Welcome to sciforums. For now, I'm going to assume that you're just a bit confused but well intentioned. The alternative would be to assume you're a troll, but I like to give people the benefit of the doubt. So...
Are there any known experiments or research into unconscious mass?
Many. A lot of chemistry, physics and biology is concerned with unconscious mass, for instance.
And if negative particles where unconscious would they ...
Particles? What kind of particles are you talking about? If you're talking about fundamental particles like electrons and protons and the like, then they are unconscious.
...ignore the rules of polarity and create some sort of unconscious resonance? My thought being this may explain black holes, and anti matter.
What are these "rules of polarity" you mention, as you understand them?
What would "unconscious resonance" look like? What sorts of unconscious resonance do you already know about?
What, exactly, about this do you think might "explain black holes"? Specifically, what do you think will be explained by "some sort of unconscious resonance"? And why? I'm hoping I can help you once I understand where you're coming from with these thoughts you're having.
I guess what I’m trying to ask,
what affect does anesthetic gas have on particles?
What kinds of particles?
what affect does anesthetic gas have on frequency trying to make contact to the particle?
I'm struggling to understand what you're talking about. This is why, if I wasn't so wary of jumping to hasty conclusions, I might start to think you're a troll.
What do you mean by "frequency trying to make contact to the particle"? I hope you will explain this for me and show me that you're getting your idea from somewhere and not just making up nonsense, because if that's what you're doing it will be unfortunate.
Would microtubules cease to resonate in an atmosphere of anesthetic gas
Can you please describe briefly to me your understanding of how microtubules resonant in anesthetic gas? If you have a link or two to where you got your information from that could be useful, too. It will help me to understand where you're coming from, so I can better try to answer your questions.
How would non-resonant microtubules affect the polarity of the particle?
What do you mean by "polarity" in this context?
could a non conscious +\- particle interact opposite how conscious +\- particles interact, creating masses of particles containing -/- particle interaction or +\+. And what affect would that have in the gravity around it?
What's a +\- particle?
I guess, could opposites repel?
Opposite whats?
could intelligence be weighed by maximum capped space for resonant particle growth?
Weighed? Please explain what you mean.
I’m referencing the 100 feelings become 101 feelings. And replacing feelings with particles.
Pardon me for asking, but are you okay? You don't seem to be putting words together in a way that makes much sense.
I think I'll stop here and wait for your answers to my questions up to this point, because the incoherent nature of your posts makes me think that perhaps I'm wasting my time responding to you at all.
Let's hope you prove me wrong. Fingers crossed!