I'm simply talking about God.
I know thats what you think you are doing but the audience demands a better delivery I suggest.
Whats he wearing?
Do you see him like I see the stars or do you imagine him and your brain constructs an image.
Either way I would like you to describe what you see as I am interested in this part.
Could you draw him say?
If you are not up to drawing could you describe what you see in detail such that someone else could draw him?
I see no reason why my sight should offend you.
Look if I said that I am sorry.
I say it does not offend me at all.
If you literally see him I would love to hear all about it even if you hold an image in your imagination I would love to have you describe what you "see".
I wont laugh etc if you are straight with me.
I would not do that...
I like talking about the topic.
Well so do I.
It interests me to trace through history and examine the evolvement of religion etc
I'm not trying to be evasive.
Well you are lucky that I happened along as I am able to point out that although you dont think you are being evasive that is indeed the impression that I and others have.
Perhaps if you tried you could understand why that impression forms and if you are not trying to be evasive take steps to correct the impression to coincide with the way you see yourself.
And that is not easy as we do tend to think others think the same as we do...they dont.
I simply can't stuff a god in a neatly defined box and hand it to you.
I can understand the difficulty but trying to lead folk by questions is not helpful as it comes over as evasive.
All I suggest is to try and describe how you feel. I can handle that and even if I find it strange or diffetent you will have gained my respect by at least giving it a honest go.
You see as there is no God for me I really have no idea what you think.
Sometimes questions are the best answers.
No they are not.
If you like that approach why no present it as a proposition...Say...If I would ask such and such you may answer such and such well my proposition is just like that etc.
Honestly, spirituality is not all that mysterious.
Can you not see the question approach makes it appear that you are trying to be mysterious...you may not be but that becomes the impression at best at worst it seems evasive. Neither is helpful to you or your audience.
That's why I insist it is available to anyone who wants it.
Well of course it is ..it is my view ones brain does what we ask and will opperate at a subconscious level to give us what we ask...I lose weight simply by looking inbthe mirror and telling myself that I am losing weight...that really happens and indicates the brain somehow works to deliver our expectation.
I visualise anything I want and finally it becomes mine..
So there is more going on than we think ...and I have no doubt that if I asked God into my life my brain would deliver that condition but unlike the weight lose this delivery is a mere delussion.
I have been there..once I even thought God was talking to me..
Alone in the bush obviously I had gone cabin crazy but thankfully I had something left that enabled me to realise ones mind can play tricks.
Take what I say whatever way you like but deluding oneself is just terrible...nothing takes more away from who you are than self delussion.
And realise you can talk yourself into believing anything but holding a firm grip on reality must be ones goal.
I just think it is so sad when folk kid themselves...think of guys who think they are Gods gift to the ladies when in fact the ladies think they are creepy...or someone who thinks they sing well when they are tone deaf...and the sadest thing is most folk just laugh and let them make fools of themselves...
I'm no more special than you.
Oh sometimes you sound rather "special".
We have a cat that is "special" as he wont eat raw meat and drinks pinapple juice..."very special".
I don't consider myself a guru or a sage.
Its about impressions.
I said to a mate that no one ever picked a fight with me in any of the pubs that I once went to...he looked at me as if I had missed something..yeh I wonder why he said people are scared of you...I was crushed...I thought I came over friendly and kind because that how I see me...how many times have I said I am kind..that what I see...but sadly I look intimidating...I am not but its how others pick up on your vibes.
You gotta take that on board you are who others see.
I'm happy to be alive and appreciative. I hope my comments reflect that sentiment.
I see that in you but sometimes due to your belief that a question is a good answer I see someone else.
And I certainly "feel" you are a decent human being.
Thanks for chatting I must say it is pleasant.