Vegetarian's guide to talking to carnivores

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I think that if it is true (which is a big "if") then it might still not outweigh moral considerations involved in killing and eating animals. After all, animals are also part of the environment.

so you think the destuction of the whole enviroment is less important than wether we eat what we were designed by nature to eat. Seriously you think a cow is more important than the whole barrier reef and the EXTINTION of every coral on earth?

[M]y dietary preferences are guided both by religious and cultural conditioning.

Your religion and culture have quite a lot to say about morality. They even have a lot to say specifically about eating as a moral issue.

Isn't your position that eating is not a moral issue inconsistent with your religion? You're Muslim, aren't you? The Qur'an has quite a lot to say about the morals of eating.

However, there are plenty of human beings throughout history who do not make the distinction between human and food, so its a personal preference.

The fact that some human beings throughout history have eaten other humans doesn't mean that they did not in general distinguish humans-as-food from other food sources.

Then you're ignoring the fact that there are several human communities where eating human beings or products of their bodies is not taboo.

Human communities in which eating human beings is not taboo are very rare these days. And where that does happen, there are usually all kinds of rituals and rules surrounding the practice. It is very much considered a moral issue, or more accurately a religious or spiritual one.

Sure, I saw a documentary the other day about some tribe that hangs up their dead over fire and melts their body fat in a slow process. The dead are "honoured" by selected tribe members then consuming leaves dipped in the mixture they wipe off the corpse.

Is that immoral? Not according to them.

If you asked them whether it would be acceptable to kill and cook up a random tribe member for the Sunday barbecue, what do you think they'd say?

By the way, I've noticed how in this post you've conflated the eating of already-dead creatures (who died natural deaths) with the deliberate killing of creatures for food. The moral issues are somewhat different in the two cases.

Yup - and since we're avoiding speciasism, if you don't think a human beings can be food, try jumping into a river with hungry crocodiles and convince them they are better off as vegetarians.

Crocodiles aren't big on moral philosophy, I have noticed. But human beings say that we are moral creatures. Go figure.

Would you object to being killed and eaten, personally, SAM? Do you think that there should be laws in place to prevent other people from killing and eating you? (I'm sure you're aware that there are, in fact, such laws in place.)

What about other people? Say, your friends or family. Would you object to their being killed and eaten? Or would that just be a personal choice that the killer made, and not a moral issue?
so you think the destuction of the whole enviroment is less important than wether we eat what we were designed by nature to eat.

Obviously, if the whole environment goes then what we eat becomes irrelevant. But if we all stop eating meat the whole environment won't be destroyed, so I don't think there's a need to hoist the "We're all going to die!" signs quite yet.

Seriously you think a cow is more important than the whole barrier reef and the EXTINTION of every coral on earth?

Yeah. That's what I remember saying. I think. Er... yes, I must have. Sounds eminently sensible and like a position I would seriously argue. Not at all a straw man.

Goodnight Asguard.
Obviously, if the whole environment goes then what we eat becomes irrelevant. But if we all stop eating meat the whole environment won't be destroyed, so I don't think there's a need to hoist the "We're all going to die!" signs quite yet.

Yeah. That's what I remember saying. I think. Er... yes, I must have. Sounds eminently sensible and like a position I would seriously argue. Not at all a straw man.

Goodnight Asguard.

yes it IS what you implied, you might not have actually THOUGHT about it because its easier not to but it is the imlications of this

Originally Posted by Asguard
so james what do you think of that?

organic meat better for the enviroment than a vegitible diet? ”

James R said:
I think that if it is true (which is a big "if") then it might still not outweigh moral considerations involved in killing and eating animals. After all, animals are also part of the environment.
The marginal lands could be used for grazing. Or other things?

I hope at some point we'll have our population down to where we have wildland space...or more than I think some land dedicated to wild ecosystems is desirable.

We have an incredible amount of it now.

There are 756 U.S. Federal Wilderness areas that take up ~110 million acres, and another ~4 million acres in State, Tribal and Private wilderness areas.

