We never went to the moon.

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They've all been debunked and you just deny everything.
Thjere's a mountain of proof that the moon missions were faked and zero proof that they were real.

You can pretend all you want.

Debunking The Apollo Moon Hoax (debunking-a-moron.blogspot.com)

8. Just deny everything: "I've never seen it debunked. I've seen people try to obfuscate it and then consider it to have been debunked."
He's never seen ANYTHING debunked? An utterly ludicrous statement that he uses based on his own inept layman understanding. His ignorance apart, he seeks to pigeon hole every single debunk into responses that he says are diversion, because he says so.

This guy is a paid sophist who knows the moon missions were faked. Just recently he tried to discredit this analysis of an anomaly.

The Apollo Moon Jump Salute Refute hd

Here's his attempt at discrediting it.

Let's hear your analysis of this.
Thjere's a mountain of proof that the moon missions were faked and zero proof that they were real.
Except each time you say "here's PROOF that it was faked!" we prove you wrong, and another bit of your "mountain" disappears.

From the evidence you present here, your mountain is all fake.
Let's hear your analysis of this.
Nope. Let's hear why you think it is proof first. The onus is on you to explain, in your own words, why you think this is proof that the moon landings were faked.
Thjere's a mountain of proof that the moon missions were faked and zero proof that they were real.

Stupidity is not a virtue. There are 842lbs of peer reviewed lunar samples, examined by thousands of geologists. In YOUR "armoury" you have a spammed website that demonstrates profound ignorance and some stupid Jarrah White videos already posted by you that show minor cabin contamination of soil and some claims of minor oxidisation. You do not understand any of it.


Five simple proofs:

  • On the Jump Salute, the dust between his boots shows he cannot be on wire support. This proves he must be in low gravity.
  • On Gene Cernan's approach to the rover, soil he kicks lands at the same time as he does. This proves he is not on wire support and must be in low gravity.
  • On the Digging a Trench video soil ejected will only drop at Earth freefall when the speed of the video is adjusted to 245%. Motion looks absurd, proving it must be running at the correct speed at 100%.
  • 842lbs of peer reviewed lunar samples, including 3 metre core samples. Impossible to fake, not meteorites and not from Earth.
  • On the idiotic film American Moon a section shows a flat surface falling with no dust disturbance in the direction of fall. This proves they are in a vacuum and in a considerably massive one!

There you go, took me 5 minutes and you have no honest answer to any of those - all of them prove we landed on the Moon.

You can pretend all you want.

You are like the comedy cut and paste routine with your ridiculous responses. It is you in full denial. As "billvon" says, your useless mountain is a debunked dung heap, none of it remains.


This guy is a paid sophist who knows the moon missions were faked.

You absurd person.

From that blog:

5. Miscellaneous: ".anyone who sees it will see that he's just a paid sophist."
This is probably the worst one of all. For this enormous diversionary statement, he gets to ignore every single thing written by an expert in almost every aspect of the Apollo Missions. He gets to ignore a concise website detailing debunks for almost all his total crap. He gets to ignore every post made where he always get his ass handed to him. The basis for this is his "credibility test".

Just recently he tried to discredit this analysis of an anomaly.

The Apollo Moon Jump Salute Refute hd

You are such a disgraceful spammer you can't even remember where you scatter your bullshit. On this very forum:


Oh and the other trouble with you is that you are a quite appalling liar.


You CANNOT "put it on full screen" or slow it down - it is a gif!! Any honest eyes can view the parabolic arc between his boots and see it rise in time and begin to fall in time. This obviously doesn't include those in repetitious denial. Enhanced and slowed:


Totally and painfully obvious.

EVERY normal honest person sees the dust between his boots. A clear arc that rises to the same height in unison and falls also in unison. And wtf are you doing submitting this joker "chemist" making inept and ignorant physics observations?

Here's his attempt at discrediting it.

Moronic claim. It is his successful attempt at kicking your butt.

