Universe created by God

I will still raise my morning bowl of oatmeal and butter in thanks.
Raise it in a belief. Faith.
The absence of what we call existence. But then we wouldn't be around to make that call.
My bold.
Shouldn't that read: ''The absence of what I call existence. But then I wouldn't be around to make that call.''
Your personal religious idea of existence is not a shared belief.
I disagree about the later.
You asked for a better explanation and I gave you one. But you don't really care about explanations, do you? You can superimpose your beliefs on any explanation. You can gild any lily with beliefs.
All you said is that there isn't a God. That's your belief.
No. It's based on evidence. I've been asking you for evidence that God exists and you seem to be admiting that there is none. In fact, you seem to be smug in the attitude that you don't need any.
No. It's based on evidence. I've been asking you for evidence that God exists and you seem to be admiting that there is none. In fact, you seem to be smug in the attitude that you don't need any.
I've been telling you you are immersed in the evidence, but you insist the evidence be contained in a box. I'm not being smug. I'm being straight up with you.
I've been telling you you are immersed in the evidence, but you insist the evidence be contained in a box. I'm not being smug. I'm being straight up with you.
Try to convict a criminal by telling the judge and jury that they're immersed in evidence. You might as well say we're immersed in unicorns. Unless you can point to specific evidence, you're providing no evidence at all.
Try to convict a criminal by telling the judge and jury that they're immersed in evidence. You might as well say we're immersed in unicorns. Unless you can point to specific evidence, you're providing no evidence at all.
But I'm not making an accusation. If I told you that no amount of money can buy what you have right now, would you believe me? Yet it's free.
If I see God in a stack of bricks, how is that "Faith"?
You have convinced yourself that God is everything and no evidence but your ''say so'' is needed. Others would say that's a measure of your faith that there is a God.

If you are color blind and see green when the sky is blue, what can I possibly say that would convince you otherwise?
Who is the one wearing his faith spectacles here and seeing nothing but God everywhere and in everything?
You have convinced yourself that God is everything and no evidence but your ''say so'' is needed. Others would say that's a measure of your faith that there is a God.

I suppose. If I believed the universe was a dead artifact, there would be no room for a God.

Who is the one wearing his faith spectacles here and seeing nothing but God everywhere and in everything?
Because everywhere I look I see God? What do you see?
I hate to say it, Bows, but gmilam has a point. Your arguments are right out of Jan's textbook:

Believes he has an irrefutable awareness of the world (i.e. to just *know* something in his hearty-heart )

I can't make you see. That's just it. If you are color blind and see green when the sky is blue, what can I possibly say that would convince you otherwise?
Believes he has perceptive abilities superior to others, and that others are deluded.

I've been telling you you are immersed in the evidence, but you insist the evidence be contained in a box. I'm not being smug. I'm being straight up with you.
Attempts to gaslight others, suggesting they cannot see what is (allegedly) right in front of them.

The irony of course, is that you've described yourself.

No person can justfiably claim that their view of the world is flawless. So when you are unable to doubt that your own view of the world might not be perfect, you end up being the colourblind one in the box.