Then there is also the National Wildlife Refuge areas (some overlap of course, but approx 120 million acres are not Wilderness)
There is also the National Forest Service which manages 197 million acres, of which 35 million are Wilderness.
There are also 20 National Grasslands of almost 4 million acres

To put this amount of land in perspective (Wilderness, NWRA, Natl Forests & Grasslands), these areas are well over three times the size of California.

I mentioned earlier the case for wild-caught meat, and that is it: you have to leave the entire ecosystem at least somewhat intact for wild-catch to happen.

I agree that is a good thing, but still we are being over-run by Deer.
In the early 1900's there were an estimated 500,000 white-tailed deer in the United States but today there are over 20 million deer in the United States and numbers are rising.

Which makes them by far the most dangerous animal in North America.

In 1994, these predator deer had a banner year, causing 211 human deaths

Does using marginal lands cause deterioration of said marginal lands and erosion? Or is there a way to rotate the animals with green manure covers, so as to make the pasturage sustainable?

Not if done correctly.

And none of this is being done in the US. I've read here we put in up to ten calories of fossil fuel to make one calorie of food.

That's kind of alarming...

No it's not.

There are ~310 million of us in the US.
At an average 2,000 calories per day, plus 30% waste, or 2,600 calories per day per person that's ~950,000 per adult per year.

Assume we are all adults, that's ~300 Trillion Calories per year

At 10 to get 1 ratio, that's 3,000 Trillion Calories of fossil fuel.

Convert that to BTUs at 1 Calorie = 0.00396566683 BTU

That's gives us 3,000 Trillion Calories = 1.2*10^13 BTUs

A Quad of energy is 10^15 BTUs

Or we use 0.012 of a Quad of enegy for this.

But we use ~95 Quads of energy per year.


My guess is we probably use more than 10 Calories to get one.

I suspect they were using Kilocalories, or 1,000 times that (1 kcal = 3.96 BTU), but even then that's still only 1/12th of a Quad.

In any case it's a difficult number to pin down because fuel is used to make fertilizer, run the farm equipment needed to plant, irrigate and harvest as well as light the lights and provide heat/cooling and also as fuel to transport and keep cool and retail the products, but those cross many sectors and the EIA simply doesn't break it out.

Still, when I look at the energy use in the US, I'd be surprised if agriculture was that big of a percentage. Cars, Trucks, houses, commercial buildings and factories seem to me to be far larger users of energy then farms are.

I've changed my mind on this issue at least once already in my life. How many times have you changed yours?

None, haven't needed to.

I'm not sure about what clams or shrimp think about death, adoucette. To tell you the truth, I'm not sure about the brain capacity of a claim or a shrimp, or even about its ability to feel pain. Although, I do think I've seen images of divers cutting clams and they do appear to react in a way that suggests they feel pain.

Given the doubt, it's probably safest to take the moral high road and not eat clams or shrimp.

So I see that now you've had to give up on your point about the requirement of thinking about death, and now it's just about pain.
But we can kill animals in ways that they don't feel pain so that is not a valid issue either.

And thus the whole point of this TROLL exercise goes up in smoke, you think the rest of us are less moral than you, but as usual, you are wrong.


Have you checked them all? I must say I'm impressed by your diligence, adoucette.

You can't be tried for MURDER in any country in the world for killing a chicken.
Why do I know?
Because if there WAS a country that did so, PETA would be all over it.

Laws have been wrong in the past, and some are wrong now. You used to have laws that said slavery was hunky dory. Remember? Or, take segregation. Or that there was no rape in marriage. Or ... well, you should be able to find plenty of other examples.

Doesn't mean all laws will eventually be found to be wrong James or that killing a chicken will ever be equal to murder.
Got an example where a bill to make killing a food animal the same as murder James, or are you going to admit that no country's laws agree with your view of morality.

That's the Appeal to Nature fallacy again.

Your argument is that because we can eat meat - more specially, because we evolved to be able to eat meat - we should eat meat. Or, to put it another way, it is morally good to eat meat because it's natural to do so.

The fallacy lies in the assumption that everything that is natural is good. I have elaborated on this elsewhere, but you can find further explanation in many places on the web. Look it up.

