Mod note: This is a split thread from the Denial of evolution IV thread. The posts originally began in response to post #287.
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litrtle do you realize that science is big business at its worst.
and it's time someone puts a stop to it.
it isn't science dude, it's the money, the honor and prestige of certain institutions, the egos of the elite.Fight back against The Man! Just say no to science!
will you people stop with the "creationist" shit already.
makes me god damn gag.
according to those that have posted in this thread anybody or anything that contradicts evolution is "creationist" in nature or is retarded or on drugs.
litrtle do you realize that science is big business at its worst.
and it's time someone puts a stop to it.
it isn't science dude, it's the money, the honor and prestige of certain institutions, the egos of the elite.
Actually I was talking about how it's more about the ego of some scientists and I don't care to discuss the soundness of the theory right now.
it wasn't directed at any particular poster.I suppose I resemble that remark, having just used the term above.
how about "those with dissenting evidence"?do you prefer another word than Creationist? it's common speech.
a perfect opening for a strawman discussion ay?Actually, the thread opened with insightful thoughts from Darwin, and a challenge by Rich to get creationists to address the fossil record.
and what happens to the evidence "creationists" present?I am posting my opinions to further agitate the Creationists into dialog on this point. It is often ignored in religion vs science debates and we have an expert to sort out what the evidence says.
have any insights to the cambrian explosion?So what say you Leopold? was there a catastrophic flood that decimated all living creatures? was there a catastrophic event in which all creatures appeared simultaneously at the day of their creation?
fair questions?do you feel like it's a fair question? to me, it's one of the basic ones.
bring wasn't directed at any particular poster.
about "those with dissenting evidence"?
what did you dislike about Darwin's remark?[darwin]:a perfect opening for a strawman discussion ay?
I don't know, what happened to it?and what happens to the evidence "creationists" present?
I use the term lie to refer to the policy of teaching a thing known to be falseit's immediately labeled as "crank", flawed, an outright lie.
if it can't be labeled as such then the messenger is personally attacked.
yes - a remarkable thing happened - the ability to reproduce sexuallyhave any insights to the cambrian explosion?
explain.fair questions?
yes, i have a very fair question.
what piece of evidence toppled a scientific law in favor of an unproved hypothesis?
exactly.Maybe it would help to separate between Big Science (like Du Pont Corporation, any others) vs Science (a discipline, owned by no one).
well see, that's just it.bring it.
i didn't say anything about darwins remark.what did you dislike about Darwin's remark?
it was labeled as crank, in this very thread.I don't know, what happened to it?
I haven't seen it.
a whole shitload of new organisms appeared, seemingly out of nowhere e.g. without any predecessors.yes - a remarkable thing happened - the ability to reproduce sexually
the end of the era of atmosphere building
multicellular organization
adaptation of the photosynthesizer to a photoreceptor
the scientific law of biogenesis was replaced with the hypothesis of evolution.explain.
do you think that is strange, if so, why? the advent of sexual reproduction was a huge evolutionary advance, allowing species to diverge rapidly from a common ancestor.a whole shitload of new organisms appeared, seemingly out of nowhere e.g. without any predecessors.
You are referring to Pasteur's law that life springs from a progenitor. Of course, evolution does not address abiogenesis in Darwin's time at least.the scientific law of biogenesis was replaced with the hypothesis of evolution.
evolution HAS NOT been demonstrated to be true regardless of what you might think otherwise.
???do you think that is strange, if so, why?
how nice.the advent of sexual reproduction was a huge evolutionary advance, allowing species to diverge rapidly from a common ancestor.
i do too.I think gradualism has evolved, but the main tenet, selection, seems to be sound.
actually i was hoping for some lab results.I can think of lots of examples. When you say "not demonstrated" you may be wanting to see with our own eyes a process that unfolds over millions of years.
no. i seriously question the concept of some glorified god creating everything.But as to the core question, does the fossil record speak to the myths of creationism? what do you think?
there has been NO demonstration that evolution ever happened. none.
i was commenting on the remark about creationists.
it was labeled as crank, in this very thread.
a whole shitload of new organisms appeared, seemingly out of nowhere e.g. without any fossilized predecessors.
the scientific law of biogenesis was replaced with the hypothesis of evolution.
evolution HAS NOT been demonstrated to be true regardless of what you might think otherwise.
fuck off.You creationists . . .
how is that any different than idiot evolutionists that have bastardized and corrupted the topic to fit their pre-conceived non-scientific viewpoint?