Let's hear your analysis of this.

I believe you have been advised many times not to divert to another forum! Your claim that the soil did not land in unison with him is bullshit. You are either selectively dishonest, blind as a bat, completely delusional or have a single digit IQ.
The sequence proves he is on the Moon.

Explain why you ignored this:
In post #1 the video is under the gif. Read post #9 and tell us whether you think Betamax intentionally lied.
Nope. Let's hear why you think it is proof first. The onus is on you to explain, in your own words, why you think this is proof that the moon landings were faked.
Nope. Let's hear why you think it is proof first. The onus is on you to explain, in your own words, why you think this is proof that the moon landings were faked.
What I'm talking about now is proof that this thread by Betamax...

...is proof that he is a sophist who knows the moon missions were faked.

He wanted to discredit this video.

The Apollo Moon Jump Salute Refute hd

He attempted to do it by making this video.

Apollo 17 - analysis of another jump sequence

Here's post #9 of the thread he started.
Start watching at the 00:14 time mark.

At .25 speed it's clear that the dust is bouncing back up after having fallen. What you say is the dust landing is really the dust bouncing back up after having landed. When the dust is kicked up, it reaches the ground before the astronaut's feet hit the ground. This is consistent with his being on a wire.

If you watch what Betamax says is the dust landing at slow speed, you can see that it it coming back up after having hit the surface. He deliberately lied in order to deceive the viewers. Anyone who watches it can see that.
If you watch what Betamax says is the dust landing at slow speed, you can see that it it coming back up after having hit the surface. He deliberately lied in order to deceive the viewers. Anyone who watches it can see that.
Nope. His analysis is spot-on. The math works, and disproves the "astronaut on a wire" claim 100%.

You lose. Again.
If you watch what Betamax says is the dust landing at slow speed, you can see that it it coming back up after having hit the surface. He deliberately lied in order to deceive the viewers. Anyone who watches it can see that.
If you watch the astronaut dropping a feather and a hammer at the same time, you can see them hit the surface at the same time, proving the lack of an atmosphere.

...is proof that he is a sophist who knows the moon missions were faked.

Prove it without using idiotic circular logic!! That is, YOUR bloody opinion on something else where you are also wrong.

He wanted to discredit this video.

It has no credit to discredit. It is moronic and disproven above, by me.

He attempted to do it by making this video.

Apollo 17 - analysis of another jump sequence

You are a liar. That video was made many years ago and is nothing to do with yours.

At .25 speed it's clear that the dust is bouncing back up after having fallen.

How colossally stupid.

What you say is the dust landing is really the dust bouncing back up after having landed.

It's the dust landing, you can project the wave in time and see where it is going to land.

When the dust is kicked up, it reaches the ground before the astronaut's feet hit the ground.

No it doesn't, you are delusional.

This is consistent with his being on a wire.

Bullshit. A single invisible wire cannot counter centre of gravity changes. Period. There is always jerkiness as the support MUST alter alignment with the vertical.

If you watch what Betamax says is the dust landing at slow speed, you can see that it it coming back up after having hit the surface.


He deliberately lied in order to deceive the viewers.

No he didn't, you did. And what's more you lie on multiple forums with identical bullshit posts.

Anyone who watches it can see that.

Anyone but you sees it landing simultaneously. You lose.
I think you lied. You are utterly ridiculous, the soil lands simultaneously - you lose
Actually the soil lands after the astronaut and ahead of him. As the moving astronaut ascends he kicks the dust up and forward which then lands about two feet ahead of the astronaut but only after he has descended because the dust travels a greater distance.

Without the unequal forward movement both dust and astronaut would fall at the exact same rate.
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I didn't notice the date of the video but he started that thread in response to the discussion we were having on this video.

The Apollo Moon Jump Salute Refute hd

It started here.

Go to the 00:14 time mark of this video...