We didn't just evolve to be able to eat meat, we evolved with meat as a required part of our diet.
Long term Veganism is possible only because we became smart enough to figure out how to create a diet that excludes meat by including very specific high protein sources and unusual foods that contain the required trace elements, but in no way is a vegan diet natural or workable for all people.
So this is an argument based solely on nutrition and like I said a proper human diet from things you can grow yourself requires meat.
Or do you think we should look down on people who grow their own food as morally inferior?

Is it immoral to be an Inuit?

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A carrot does not have a central nervous system. It does not feel pain. It does not conceive of itself as a lifeform that is ongoing in time. It has no sense of a future. It has no desires. It has no brain. It is not conscious. etc.

?? Several studies have shown that plants react to damage, interact with their environment, desire to survive (and move to do so) plan for the future by storing food supplies, show altruism, drop leaves before the first snow to protect their bodies etc etc.

Tony Feather
Environmental Graffiti
June 21, 2008

What is ‘sentience’? When a person or animal is injured they react by experiencing pain, marshalling the body’s defense systems to repair the damage and begin the process of recovery. The question, surely, is whether we know enough about sentience to be quite certain that plant life does not have it.

Every ecologist out there, and even amateur gardeners, have been known to swear that plants, too, ‘feel’ things, but it is only recent research that has demonstrated just how ‘intelligent’ they really are. Plant life has a heritage far older than mankind, and in some respects, it makes we humans seem inadequate! Is it not about time to take more notice?

It is now known that plants have, admittedly in different forms, the same innate abilities as those with which animals and humans make sense of their environment. They see, smell, taste, feel and even listen to their surroundings. Even as seeds, ready to germinate, it’s been proven that they are sensitive to as many as twenty different factors – like the season of the year and where the light is coming from – information they need to decide the right time to start growing!

A truly remarkable ability to ‘smell’ their surroundings is vital for all plants. Even seeds can detect chemical components of smoke which prompt them to germinate – a natural way of replacing flora lost to forest fires, for example. Trees have defence mechanisms built around this ability. When one tree is attacked by pests, it emits chemical signals to nieghbouring trees, encouraging them to produce chemical deterrents to that pest, ensuring their own safety.

Dutch scientist Marcel Dicke, of the Agricultural University in Wageningen, Holland, found evidence that all plants perform similar actions to the trees, when under threat from predators. Indeed, the level of sophistication in this process is made all the more remarkable by the fact that the these ‘signals’ encourage production of substances tailored to specific pests!

An example of this would be the lima bean. When attacked by spider mites, the plant releases a chemical attractant for other types of mite, which prey on the attackers. Some plants help others, as in the case of cabbages, which release foul smelling isothiocyanates, discouraging aphids from attacking neighbouring plants like broad beans.

Research has also shown that plants actually ‘time’ the release of defensive chemicals, to correspond with the hours of the day when predators are most active. US Department of Agriculture studies in Gainesville, Florida, showed that maize and cotton plants, damaged by certain pests, increased output of chemical ‘help’ signals to pest-killing wasps at the time of day when the wasps are most active.

Do plants really know when something touches them? If you stroke the leaves of a mimosa plant, they react by closing up at once. Research has shown that in 17 different families of plant, over 1,000 varieties are very sensitive to touch – possibly an ancient inheritance from bacteria, which are known to be the ancestors of all plant life, responding to stimuli with minute electrical impulses.

The best known ‘touch sensitive’ plants are predators, like the Venus Fly-trap, but this sensitivity is, in some respects, common to all types of plant life, albeit in slower, less immediately noticeable ways. American research, by Professor Mordecai Jaffe in North Carolina, has shown that simply touching and stroking a plant stem, for a few seconds each day, will encourage a thickening of the stem.

The plant reacts as if it is being subjected to strong winds, and takes appropriate defensive measures. This reaction is used in Japan to ensure strong canes of sugar beet, by striking young plants with broom handles before transplanting them. Amateur gardeners can benefit, too, by stroking young seedlings before planting them out.

