture.
="spidergoat, post: 3333287, member: 9733"]Or it was buried in very dry fine particulate matter that didn't hold very well. Earth soil packs because it has moisture.
Are you saying it was ground vibration? If that had been the case, the pole and support rod would have moved and that would have caused the flag to move. Movement of the pole and support rod obviously wasn't what made the flag move.
Are you saying it was ground vibration? If that had been the case, the pole and support rod would have moved

and that would have caused the flag to move. Movement of the pole and support rod obviously wasn't what made the flag move.
How much "microscopic" movement would be needed in the pole before the much more flexible flag started to move?
The title of this thread is ok, but it'd be better if the thread was a confession piece.
I'll go first

I never went to the moon. I was born in Denmark in '79, so I never got the chance.
="Dywyddyr, post: 3333294, member: 52889"]Really?

How much "microscopic" movement would be needed in the pole before the much more flexible flag started to move?
There would have to be noticable movement of the pole and support rod. Also, if the pole and rod had caused the movement, the nature of the movement of the flag would have been different. The tip wouldn't have moved back and forth with no noticable movement of the upper part. The upper part would have caused the tip to move. The movement is perfectly consistent with its having been hit with a wall of air.
Mythbusters testing how the flag waves in atmosphere vs vacuum.

There would have to be noticable movement of the pole and support rod. Also, if the pole and rod had caused the movement, the nature of the movement of the flag would have been different. The tip wouldn't have moved back and forth with no noticable movement of the upper part. The upper part would have caused the tip to move. The movement is perfectly consistent with its having been hit with a wall of air.
I love how moon conspiracy theorists are absolutely positive that they know how everything on the Moon works - but are equally convinced that NASA doesn't. Generally such claims serve merely to highlight the poster's ignorance.

And you can show this... how?
It's just common sense. If the rod and pole move, the flag will move according to the way the rod and pole move. There is no visible movement of the rod and pole. The flag has very visible movement. If the rod and pole had made it move, they would have had very visible movement too.

The origin of the movememt of the flag would have started where it was connected to the rod and pole if the rod and pole and made it move.

This video...

...was shown to be sophistry by this video a long time ago.
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