unscience at its finest -the modern "psychiatry industry

Discussion in 'Human Science' started by gamelord, Jul 3, 2018.

  1. Write4U Valued Senior Member

    Yes , I remember counselor Deanna Troi. She was one of my fav characters in Star Trek. But the term existed long before then in psychology, I'm sure
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  3. Seattle Valued Senior Member

    Most people feel empathy for others. This is one of the norms that you seem to have an issue with in psychology when it doesn't fit your view of the world.

    There is no correlation between empathy and bisexuals. You are also (apparently) not understanding psychopathology. A psychopath doesn't feel for criminals or anyone else, by definition.
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  5. Seattle Valued Senior Member

    Empathy existed, not the modern new age term "empath".
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  7. Write4U Valued Senior Member

    Ah....ok....I grok....

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  8. gamelord Registered Senior Member

    What im saying is still accurate. Same can be said of the bible, you can pick and choose truths of the bible, pick out good things of jesus and solomon and sampson and proverbs. There are truths and wisdoms in the bible, but it is still woo. You can argue that Church ought to be given to save prisoners make them model citizens, and that church boosts mental health. Maybe it does, maybe church actually does help mental health and reduces crime, but its still woo. But it can also make mental health worse.

    Im sure some of the meds work, by trial and error and after many years of testing. But the focus seems to be on altering chemicals rather than altering causes. For example a lonely person who noone loves, they tell them to just take more pills, the pills dont really help much because they are so lonely.

    Other people, healthy male teenagers, are told there is something wrong with them for having violent thoughts, in fact they make you say that you have no violent thoughts and if you say you have violent thoughts they lock you away. Funny that we came from a savage species of knights and warlords going on killing sprees in the forest which was considered natural, and now you are sick and unhealthy for having even the slightest violent thought, and yet here we are playing violent videogames at the same time, a complete disconnect from rational reasoning. 50 million people can play violent games and 5 billion can watch violent movies, but if you have any violence in your imagination you are unwell, its total nonsense.
  9. Write4U Valued Senior Member

    It is thought that the "mirror neural network" in the psychopathic brain is damaged in some way.
    This is also thought to be responsible for autism, the inability to relate or interact with others.
  10. Seattle Valued Senior Member

    However, they don't lock you up for having violent thoughts.

    If you are lonely and you go to a psychiatrist they can't send friends over to your house. If you have the money they will refer you to a psychologist who will help you to work though any issues of loneliness, a plan for making friends, etc.

    If you can't sleep at night, can't get out of your house to try to make friends...that's where a psychiatrist might prescribe medication (and yes, it seems to be prescribed too often).

    If someone wants "help" and doesn't want it to be pill based...go to a psychologist since they can't prescribe medications.
  11. gamelord Registered Senior Member

    Personally it seems there is some overlap between psychopathy, autism, depression, and anhedonia, but the "experts" say they are all distinctly different things.

    I don't actually understand why. Anhedonia means an inability to feel emotions, similar to clinical depression, but depressed people are associated with "good people" and psychopath elicits ideas of "evil people" so to speak.
  12. gamelord Registered Senior Member

    I am fairly sure lock you up for having violent thoughts actually. When they ask you "are you having any thoughts to hurt yourself or others" and you say "yes" and then they say "Would you tell me a little more about these thoughts" next thing you know they wheel you off to the nearest center.

    In any case the psychiatry industry has done a historically effective job of stigmatizing those who are outside the norm, such an effort reduces the chances of outsiders successfully navigating the human social sphere...
  13. RainbowSingularity Valued Senior Member

    ok thanks. i think i understand where your coming from now.

    yes 1 there is a great deal of expectation and pressure on the mental health industry in a capitalist litigious society, to force compliance to a functional level of compitency.

    ironically when you look at the vast differences in society
    on one hand you have church going people who marry off their little girls around age 15
    on the other you have parens that think a life of crime is an acceptable response to a big system that wants to turn you into a private prison meal ticket for big corporatations and bully boys in boys clubs.

    ponder for a moment all the socialist mass brain washing that went on during the mcCarthy years and the "reds under the bed" mass government psychosis that exploited fear of genocide as a means to force mass compliance by children and parents.
    meanwhile public witch hunts on tv.

    this is not some distant past, this is your parents generation.

    slavery was considered ok and normal in the age of your grandparents in the USA.

    Racism is still considered a corner stone of many american cultures.

    Society does not suddenly change the way it raises its children in 1 or 2 generations to suddenly be impartial and intellectual balanced.

    a majority of americans think the president has to be a church going christian or should not be voted in.
    yet the laws are border line secular.

    hypocrisy in part is abound.
    it often is.
    maybe you have become accustomed to a certain perspective that has been afforded you due to your own immediate surroundings(good bad or indifferent, or all 3)

    suffice to say, if you can neither function in any society be it ideal or not ideal(bible basher muslim or liberal lefty or secular), how can you be a "citizen"
    what is most important to american culture ? "citizenship" to be able to self declare as a "patriot".

    thus ... err-go ... functionalism mandate.

    morally, in the american civil war
    who is morally correct ?
    the north or the south ?
    what do american people say about that ?
    how do they function in society together ?
    should they ?
    is it important to be functional ?
  14. Seattle Valued Senior Member

    You don't have to go to a psychiatrist or a psychologist. To the extent that someone is stigmatized by society at large, it is what it is. That's how societies work.

    What is the alternative? A type of psychology where you tell everyone that you're doing fine? Those outside the norm will have issues with society even in a society with no psychology framework.

    Keep in mind that everyone else is dealing with the same system (whatever the system is). Some deal more successfully than others.
  15. gamelord Registered Senior Member

    Yes but this society has a very certain agenda to it. The judeochristian agenda of, shaming independent thought and praising passive behavoirs.
    Ie. if you punch someone out, you are a "menace" who has to be corrected, obviously because you aren't fulfilling your inherited role of sheep.
  16. Seattle Valued Senior Member

    Would you prefer to live in a society where bullies rule the roost? Plenty of people think independently and still get along with others.
  17. RainbowSingularity Valued Senior Member

    in the fabulous american private health system do you get a health insurance pay out if you are diagnosed as a psychopath ?
    lump sum payment ?
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  18. gamelord Registered Senior Member

    I was bullied my whole life. First I was physically bullied, and after many years I finally drew the strength to fight back.
    Now, the bullies bully you socially, manipulating and gossiping behind curtains and playing with your emotions online, and now they make it illegal to fight back physically. You see no matter what this society is structured to cater to these kinds of people, in fact these are the kind of people who weave their way into positions of power and dominate society (cough Orange in chief.)
  19. Dywyddyr Penguinaciously duckalicious. Valued Senior Member

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  20. RainbowSingularity Valued Senior Member

    Remember trump making public declarations about people should be punched in the face,

    and the person standing up at the rally shouting was punched in the face by trumps command and then dragged out by security.
  21. Seattle Valued Senior Member

    Many people are psychopaths, including, doctors, attorneys, business people. Why would you get a lump sum payment? As long as you aren't breaking the law, it's not an issue except in their personal relationships.

    You do know that most psychopaths aren't murderers?

    In what country do people get lump sum payments for being psychopaths?
  22. gamelord Registered Senior Member

    Yes that is the problem I have. Annoying Oranges ought to be punched, and yet they are allowed to punch you, yet you are not allowed to punch them. Its always the same old song.
  23. gamelord Registered Senior Member

    I doubt that psychopath is even real thing more so a word made up by american society.

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