It was in the early years of the last decade that two British scientists, Norman Biddington and Tony Dearman, conducted tests in Warwickshire, proving that stroking young plants with bits of paper actually helped them to combat the effects of both drought and frost, when planted in the outside environment.

The most amazing thing about plants is their ability to ‘see’. So sensitive to light are they that even the colour of their surroundings can affect their growth and taste! A molecular biologist at Glasgow University, Gareth Jenkins, ran tests proving that proteins within plant cells – called cryptochromes and phytochromes – are extremely light sensitive. So much so, that their ‘sight’ encompasses wavelengths well beyond the range of human vision.

The plants sense also the direction of the light source, and when the Sun comes up, enhance production of the colourless pigments – quercetin and kaempferol – which help screen them from the more harmful effects of sunlight. Remarkably, the work of Michael J Kasperbauer, US plant physiologist – he’s spent thirty years researching light sensitivity in plants – is causing a real stir among the farming communities.

Kasperbauer found that the phytochrome protein is colour sensitive to a degree possibly far beyond that of animals and humans. So much so, that the minute variations in the wavelengths of different colours can make a big difference to plant yields.

In more recent times, many growers plant crops atop great swathes of black plastic sheeting – to retain moisture, discourage weeds and insulate young roots. This has the beneficial effects of reducing the waxiness of plant leaves – thus helping them to retain water more easily, and encouraging the plant to develop resistance to pests.

The professor showed that changing the colour of the sheeting really can improve both quantity and quality of yield, and even affect the flavour! The secret lies in the fact that the phytochromes in the plants are especially sensitive to the red and ‘far red’ wavelengths.

If they detect these, they signal that the plant must grow faster and stronger – competing for space because the light makes them respond as if they are hemmed in by other plants, competing for the nutrients. To improve their own chances of dispersing seed for the next generation, they grow taller, and develop more fruit. The tests showed that yields increased by between 20 and 50% when red sheeting was used instead of black.

Kasperbauer even showed that different coloured sheetings can actually affect the taste of the crop. Turnips were grown on blue, white and green sheeting, and testers reported that the resultant vegetables tasted ‘sharp’, ‘bland’ or ‘almost sweet’ according to the colour. It would seem that the right approach to the planting of crops, in colour terms, could be of enormous benefit to humanity.

It is now believed that plants have an ability to ‘taste’ their surroundings. Research at the Institute of Arable Crops, in Hertfordshire, England, has revealed a particular gene in plants, which enables root systems to taste the surrounding soil – moving in the direction of the richest sources of nutrition and ammonia, which they need for ‘fixing’ nitrogen. This taste ability is also used in self defence. When a plant ‘tastes’ the secretions of a parasite, it immediately begins to produce defensive substances.

Prince Charles, heir to the English throne, has long been an outspoken supporter of organic farming methods, and indeed studies have shown – particularly in third world countries – that far less use of pesticides leads not only to healthier and more nutritious crops, but in many cases to a large improvement in the crop yields that such farming produces. It now seems abundantly clear that, in centuries past, when farmers had no choice but the organic route, sustainable growing areas were much easier to retain over long periods

There is no doubt that plants are far more adaptable than people might ever have believed, nor that they are well equipped to deal with the difficulties that nature might place before them. They have superb defensive mechanisms, respond positively to the right stimuli, and will, if treated properly, yield food and pleasure in great quantities. If sentience were to be measured by the ability to react to the outside world, then surely they would have to qualify?

As professor Anthony Trewavas, of Edinburgh University, put it: ‘Plants are not as stupid as people think……in fact, in some ways their intelligence exceeds that of humans.’ Perhaps, one day, we will be able to fully comprehend the ways in which plants communicate, and even open up dialogue with them. In the meantime, it would be in our own best interests to remember that plants, like ourselves, really do have ‘feelings’, and that we should give them the respect they truly deserve.

but you must consider each morally significant issue on its own. You can't have a blanket rule like "All cows have no rights, because they are not human". A right is a recognition of an interest. Therefore, the sensible thing to do is to accord equal rights where there are equivalent interests.

Again, plants clearly want to survive. They surely have as much of an interest in survival as cows do; witness the extremes they go to to survive when attacked by predators, when living in a stressful environment etc. And they may even feel pain.

