Unable to start new threads


As a mother, I am telling you
Valued Senior Member
I can post responses, but my thread starter doesn't go through...
I can post responses, but my thread starter doesn't go through...

Interesting, this went through although slow. In the Religion subforum I have been trying to post a new thread for an hour and it doesn't work...
Well, it never got posted. I got back an error that the server is not available... But everything else was working fine...

Edit: I have just tried again, and I simple can't post a new thread in the Religion section. I tried and succeeded posting a reply, so it looks like if I am forbidden to post a new thread there...
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You may not be the only person having this problem.

Could anybody who is getting an error message when you try to start a new thread please post the details here?

Tell us what error message you get (if any), what happens etc. Also, please include what operating system and browser you are using.
You may not be the only person having this problem.

Could anybody who is getting an error message when you try to start a new thread please post the details here?

Tell us what error message you get (if any), what happens etc. Also, please include what operating system and browser you are using.

Below is my notification to Plasma, I guess at the time no one else had complained yet.

I have a new HP windows 7/64 machine and I practice safe computing.

Plazma Inferno! said:
Well, nobody else receives this error. I don't know what's going on, but I will send this to developers.
Thank you for the heads up.


KilljoyKlown said:
My Firefox is 3.2, and yes it has happened on more than one thread. Before it started happening I posted over a dozen new topics without any problem using IE9. Today I ran a clean up program then tried again, and still had the problem.

I did search on HTTP 500 and the most common answer is that it is a server problem at your end. However, I seem to be the only one affected by this problem. Was wondering if you have any logs that might give us a clue to narrow down the cause?

The one thing I did in the post that first screwed up was to try an add 5 links using the add link button, which I had never tried before. But now I get the error with no links at all.

Plazma Inferno! said:
Do you get this error on every thread you try to open?
It's possible that browser is the cause. We're not optimised for IE9, and Firefox 4 is still in Beta, so I suggest using older browsers.

Tell me if this fixes the issue.



KilljoyKlown said:
Plazma Inferno, I'm not sure who to talk to about this problem I'm having, But maybe you can be of some help.

On 4/12/11 I started getting an (HTTP 500 error) whenever I tried to post a new topic or thread. The information I looked up on this error code suggest it's a problem on your end. I can still post to other existing topics and I notice that others are still able to open new topics.

It's kind of annoying to have a new topic and not be able to post it. Plus it's hard for me to believe that this is the first time anyone's had this problem before, so someone should be able to help fairly soon I hope.

I have been using IE9 and I tried using the latest Firefox browser both had the same error code.

Thank you
From another thread (that will probably be deleted soon):

If you're absolutely adamant about posting your thread you could PM it to me in it's entirety and I will post it for you. I might even be able to do it under your name but that will require some testing out of my own.

Ok, it works. If you want I can post a new thread under your name anywhere you want.
You'll just have to provide the OP.

Well I was thinking that, since we're both here now, it could be a temp solution until the matter is solved.
This offer stands for anyone else too of course. I will need your Thread title, OP, and which subforum you want it posted in. Oh and a recent post in Free Thoughts or About the members. But don't start posting crap so you can have me post your thread, if necessary I'll make a temporary thread in FT where people can post their thread OP's.

Bear in mind that I am a moderator so your OP's will be scrutinized.
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This is really annoying, but I still can't start a thread in Religion. I saw that Sam was able to do so.

I am using the newest Opera, this was updated just a night ago, I will try another browsers too...

Edit: I have just tried with Chrome and got:

Server error
The website encountered an error while retrieving http://sciforums.com/newthread.php?do=postthread&f=22. It may be down for maintenance or configured incorrectly.

IE9 didn't work either.....
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I have just posted a new thread in Computer science. This is getting weirder...

I don't want to post a test thread in each subcategory, but whatever it takes... :)
I have just posted a new thread in Computer science. This is getting weirder...

I don't want to post a test thread in each subcategory, but whatever it takes... :)

Try if you can create one in "Free Thoughts" and "About the members".
James I sent a message about This a while ago, both win 7 64 and my phone which is a galaxy s
I tried to start a thread two or three days ago, and it didn't go through. I just got a blank page

Windows 7 64 bit
Firefox 4.0
There are a number of potentials, one of them is this site might well be under a type of attack involving session hijacking and injection, (I haven't seen the logs myself, so I can't confirm this.)

I don't think it really matters what the title actually is, since threads don't us the canonical term for referencing them (or posts for that matter).

One suggested reason was that the servers interpreter environment is perhaps running out of memory causing it to stall during thread creation, this can be caused by any number of reasons. It could be because of other processes run by other users in a shared server environment, or even be caused by the large number of bot's and spambots that are constantly indexing the website.

Better methods at deflecting rogue bots might well be required to bring the memory footprint down.

There is usually also server configurations that deal with limiting interaction based upon CPU usage which might also be responsible.

It's just odd currently that it's only Thread creation that seems to be suffering it, if it's CPU or Memory issues, it would effect posting and searches.
But Stryder, some thread titles fail incessantly while others, even if just a little different, do not at all.

For example, the thread title gustav couldn't get posted: "Google - The State of Search"
It just does not let you post a thread with that thread title.