I think your post below is totally False. Do you have any support for it?
You mean like Russia has done with Iran and Venezuela? They both are subservient to Russia because they have Russian minders there selling arms and making sure that those in charge follow Putin's dictum's as well as other Russians dictum's as well. So don't say one thing without adding the other to make it a true statement about how the real world works for you seem to want to see it only in one viewpoint, not all viewpoints.
{Text that was here confused Iran with Afganistan, so has been removed} AFAIK, oil rich Russia has NEVER taken a drop of Iranian oil, not even by buying it.
Thus there is no comparison to the billion or so barrels the US took at very low prices, after the CIA flew the Shaw back from his Paris estate and installed him on the throne (Destroying the quasi-democratic, elected, existing government to do so.)
I am sure, both Russia and China do sell Arms to the Iranian government. China for example has years ago sold dozens of "silkworm" missiles, that could easily sink an oil tanker passing thru the narrow Straight of Hormuze, and block all oil exports from the Pearson Gulf for several months. China probably has much more influence on Iran than Russia does as they buy 60% of Iran's exported oil and are very active in NE Iran, exploring for natural gas. China recently completed the world's longest large diameter gas pipeline collecting gas from several of the "X-stands" countries and the extension into Iran is very likely. This pipeline goes all the way to China's coastal cities, but they cannot use the gas a few months ago still as it is still filling. Pipeline pressure is high enough for use only in Western China - it will take more than a year to fill to full operational pressure, it is so large (48 inch diameter, I think) and long.
Your assertions that Russian has control of Iran, like the US had in the Shaw's era is totally false. Hell even the much hated in the west president of Iran does not have control of Iran - Their priesthood does.
As this post reply is already too long, I will just note than Hugo is a popularly elected leader of Venezuela. A few years back the CIA supplied right wing did drive him from power for a few days, but the masses filled the streets and returned him to power. The US was probably planning to try again, with an invasion from its puppet government in Columbia, which had granted the US the right to expand or build new, 11 airfield from which US supplied fighter bombers could strike. Two of the new airfield were just on the Brazilian border, and this caused Brazil to order more Anti-air weapons, four submarines (from France to protect offshore oil platforms), and ask for bids on 20 to 30 fighter interceptions. (I have several posts on this.) Fortunately the people of Columbia threw the puppet government out of power about a year ago, and immediately cancelled the "US can build 11 air fields" in Columbia agreement. I think their intended use was not to attack Brazil for its oil, as was feared in Brazil, but to keep the people off the streets, with bombs, the next time the CIA tries to remove Hugo.
Despite the mutual hatred, Hugo still supplies about 8% (was 12% a few years ago) of US's imported oil and Zero to Russian. He is sending much less to China but in a few years, when the two new heavy oil processing refineries China is building in Venezuela are functioning, Hugo will cut the US off from all his oil and send refined product to China, mainly as repayment for their investments (~100 billion total) Currently Hugo must send his crude to US Gulf Coast refineries that can process it. US plans new pipeline from Canada’s shale oil fields so that these refineries still have a supply of heavy crude to process.
For documentation see links in these posts:
On 11 fighter bases in Columbia:
http://www.sciforums.com/showpost.php?p=2637436&postcount=325 and more detailed earlier post 205 of that thread.
On China’s new large NG pipeline:
Note from pie chart below, Russia does not get any oil from Venezuela (The "other" does not AFAIK include any to oil-rich Russia.):
Pie Chart from:
In some recent post somewhere, which I cannot find, I told that the US would soon (a couple of years) lose the oil it now imports from Venezuela. Chavez would love to cut the US off now but cannot as his heavy oil must be refined in the gulf coast refineries that were designed for it. I also noted that three refineries are now being constructed in Venezuela which will be able to process his heavy oil into higher value product. One by PetroBras that will have 40% ownership of it and two by China. Venezuela will get 40% ownership of an essentially identical one being built in Brazil.
In that earlier post I note that to give these gulf coast refineries crude to process after they are cut off, there was expected to be a large new pipeline bringing shale oil heavy crude down from Canada, but had no link to that at the time. Here is more (map and some text) on the pipeline planned for when Chavez can cut the US off from about 12% of its oil supply:
"...The State Department is set to issue what could be a final ruling to allow a massive new pipeline expansion from central Alberta to the Gulf of Mexico. ... Known as "Keystone expansion," {DASHED LINE IN THE MAP} the project is an expansion of an existing pipeline that now terminates in Oklahoma. Stretching over 1,600 miles -- four times the length of the Trans-Alaska system -- the new pipeline would be one of the biggest in the country. ..." From:
SUMMARY: Here again is another example of how China is "eating the US's lunch" (or oil in this case.) High speed rail exports is another. trade with S. Korean, yet another, not to mention most of the rest of Asia as China increasing supplies their hi-tech needs in trade for their cheap labor, low value added, components China imports from them. China/ India just agreed to expand their trade to 100 billion dollars value per year, but they don't plan to use dollars. China agreed to import more from India so the trade is balanced. (Currently China has a trade surplus with India settled in dollars.)