Shouldn't you take the moral high road and not kill plants for your own personal enjoyment? It is possible to chemically synthesize every calorie you need to survive. (Expensive but possible.) Why not avoid killing living beings, rather than make the speciesist decision that some are better than others just because they are different than you are?

In particular, a cow and human being have an equivalent interest in not being arbitrarily killed and eaten.

Arguably, so do carrots. You may make a decision that you care about cows but not carrots, but that's not an objective decision; that's a purely subjective decision based on your belief that carrots are not as "worthy" as cows.

No. See my reply earlier in the thread to quadraphonics on this point (and probably also below, when I next get to it).

You absolutely are - you're just drawing the line in a different place.

Please post three of them, and tell me which ones made you a vegetarian.

1) Better use of energy. Vegetables take about 1/10 the energy to grow than meat.

2) Better use of resources. It takes less land and fertilizer to grow vegetables.

2) Health reasons. Heavy consumption of meat is a health problem, and leads to cardiovascular disease (among other things.)
although this isn't 100% wrong it IS misleading.
there is no lagoon associated with the local farms, it is stored inside the chicken houses or more appropriately warehouses. when full it is trucked off somewhere (don't know where).
the stench from chicken farms is practically nonexistent.


Poultry manure, properly handled, is the most valuable of all manures produced by livestock. It has historically been used as a source of plant nutrients and as a soil amendment

It's a valuable by-product of the poultry industry.

As far as a source of Methane, ALL manure handling, chickens, turkeys, pigs, cows, lamb and sheep only accounts for 7% of the US methane production, so it really IS a small amount. Our Landfills outgas twice as much.

If I have no choice but to eat meat or a plant, then I'll choose the plant. It's the lesser of two evils, given your assumptions.

the question remains......

how would you like plants to communicate their sentience to you in order to pass your test of consciousness? what behaviors do they have to exhibit in order to demonstrate your "consciously perceiving"?

you natter on about cows have an equivalent interests.....

What I have said is that a cow has an equal interest to a human being in continuing its existence, and therefore ought to have an equal right to continue said existence. If you won't go that far, then you ought to at least admit that a cow have some interest in continuing its own existence, even if that interest is "less important" or less worthy of considertion than the equivalent right of a human. do you see plants lacking in this respect? is it solely the fact that they are unable to communicate their "will to live" in a manner that you would find satisfactory? what particular behaviors do you demand of them so they would not end up on your plate?

A carrot does not have a central nervous system. It does not feel pain. It does not conceive of itself as a lifeform that is ongoing in time. It has no sense of a future. It has no desires. It has no brain. It is not conscious. etc.

would all that be applicable to the plant in general? they have none of these qualities?
sci used to be known as exosci as in exobiology
i guess we will not be sending james off planet anytime soon since it is entirely possible he might engage in genocide in order to assuage a gnawing hunger
These may also interest you:
One hour youtube clip of Michael Pollan arguing the sustainability of our current approach:

Disclaimer - I haven't actually checked either of these out - hopefully I'll get the opportunity to at least watch the youtub clip tonight.

Yeah, Omnivore's Dilemna has been on my list for quite some time. Probably I'll pick it up once I get through A Supposedly Fun Thing I'll Never Do Again. Speaking of which:

Consider the Lobster

Any answer other than "of course not" there is, in my book, a flashing red light indicating major failure of rhetorical sense.

It is only where people have said that humans ought to get special treatment just because they are human that I've raised the issue of speciesism. And in all such cases, I have invited the poster concerned to come up with a better justification. Only a few have even attempted that. Most have chosen to stick their heads in the sand.

Is that what you tell yourself?

Because that's not what I see.

That's why I have been so careful to ask probing questions to try to get people to clearly express their reasons and not just their prejudices. What I have found, mostly, is that people either don't have reasons or else they use flawed reasoning to justify their meat eating. You can find numerous examples above.

Is that what you tell youself?

Because that's not how you're coming off. If it was, you wouldn't be having to issue these self-congratulations in the first place. This is all just another troll premise, attempting to cast yourself as superior.

