Earthiancentric assumptions with too little evidence due to only 1 life containing environment being known to us at this time.
well than dare to dream and tell us of the possibilities of life elsewhere.
Earthiancentric assumptions with too little evidence due to only 1 life containing environment being known to us at this time.
I agree. I suggest you read Fiasco, by Stanislaw Lem. Believe me, you will thank me.
Still can't get over how arrogant it is to assume "No intelligent life exists" anywhere else in the universe.
Even if you can say such a thing is one in 200 billion shot (I.E one solar system in a galaxy the size of ours). There are how many BILLIONS of galaxies out there?
ARROGANCE , unforgivable ARROGANCE. These same people have the same mindset that had the universe revolving around us a few hundred years ago. Scientific DOGMA exists. Proof.
Nobody here has said anything of that sort. What we are debating is the presence of intelligent life in our galaxy, not anywhere the universe.Still can't get over how arrogant it is to assume "No intelligent life exists" anywhere else in the universe.
Nobody here has said anything of that sort. What we are debating is the presence of intelligent life in our galaxy, not anywhere the universe.
And indeed we may be alone, but to jump to that conclusion bears such a massive lack of imagination, such a pathetic assumption that I question not only it's originator's intelligence, I wonder if they have any DNA that might even be remotely useful to the human race in the future. Go live in a cave.
there is a basis.There is no basis for stating probability or making a decent guess as to whether aliens would be much like us or much different or some of each.
there is a basis.
The fact that we only have ourselves( planet earth) to look at for life limits our ability to see what we do not comprehend. This leaves an unknown nuber of possabilities we cant understand. Sheer numbers alone prove the possability is more likely than non likley.
And here is my one-liner response to you guys. What did I misunderstand exactly?
We really do not have enough information to make even guesses either way.
there is a basis.
The fact that we only have ourselves( planet earth) to look at for life limits our ability to see what we do not comprehend. This leaves an unknown nuber of possabilities we cant understand.