Well ChessMaster I am terribly board with this so it time to bid adieu ...
The coincidence is astounding, I was going to say the same thing.
Well ChessMaster I am terribly board with this so it time to bid adieu ...
Well ChessMaster/Reiku I am terribly board with this so it time to bid adieu and you can post your nonsense until your eventual rebanning without my comments (probably). Maybe you will be able to impress layman, undefined and motor daddy with you "physics knowledge".
The coincidence is astounding, I was going to say the same thing.
Reiku, seeing as that was you, you ignored YEARS of corrections, lied about yourself, threatened to troll the forums Prom and I moderate and repeat debunked claims. You made it very clear teaching you is not something you wanted to happen. Instead you wish to deceive others in order to delude yourself. Your years of constant BS and dishonest make it clear you need to deal with some kind of personality issue. You don't like people to point out your problems but obviously you have them. Do something constructive with your life, lest you spend ANOTHER 5 years doing this nonsense. I bet you make your parents proud....So forgive me, when you say you don't recall him getting anything right, you just seem to be one of those haters I was just talking about. Reiku clearly could talk about physics when he wanted to and knew a great deal more than many people who attended the site. Though of course, fair play to other posters like alphanumeric who on occasions spotted errors in his essays, but at the time, he went about it totally the wrong way. He was more a bully than a teacher in my opinion.
Reiku, seeing as that was you, you ignored YEARS of corrections, lied about yourself, threatened to troll the forums Prom and I moderate and repeat debunked claims. You made it very clear teaching you is not something you wanted to happen. Instead you wish to deceive others in order to delude yourself. Your years of constant BS and dishonest make it clear you need to deal with some kind of personality issue. You don't like people to point out your problems but obviously you have them. Do something constructive with your life, lest you spend ANOTHER 5 years doing this nonsense. I bet you make your parents proud....
Reiku, my personal circumstances are largely irrelevant to my comments to you. It wouldn't matter whether I had a Nobel Prize or I worked 80 hour weeks scrubbing toilets, my comments about you wasting years of your life would be just as valid and just as non-hypocritical. Now if I were unemployed and living in my parents house at the age of 30, having wasted 5 years of my life lying to people on forums about my education and bragging about hammering bottles of vodka then perhaps my criticism of yours actions would be hypocritical but fortunately I am not that person. Anyone who spends sufficient amounts of their time doing constructive things with their life can make non-hypocritical comments about you and your behaviour.Maybe your PhD certificate is made of gold... it's certainly got nothing to do with your social skills and in a forum, that's what matters. Not your bulged intelligence, but your over-inflated ego.