That's why in the end we must examine the supposedly supporting arguments so carefully. Name-calling won't resolve the issues.

It's already been suggested to you repeatedly, in this thread, by myself and numerous others, that you can all the name-calling, for exactly this reason. Instead of doing so, you respond with cheeky defenses of such (the "it generates lively discussion" canard, for one) and double-down on long-winded indictments of the prejudice and other moral and intellectual failings of those you've lumped under certain terms of derision. And, of course, the bald-faced lies describing your behavior as elevated, mature, etc. So, you're a fine one to talk about "resolving issues."

It takes a lot of patience, believe me, but fortunately I'm up to the task on this particular issue because I have a good acquaintance with all the usual supporting arguments.

Again, that's exactly the sort of arrogant premise that guarantees you'll never rise above cheap trolling. You aren't looking to have a conversation, you're looking to assert yourself over your presumed inferiors.

Suppose that we can convince people that killing and eating cows is morally wrong. Just cows for now, not sheep and pigs and fish. I don't think the millions of cows that would avoid being needlessly killed and eaten would "quibble" about that, though you might.

How are we to determine what cows think about such things? We're supposed to go on what you assert that cows think?

What would cows think about the corollary to such a decision, which would be that cattle populations would be decimated for want of land and resources? Cattle presumably have a similar interest to humans in the proliferation of their species - how are we to determine that they'd prefer being basically wiped out (but not killed for food), to being maintained in larger numbers, fed and watered, and then ultimately killed painlessly for food? How can we know that they even understand their situation (a prerequisite for possessing interests worthy of consideration, surely)? Wouldn't cattle - as conscious sentient beings - be expressing this preference by working assiduously to escape from captivity, refusing to eat in protest, etc.?

A similar argument: we ought not to even discuss whether to introduce gay marriage laws, because gay people will only ever be a minority of the population. Most of the people who want to marry can marry already, and we're only "quibbling" at the edges by arguing for inclusion of another small(ish) group. So, we're better off just going with the status quo. It's all just too hard and not worth effort (for heterosexuals, in particular).

Yeah, I'm through responding to your troll distraction lines. Taking every opportunity to shoehorn in a stilted analogy to a hot-button social issue is cheap and inflammatory. Just go ahead and leap right to the Auschwitz analogy, so we can invoke Godwin and move on with our lives.

The age at which a particular child, or children in general, are capable and equipped to drive is not self-evident to me. Perhaps it is to you. I think that this is a matter that needs to be (and has been) argued out. "They shouldn't drive just because they are children" is prejudice.

The questions of what age a child becomes an adult, and how the law ought to deal with the question of the transition period, have no bearing on the basic, obvious difference between children and adults. Indeed, the only reason that adolescents make an interesting boundary case, is exactly that the relevant differences between actual children and actual adults are so clear-cut to begin with.

You ought to explain this point to the many meat-eaters arguing in this thread, who are constantly accusing me of taking the position that, for example, a cow is equal to a human being (in every respect, presumably). I, like you, thought it was a simple enough point, but apparently for many it is not.

That's between you and them, and I'll thank you to stop using this nasty flame tactic of bad-mouthing people to third parties, particularly in the same thread. You're just beating your chest and stirring up shit here, and it's pathetic.

I am capable of and willing to provide detailed reasoning as to why a chicken should not vote in an election or hold a driver's licence, if required. In fact, I think I have even had to go to the extent of actually making such an argument for an apparently-confused meat eater earlier in this thread.

See above, since you don't seem interested in my actual point.

In comparison, when I have asked some of the meat eaters here what facts morally distinguish the right of a human not be to killed and eaten from the rights of a chicken or a cow (or, more accurately, the fact that apparently they have no such right at all), not only have the meat eaters not felt the need to give a reason, but when pushed they have been totally unable to give one that stands up to scrutiny. Some of them have even struggled on much easier questions of distinctions between animals and human beings - ones that no doubt you and I would not normally feel require a detailed explanation.

And again: see above.

It's really not my fault if other participants argue poorly. Am I supposed to argue both sides of the issue? Am I supposed to do their work for them?

