darksidZz - What's he been up to
Well this has been one hell of a weird year, I bought a laptop from HP, found out the LCD was angled slightly and they couldn't repair it, scratch that dumb idea and then built a PC which was way, way over my price range but one hell of a machine non-the-less. The mobo has loose connections IMO especially the VGA but the DVI-HDMI adapter I got was so big it weighed the port down which led me to rethink using it! So money down the drain there too :S I'm a dumb person...
Then wonderful for me I goto change my insurance policy and find out it would be a mere 1200 dollars! Fancy that financing a car at 289 a month would force me to full coverage and that just about equaled it's payments! LMAO I got with esurance thank god at 830 :S
Now wait there's more, my car has some kinda problem on the passengers side where the wheel area squeaks badly when I drive, pretty sad eh? Let's see what that'll cost me!
So all in all I've wasted tons of money out here in California with little to show but my wasted time and energy. Also I've been kinda out of things lately and I can't tell if I'm doing well at my job or not, they may think I am but still :L
Hard to be optimistic at this point :/ I'm tired an feel old, how bout u?
Umm yea this had gotta be so silly, why'd I write it :S guess cuz I got no therapist, lol
So all in all I accomplished some things but I'm sure that car has some sorta weird problem, grrr I got extended warrenty with it but how long would it take to even fix I wonder, what a joke. Days and days probably which I don't have since some ppl work unlike mechanics who just bill
Adios for now!
Well this has been one hell of a weird year, I bought a laptop from HP, found out the LCD was angled slightly and they couldn't repair it, scratch that dumb idea and then built a PC which was way, way over my price range but one hell of a machine non-the-less. The mobo has loose connections IMO especially the VGA but the DVI-HDMI adapter I got was so big it weighed the port down which led me to rethink using it! So money down the drain there too :S I'm a dumb person...
Then wonderful for me I goto change my insurance policy and find out it would be a mere 1200 dollars! Fancy that financing a car at 289 a month would force me to full coverage and that just about equaled it's payments! LMAO I got with esurance thank god at 830 :S
Now wait there's more, my car has some kinda problem on the passengers side where the wheel area squeaks badly when I drive, pretty sad eh? Let's see what that'll cost me!
So all in all I've wasted tons of money out here in California with little to show but my wasted time and energy. Also I've been kinda out of things lately and I can't tell if I'm doing well at my job or not, they may think I am but still :L
Hard to be optimistic at this point :/ I'm tired an feel old, how bout u?
Umm yea this had gotta be so silly, why'd I write it :S guess cuz I got no therapist, lol
So all in all I accomplished some things but I'm sure that car has some sorta weird problem, grrr I got extended warrenty with it but how long would it take to even fix I wonder, what a joke. Days and days probably which I don't have since some ppl work unlike mechanics who just bill
Adios for now!