Vitamin Water = sinus condition


Another Imaginary Friend
Registered Senior Member
While trying to find an alternative to my Soda addiction, I gave Vitamin Water a try.
I know this isn't the best option but I was trying to wean myself off the corn syrup and eventually to straight water.
a few months later I developed a serious sinus condition. I had to blow my nose so often I carried a role of toilet paper with me.
at first I thought it was black mold or something in my house. the couple of physicians I talked to were no help, so I took upon myself to figure this out.
even though my wife thought I was nuts about the vitamin water,I stopped drinking it. after a few months I noticed it starting to clear up, it took about five months to totally clear up. I'm very happy to say that I no longer touch vitamin water and I no longer have any kind of sinus condition.

Why not plain carbonated soda water? Better yet, coffee with cream, little or no sugar? A can of soda has twelve teaspoons of sugar. I know you wouldn't put that much in your coffee or tea.
I seriously doubt it was from the Vitamin Water.

and your observation of my experience is based on what ?
or do you work for Coca Cola.

I just hope this info might be helpful to someone having a similar issue.
I recently met a nurse who supported my theory.
Could it just be, you know.. that you just got a sinus infection and it finally cleared up after more than 5 months.. on its own!?
People do get sinus infections without drinking vitamin water. It's not unheard of...
Why not plain carbonated soda water? Better yet, coffee with cream, little or no sugar? A can of soda has twelve teaspoons of sugar. I know you wouldn't put that much in your coffee or tea.

like I said I was trying to wean myself off the Sugar water, to me coffee is like the worlds favorite drug. I never developed a tolerance to coffee like most.
I drink one cup and instantly need to use the toilet and it seems to overwork the kidneys, not to mention being amped out and kept awake half the night.
I can't believe coffee could really be considered healthy by anyone not addicted to it.
Could it just be, you know.. that you just got a sinus infection and it finally cleared up after more than 5 months.. on its own!?
People do get sinus infections without drinking vitamin water. It's not unheard of...

yes it is possible Enmos, I have had sinus infections over the years, but this was something much more intense then that. I guess I will just say
I am one of those people who had an allergic reaction to something in vitamin water.:shrug:

I hope that if someone else out there is suffering from a very nasty sinus condition that meds don't seem to help much.
maybe they're also drinking vitamin water and this post might help them.

I would enjoy a discussion regarding the warning signs that many of our food like substances are becoming more and more harmful when consumed on a regular bases, if anyone is up for that.
yes it is possible Enmos, I have had sinus infections over the years, but this was something much more intense then that. I guess I will just say
I am one of those people who had an allergic reaction to something in vitamin water.:shrug:

I hope that if someone else out there is suffering from a very nasty sinus condition that meds don't seem to help much.
maybe they're also drinking vitamin water and this post might help them.

I would enjoy a discussion regarding the warning signs that many of our food like substances are becoming more and more harmful when consumed on a regular bases, if anyone is up for that.

I guess I misread you. I apologize for my earlier tone.
Another possibility is that when stopping drinking the soda pop, the new lack of caffeine had some effect on your system like hydration alteration or something, which then had an effect on your sinus moisture and mucus production. I suggest that possibility if vitamin water doesn't have caffeine. I hope that those sinus infections stay away from you, based on the trouble that I know they cause.
Yeah, I have had my sinuses completely rebuilt due to repeated sinus infections that turned chronic, then acute.

If you are allergic to something and you eat that something, the allergy will affect your entire body, NOT just your sinuses. If you are allergic to something and it gets in your nose it will give you that specific reaction. In my case it is dust mite proteins. Inhaling them gives me a runny nose, sneezing, swollen and blocked sinuses. If I get the mite dust on my arm it will itch badly and rash over.

If you were actually allergic to something in the vitamin water you would have had a systemic reaction - like Anaphylactic shock or generalized swelling, tightness of breath and itching.
The Vitamin water is good Enough for Athletics Sports Mens/women/ and Body Builders. it provide the Glucose that they loss by swatting.
It's a shame coffee doesn't agree with you. Not that you'd be interested but recently there has been evidence that coffee has some quite healthful properties. I love it to death myself, but limit myself to one serving a day, if that much. For you though, it's obviously not the way to go...