I really wish that some of them would spend 30 seconds on Google and produce something at least moderately coherent on the topic.

What I seem to get instead is mostly accusations that I'm clinically insane and/or a zealot with a special type of religious belief and/or that I'm a troll for daring to raise a moral question that some people feel uncomfortable about.

Jesus fucking Christ - how many paragraphs of this rosy self-congratulation are you going to subject me to? Would it kill you to actually respond substantitively? These self-serving thread narratives are an inane waste of time - it's all there in black and white for anyone to form their own opinion. Frankly, I've long since started interpretting them as concessions of defeat, from fools too proud to know when to shut up.

Many people adopt stances on moral issues without any critical thought at all.

There's a good reason for that. If everyone had to sit around and work out an explicit philosophical justification for every aspect of their moral existence, everyone would die long before they got far enough to even justify getting out of bed in the morning.

Call that prejudice or gut feeling or whatever.

You should call it moral intuition. It's the lion's share of human moral calculus, and should not be discounted or derided, generally.

Smart people, especially those who strive for harmony and consistency in their views and opinions, then often do go on to marshall justifications.

There's no correlation between intelligence and that process. Smart people and stupid people alike go generally on intuition, and then supply more reasoning when the need arises.

I hope that, however I arrived at my views on vegetarianism, they are now solidly grounded in valid, reasoned justifications

The fact that you have more ammo for trolling those who disagree with you, is just that. And, indeed, it's most of the point of the above-mentioned process of reasoned justification - the need which provokes such being always and exatly a desire to defend one's views from opposing sentiments.

Oops! There you go again. Why does every post of yours have to end with a petty personal attack? You often start off so well, but after a while it's as if you just can't contain yourself any more. Of course, I have noted your snide remarks scattered at various points throughout your post. I choose to rise above those, for the most part.

Complaining about you making personal attacks on myself, and demanding you redress them, is a "petty personal attack" now? Who do you think you're fooling?

Have you really not noticed that essentially everyone here is onto your game, and isn't buying the self-serving pretenses? That every time you do this, you're just digging your hole that much deeper?

I don't actually give plants zero moral value, and I'm not sure if I'd consider every plant to be inferior to every animal either.

You'll probably need to be more specific. But, I'm afraid you might be disappointed if I don't have a single awe-inspiring fact that will make this issue a no-brainer for you. Some things are inherently complicated.

What, specifically, do you want to know about my "manifold moral inequality relations"? Which ones in particular are you referring to?

Well, that all was a particularly lame evasion. If you don't want to address a point, then just feel free to ignore it without trying to shoehorn in personal insults and lame posturing.
Obviously, if the whole environment goes then what we eat becomes irrelevant. But if we all stop eating meat the whole environment won't be destroyed,

That's a pretty strong claim that I have not seen serious support given for.

I reiterate my earlier speculation that eating local food (meat, plant and otherwise) would do more to lessen the environmental impact of food production than would eating a vegetarian diet without regard for locality of production.

I'm not sure where you're getting that from.

Where, exactly, did I say that killing and suffering doesn't concern me one iota?

Oh, that's right. I didn't.

Great! Where can I find the dealing and debunking, exactly? Link to the most relevant post, please.
Too lazy to look huh? Hoist with your own petard yet again.

You have no answer to this simple question? That's so telling. It really speaks volumes.
That we all(including you) know how full of shit you are and nobody is buying it? Keep stretching that strawman, we could use it to feed the horses.

Ok. I'll take your word for it. Sounds like a positive development.
How generous of you. You don't need to "take my word for it" I provided evidence, which is more than you manage to bother with for anything you've come up with.

Please link me ONE plausible source that says that the world has never been 50% vegetarian. Because I have one that says it was, and only 25 years ago or so.
Burden of proof is on you, extroidinary claims etc etc.
You know perfectly well the world hasn't been 50% vegetarian, especially if it still isn't and vegetarianism is on the increase.
Still dishonest and not good at maths eh? How telling.

Because cows are just like robots, really, I suppose. It's not as if a cow could ever want anything or enjoy anything or perceive anything or - heaven forbid - think anything.

