United States to Invade Texas! Get Your Arms!


Deacon Blues
Valued Senior Member
Ah, yeah. Republicans are at it again. Right wingers think the US government will invade Texas this summer. So Texas Governor Gregg Abbott (Republican) has mobilized the Texas National Guard to monitor federal special forces when they conduct their annual training exercises this summer in his state.

Yes, you just can't make this stuff up. Republicans are indeed bat shit crazy! Just when you think Republicans cannot get more bizarre and more bat shit crazy, they get more bizarre and bat shit crazy.


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Ah, yeah. Republicans are at it again. Right wingers think the US government will invade Texas this summer. So Texas Governor Gregg Abbott (Republican) has mobilized the Texas National Guard to monitor federal special forces when they conduct their annual training exercises this summer in his state.

Yes, you just can't make this stuff up. Republicans are indeed bat shit crazy! Just when you think Republicans cannot get more bizarre and more bat shit crazy, they get more bizarre and bat shit crazy.


state guard not the national guard. even so i'm worried that one of those miltia yahoo's is going to open fire on the US military
state guard not the national guard. even so i'm worried that one of those miltia yahoo's is going to open fire on the US military

Texas has been trying to break away from the rest of the country and become its own new country. While it hasn't done much about doing that it is something that perhaps keeps them on guard about the federal Governments ideas.
Texas has been trying to break away from the rest of the country and become its own new country. While it hasn't done much about doing that it is something that perhaps keeps them on guard about the federal Governments ideas.
Well, there is difference between trying and talking. By calling up the Texas National Guard, Governor Abbott is feeding the rampant paranoia and conspiracy nuts (i.e. Republicans). This action endears Abbott with the Republican base (i.e. the conspiracy nuts and Tea Party folk), but it's just bat shit crazy.
What do you think the national guard is PJ?

the national guard can be made into federal entities the state guard can't. they aren't the same thing.

last time i checked the militia movement has nothing to do with the national guard.

Well, there is difference between trying and talking. By calling up the Texas National Guard, Governor Abbott is feeding the rampant paranoia and conspiracy nuts (i.e. Republicans). This action endears Abbott with the Republican base (i.e. the conspiracy nuts and Tea Party folk), but it's just bat shit crazy.
again the texas national guard wasn't called up. the texas state guard was.
What do you know, pjdude is right! :)

I learn something new every day :)
yeah i'm guessing most people are reading it and just assuming they mean the national guard but for some reason it stuck out at me so i did the research a lo and behold not the same thing. i try to make sure i do my research so i know what i'm talking about.
And they haven't been mobilized. They are just monitoring the situation...

The government here is still bat-shit crazy.
Well it is about time PJ was right about something, albeit an insignificant fact.
wow. how old are in your 50's? and you have the maturity of a middle schooler. just because you can't handle have the gaping holes in your beliefs and your biases pointed out to you doesn't mean you get to make personal attacks. so please don't through another hissy fit cause some one bother to you know do research instead of relying on ideology and you got burned on it. and the ramifications aren't insignificant, if violence breaks out the president could federalize the national guard to prevent an escalation which the ability is lacked for the state guard. your personal attack here only proves my point about you in the Fergason and Baltimore threads, your arrogant and not interested facts more about bashing those that disagree with your beliefs.
wow. how old are in your 50's? and you have the maturity of a middle schooler. just because you can't handle have the gaping holes in your beliefs and your biases pointed out to you doesn't mean you get to make personal attacks. so please don't through another hissy fit cause some one bother to you know do research instead of relying on ideology and you got burned on it. and the ramifications aren't insignificant, if violence breaks out the president could federalize the national guard to prevent an escalation which the ability is lacked for the state guard. your personal attack here only proves my point about you in the Fergason and Baltimore threads, your arrogant and not interested facts more about bashing those that disagree with your beliefs.
LOL, so you think state guard vs national guard is a gapping hole? :). wither Abort activated the state guard or the state national guard, it isn't relevant. If could just manage to be correct on the relevant facts from time to time, it would be a big step up fo you.

Unfortunately PJ you rarely do your homework. Most of the time you have absolutely no subject matter knowledge, hence your heavy reliance on fallacious argument (e.g. all this ad hominem).
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Well it is about time PJ was right about something, albeit an insignificant fact.
Now, now let's play nice :)

It's not actually insignificant either in the sense that the state is "keeping and eye" on the federal war games.

Also, who knew that Texas had a state guard. Do you know any any other state with a state guard?

You do have the emotional maturity of a middle schooler :) Just own it if that's the case :)
Now, now let's play nice :)

It's not actually insignificant either in the sense that the state is "keeping and eye" on the federal war games.

Also, who knew that Texas had a state guard. Do you know any any other state with a state guard?

You do have the emotional maturity of a middle schooler :) Just own it if that's the case :)
So you think it matters if it's the state guard rather than the national guard The governor ordered to surveille federal troops movements in Texas? Both are state militias.

A few states have a state militia. California uses its state militia to fight fires. Sounds like Texas is more into its state militia than most. I didn't know state militias existed beyond the national guard and I'm ex military.
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It's this is a state's right issue...sure. Why do you think he picked the State Guard rather than the National Guard?
It's this is a state's right issue...sure. Why do you think he picked the State Guard rather than the National Guard?
States rights? How so? The Federal government has the right to call up any militia, not just the national guard.
The state doesn't however.
However, what? The bottom line is we have a Republican governor who has ordered a state military body to surveille federal troop movement/exercises allegedly to prevent a federal military takeover of Texas.
However, what? The bottom line is we have a Republican governor who has ordered a state military body to surveille federal troop movement/exercises allegedly to prevent a federal military takeover of Texas.
Right. No one is doubting the craziness of it including pjdude. However, it makes more (logical) sense that it is a state military unit overlooking a federal military unit.

It would make less sense (if that's possible) for the National Guard to be overlooking the Army for example.