Apollo 17 - analysis of another jump sequence

...and set the speed at .25 by using the disk-shaped icon on the lower right of the video. Now watch the dust that gets kicked up. It lands before his feet land and bounces back up. It's up in the air again at the time the astronaut's feet hit the ground.

Look at post #1 of this thread.

In the gif Betamax wants people to think that the dust that bounces back up is landing. Anyone who takes the time to watch it in slow-motion can see that.

Now I think I made it clear enough. Tell us if you think the dust under the arrow in the gif is landing for the first time after having been kicked up, or is up in the air again after having landed.
Actually the soil lands after the astronaut and ahead of him. As the moving astronaut ascends he kicks the dust up and forward which then lands about two feet ahead of the astronaut but only after he has descended because the dust travels a greater distance.
Distance doesn't matter. Whether you drop a ball or throw it forward (provided you do not impart any downward or upward velocity of course) it reaches the ground at the same time. Basic physics.
Distance doesn't matter. Whether you drop a ball or throw it forward (provided you do not impart any downward or upward velocity of course) it reaches the ground at the same time. Basic physics.
I agree, height does matter, especially if the rate of fall is the same. If the dust rises higher than the boots it takes longer for the dust to reach the floor than the boots, as seemed to be the case here.

I brought attention to the dust ahead (and higher than the boots) of the jumper because the focus was on the dust beneath the boots, which obviously would reach the floor before the boots.
Actually the soil lands after the astronaut and ahead of him. As the moving astronaut ascends he kicks the dust up and forward which then lands about two feet ahead of the astronaut but only after he has descended because the dust travels a greater distance.

Without the unequal forward movement both dust and astronaut would fall at the exact same rate.

It doesn't land after him. It lands at the same time, but I see you agree it doesn't "bounce" as is claimed by Fatfreddy and it certainly doesn't land before.

It is simple physics. All objects fall at the same rate, regardless of horizontal motion. If you shoot a bullet parallel to the ground from 6ft and drop a stone from the same height as the muzzle, they fall at the same time.
I didn't notice the date of the video but he started that thread in response to the discussion we were having on this video.

I don't care, you are a wird forum spammer and you have just done it again!!

The Apollo Moon Jump Salute Refute hd

Are you mental? You just posted that above and bloody ignored the response


Oh and the other trouble with you is that you are a quite appalling liar.


You CANNOT "put it on full screen" or slow it down - it is a gif!! Any honest eyes can view the parabolic arc between his boots and see it rise in time and begin to fall in time. This obviously doesn't include those in repetitious denial. Enhanced and slowed:


Totally and painfully obvious.

EVERY normal honest person sees the dust between his boots. A clear arc that rises to the same height in unison and falls also in unison. And wtf are you doing submitting this joker "chemist" making inept and ignorant physics observations?

It started here.

You are ridiculous. This is a repeat of your post above!!

Go to the 00:14 time mark of this video...

Apollo 17 - analysis of another jump sequence

...and set the speed at .25 by using the disk-shaped icon on the lower right of the video.

You ignore the physics analyses that show it MUST be on the Moon to provide your stupid mega spammed claim!

Now watch the dust that gets kicked up. It lands before his feet land and bounces back up.

NO IT DOESN'T - it lands at the same time.

It's up in the air again at the time the astronaut's feet hit the ground.

Haha, wtf. Lay off the bong. It really doesn't do the shite you are claiming.

In the gif Betamax wants people to think that the dust that bounces back up is landing.

Only a moron would look at that and see bouncing dust!

Anyone who takes the time to watch it in slow-motion can see that.

See the wave descending in one easy to track motion. Same time. You keep quoting "anyone". NOBODY agrees with you!

Now I think I made it clear enough.

Nobody was confused, no need for you to repeat your bullshit. Answer my damn post above about the jump salute!
Moderator note: Some off-topic material has been moved here from another thread. Since a lot of this material appears to be an attempt to take conversation off-site and to rehash old disputes about previously debunked conspiracy theories, there's no reason to re-open this thread.
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