Even to suggest such a thing is low. It's as if cows were more than mere machines or automatons, and as Anti-Flag knows that's all they are in fact.
Robots eh? Strawman yet again. As was pointed out, supposition is irrelevant - especially when selectively applied.
And thanks, more intellectual dishonesty to report. Keep it up, hopefully we'll have you banned by next week.
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Yeah, I'm through responding to your troll distraction lines. Taking every opportunity to shoehorn in a stilted analogy to a hot-button social issue is cheap and inflammatory. Just go ahead and leap right to the Auschwitz analogy, so we can invoke Godwin and move on with our lives.

It would have been more amusing if you'd said Dachau.
adoucette said:
And thus the whole point of this TROLL exercise goes up in smoke, you think the rest of us are less moral than you, but as usual, you are wrong.


Gustav said:
i guess we will not be sending james off planet anytime soon since it is entirely possible he might engage in genocide in order to assuage a gnawing hunger

quadraphonics said:
This is all just another troll premise, attempting to cast yourself as superior.

It's already been suggested to you repeatedly, in this thread, by myself and numerous others, that you can all the name-calling, for exactly this reason. Instead of doing so, you respond with cheeky defenses of such (the "it generates lively discussion" canard, for one) and double-down on long-winded indictments of the prejudice and other moral and intellectual failings of those you've lumped under certain terms of derision. And, of course, the bald-faced lies describing your behavior as elevated, mature, etc. So, you're a fine one to talk about "resolving issues."


Again, that's exactly the sort of arrogant premise that guarantees you'll never rise above cheap trolling. You aren't looking to have a conversation, you're looking to assert yourself over your presumed inferiors.


Yeah, I'm through responding to your troll distraction lines. Taking every opportunity to shoehorn in a stilted analogy to a hot-button social issue is cheap and inflammatory. Just go ahead and leap right to the Auschwitz analogy, so we can invoke Godwin and move on with our lives.


That's between you and them, and I'll thank you to stop using this nasty flame tactic of bad-mouthing people to third parties, particularly in the same thread. You're just beating your chest and stirring up shit here, and it's pathetic.


Jesus fucking Christ - how many paragraphs of this rosy self-congratulation are you going to subject me to? Would it kill you to actually respond substantitively? These self-serving thread narratives are an inane waste of time - it's all there in black and white for anyone to form their own opinion. Frankly, I've long since started interpretting them as concessions of defeat, from fools too proud to know when to shut up.


The fact that you have more ammo for trolling those who disagree with you, is just that. And, indeed, it's most of the point of the above-mentioned process of reasoned justification - the need which provokes such being always and exatly a desire to defend one's views from opposing sentiments.


Have you really not noticed that essentially everyone here is onto your game, and isn't buying the self-serving pretenses? That every time you do this, you're just digging your hole that much deeper?


Well, that all was a particularly lame evasion. If you don't want to address a point, then just feel free to ignore it without trying to shoehorn in personal insults and lame posturing.

Anti-Flag said:
Too lazy to look huh? Hoist with your own petard yet again.


That we all(including you) know how full of shit you are and nobody is buying it? Keep stretching that strawman, we could use it to feed the horses.


How generous of you. You don't need to "take my word for it" I provided evidence, which is more than you manage to bother with for anything you've come up with.


Still dishonest and not good at maths eh? How telling.

And thanks, more intellectual dishonesty to report. Keep it up, hopefully we'll have you banned by next week.

Witness the angry meat eaters with their personal attacks.

None of this warrants a response. These people aren't interested in having an adult conversation. They are only interested in schoolyard bullying.

Most of the meat-eating participants in this thread apparently want it closed. It also appears that we've covered the substantive issues. Most of the rest is repetition.

I know I haven't responded to everybody. I would like to thank some of the participants here for useful discussions and thoughtful responses. I am sorry I haven't been able to address every argument or issue that has been brought up.

To the angry trolls: congratulations. You've got your wish. Now you can go away from this thread and either pretend it didn't happen or imagine that you "won" the argument. Clearly these are the things that matter to you.
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