Using the Newtonian Constant G to Explain an Origin of the Poincare Stress

Well ChessMaster/Reiku I am terribly board with this so it time to bid adieu and you can post your nonsense until your eventual rebanning without my comments (probably). Maybe you will be able to impress layman, undefined and motor daddy with you "physics knowledge".


The ChessMaster okey doked once again.
So forgive me, when you say you don't recall him getting anything right, you just seem to be one of those haters I was just talking about. Reiku clearly could talk about physics when he wanted to and knew a great deal more than many people who attended the site. Though of course, fair play to other posters like alphanumeric who on occasions spotted errors in his essays, but at the time, he went about it totally the wrong way. He was more a bully than a teacher in my opinion.
Reiku, seeing as that was you, you ignored YEARS of corrections, lied about yourself, threatened to troll the forums Prom and I moderate and repeat debunked claims. You made it very clear teaching you is not something you wanted to happen. Instead you wish to deceive others in order to delude yourself. Your years of constant BS and dishonest make it clear you need to deal with some kind of personality issue. You don't like people to point out your problems but obviously you have them. Do something constructive with your life, lest you spend ANOTHER 5 years doing this nonsense. I bet you make your parents proud....
Reiku, seeing as that was you, you ignored YEARS of corrections, lied about yourself, threatened to troll the forums Prom and I moderate and repeat debunked claims. You made it very clear teaching you is not something you wanted to happen. Instead you wish to deceive others in order to delude yourself. Your years of constant BS and dishonest make it clear you need to deal with some kind of personality issue. You don't like people to point out your problems but obviously you have them. Do something constructive with your life, lest you spend ANOTHER 5 years doing this nonsense. I bet you make your parents proud....

My mother is dead. But thanks for bringing that up.
You were always a cruel bastard in the thick of it.

Do you remember how you fell upon this forum? You followed me here. You hit out with some of the worst comments to people and I still don't understand how you still have a place here. A forum isn't a free pass to fuck about with peoples heads... but you still did it. Maybe your PhD certificate is made of gold... it's certainly got nothing to do with your social skills and in a forum, that's what matters. Not your bulged intelligence, but your over-inflated ego.
Maybe your PhD certificate is made of gold... it's certainly got nothing to do with your social skills and in a forum, that's what matters. Not your bulged intelligence, but your over-inflated ego.
Reiku, my personal circumstances are largely irrelevant to my comments to you. It wouldn't matter whether I had a Nobel Prize or I worked 80 hour weeks scrubbing toilets, my comments about you wasting years of your life would be just as valid and just as non-hypocritical. Now if I were unemployed and living in my parents house at the age of 30, having wasted 5 years of my life lying to people on forums about my education and bragging about hammering bottles of vodka then perhaps my criticism of yours actions would be hypocritical but fortunately I am not that person. Anyone who spends sufficient amounts of their time doing constructive things with their life can make non-hypocritical comments about you and your behaviour.

5 years. 5 YEARS we've been doing this particular dance. In that time you could have learnt from scratch for A Levels or Highers (seeing as you're in Scotland), got into university and got a degree. In Scotland you don't even have to pay university fees and there's a number of universities with good maths and/or physics departments. But instead what have you spent your time doing? Writing thread after thread after thread after thread like this one. Each and every one bullshit. Each and every one obviously bullshit to anyone with even an A Level grasp of maths/physics. And it is pretty much always the same stuff, you have an obsession with relating GM to other things and it makes it obvious when you make a new sock puppet. I'd expect a rational, competent honest person to become very proficient at something if they spent 5 years banging on about it. And yet you still post nonsense.

This criticism I'm giving you isn't about my ego, as I just said anyone who spends their time constructively and is doing something with their life can make this criticism of you, it just happens I'm competent at the stuff you like to BS about. Someone needs to tell you you should stop this incessant bullshit of yours, too bad if you don't like hearing it. If you actually followed my advice you'd accomplish a lot more than you are at the moment. You are so unwilling to hear it you consider this advice "kicking the fuck" out of you. Too bad.

If you truly and honestly wanted to get to a place where you can do science, even as a hobby or as an informed layperson, you'd not be doing what you're doing. You have claimed you intend to do physics, perhaps even a PhD, but how in any way are you moving towards that? Rather than learning the material necessary to get into a degree course you post threads like this. I'm sure you post them on other forums too, wasting more of your time. Convincing people on the internet doesn't get you closer to real understanding or doing actual science. So it would seem you're either lying when you say you plan/want to do science in some proper capacity or you're lying to yourself. Maybe threads like this are your way of convincing yourself you already can do proper physics, as a way of avoiding having to sit impartial exams which you'll surely fail. You have previously said you think you know enough to skip the first year of a physics degree. That is delusional, the question is whether you believe it or not. If you don't and you're just lying to people then you demonstrate how you're squandering your time. If you do believe it then you prove you're delusional.

You might not like being told these things but nevertheless they stand. I'd be saying the same thing to Ben or Cpt or Prom if they started posting the sort of crap you do with the repetitive frequency that you do, neither educational qualifications of them or I would have any relevance to the fact they'd be wasting time, effort and potential in doing such things. The intelligence and education of the parties has nothing to do with someone wasting vast amounts of time and effort being told they are wasting vast amounts of time and effort.

And if you want to talk about social skills on forums you're the one who threatened to troll the forum when moderator action was taken against you. You're the one who lies about himself constantly. You're the one who insults people when he cannot retort the science critique of your posts. You're the one who brags about drinking lots of vodka. Social interactions count for a fair bit on a forum but not everything, particularly on a science forum, in threads about scientific topics. If I wanted to be sociable with people on the forum I'd spend time in the less science orientated forums, instead I keep mainly to the physics/maths related ones. And I'm capable of being perfectly amicable with people who are rational, honest and sane. When someone like yourself lies for the umpteenth time and posts the same garbage again you've spent all of the 'sugar coating' allowance you get.

Seriously Gareth, I don't wish you ill or harm, I'm telling you things to hopefully kick your arse into doing something productive with your existence. You want to be here in 5 years still posting about $$\sqrt{GM}$$ and having sock accounts banned within 20 posts? Or do you want to be starting a science based job thanks to your recently awarded science degree? If you dealt with the issues you have and put as much effort into actual studying and learning as you do to bullshitting forums you could manage it. But if you like where you are right now and the thought of still being there in 5 years time doesn't make you feel nauseous then fine, it is indeed your life to waste but just don't kid yourself or anyone here that you have any real interest in science because if that's the case you really don't care about science at all.