Universe created by God

And Bowser I am really sorry for being aggresive and generally giving you a hard time.
Please forgive me so I can rationalise that all has ended well.
Not a problem, X. I accept you hold your own views about life. It's a diverse world. :)
That's your dead universe meaning isn't it. Your saying without a religious belief we are dead

Most of the Universe is dead

Only a very tiny teeny weeny part of the Universe is alive

The individual segments of life do not stay alive for long

It would seem we are not in control.


That task is left to physics

Someone remarked physics is reality which still believes in you even if you do not believe in it

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Most of the Universe is dead

Only a very tiny teeny weeny part of the Universe is alive

The individual segments of life do not stay alive for long

How do you know this for sure ?

Bowser said:
It would seem we are not in control.


That task is left to physics

Someone remarked physics is reality which still believes in you even if you do not believe in it.



Physics can be controlled . Advanced beings do just that .
You can turn it into a religion and give homage if you wish. I do in my own way.
Your way is raising oatmeal with butter in the belief that there is a god.
It would seem we are not in control.
Who said we were?
The individual segments of life do not stay alive for long
Raise your morning oatmeal in thanks and you could live forever. Me, I check the oatmeal box for any coupons.
Raise your morning oatmeal in thanks and you could live forever. Me, I check the oatmeal box for any coupons.

Breakfast for me is ½ bowl cornflakes and ½ bowl muslei with milk and 1L cordial

Coffee and ice cream with friends about 10 am

The supermarkets have weekly specials catalogue. Nothing for me the past 6 weeks

Your way is raising oatmeal with butter in the belief that there is a god.
I try to remember to say thanks every time life gives me something. And I give back when I can.

Who said we were?
All the much more to be thankful--we're still around to talk about it.

Raise your morning oatmeal in thanks and you could live forever. Me, I check the oatmeal box for any coupons.
It's appropriate to be thankful for those things that come our way, whether it be a bowl of oatmeal or coupons on the back of the box.
All the much more to be thankful--we're still around to talk about it.
One of the things about Evolution is chance mutations, we are still around courtesy of those.
Your saying they were not chance events and I should give thanks to something for that?
I see a Natural Universe without a god, like the one you imagined.

We live in a world where there are people who are without God. We can understand that they are not really without God, but they have chosen to live as though there is no God.
That's as good as it gets.

One of the things about Evolution is chance mutations, we are still around courtesy of those.
Your saying they were not chance events and I should give thanks to something for that?
If you believe everything is by chance, including your own existence, maybe you should give thanks for your good fortune.
If you believe everything is by chance, including your own existence, maybe you should give thanks for your good fortune.

Fairly pointless giving thanks to fortune - good or bad

Somewhere in the background there would have been a division point, probibly many of them, which would result in billions of options

Anyone could have sprung into being from any of those options. Some might have been better and some worse

If if if we knew any of those billions of options and could pick a better one OK perhaps you would

Then find out later if you keep your old option you would live 20 years longer

You have a very limited to affect ANYTHING and with the unknowable billions effects swirling around your effort try not to overestimate your existence

If if if you really are looking for somewhere to park your thanks look no further than CHANCE and PHYSICS

Don't expect any responsive reply

Hey that's the same non response theist get from god

We live in a world where there are people who are without God. We can understand that they are not really without God, but they have chosen to live as though there is no God.
That's as good as it gets.Jan.
Yes, in your eyes or beliefs you like to understand the world as something like the film ''Gangs of New York '', them and us. How many religions are there?
If you believe everything is by chance, including your own existence, maybe you should give thanks for your good fortune.
What is it with you and this ''thanks'' thing. You like thanking things that's up to you, and I'm not being funny, but thats puts me in mind of someone who has one of those counting compulsions, yours is thanking things.
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What alternatives would you have preferred?
Yet here you are. Would you want it any other way?
I'm here because I'm here.
Ok, if I buy this god thing and to keep on its good side, I go around thanking it for everything and everything that happens to me, what does that get me? what does the reward give me? Would I be an individual whatnot someplace ''living forever'' whatever thats means here? What does this ''living forever'' mean?
Would this ''Living forever'' mean ''I'm'' exposed to this god's eternal causing of suffering to those not yet dead. Do I have to keep telling myself I'm enjoying this ''living forever'' because I'm not suffering? Is that all there is to this ''living forever'' thing?
I'm here because I'm here.
Ok, if I buy this god thing and to keep on its good side, I go around thanking it for everything and everything that happens to me, what does that get me? what does the reward give me? Would I be an individual whatnot someplace ''living forever'' whatever thats means here? What does this ''living forever'' mean?
Would this ''Living forever'' mean ''I'm'' exposed to this god's eternal causing of suffering to those not yet dead. Do I have to keep telling myself I'm enjoying this ''living forever'' because I'm not suffering? Is that all there is to this ''living forever'' thing?

Living forever is about experience in the material world .

Joy and suffering , is the growth of the soul .