Toxic individualism

Well, not exactly my type of rugged individualist persona, but ... I vaguely remember never wanting to be one. Not because of this clip, which I vaguely remember also, but due to it never being something I desired.

No, my type is more to the tune of destitute and homeless, forced insecurity, lack of opportunity, and loneliness, which I would have not chosen for myself either. It's just that I've been forced into this type of position.

The ridicule that has followed has been a bit more than the typical personal insult, based on things like height or weight. The extended type, the type I found to be offensive to me is based on my personal acceptance of a need to be individualistic and rugged because of the situational reality itself. The homeless and destitute reality where help, resources, representation, and friends are often lacking, hence the individualistic and rugged persona manifestation that came as a result of.

Funny clip though.

To much of a answer (?) with to much personal information for a slight comedy dig

Is the goal dehumanization of humanity or are you accusing T whoever T might be as being less than? If this is the case, what exactly do I have to do with it, and how is T relevant? Intelligence, interest, ability to comprehend a thought, and personal realities associated with the conversation itself are factors in my personal participation. T, on the other hand, whoever T might be, I cannot speak for. What I can do is speak for myself, which is what I've done and will continue to do.
Notice that - unless I refer to it by name - it does not recognize I'm speaking about it.
Notice that - unless I refer to it by name - it does not recognize I'm speaking about it.
Are we doing a comedy like Dante's inferno? If so then it's perfectly acceptable as a string of text conveying personal information, which was in question, obviously. Otherwise, I'd have chosen not to put up for review.
To answer a point in your original posting, the disconnection between people is a predominate factor contributing to miscommunication, or maybe misunderstandings. Interdependence required even for the most staunt individualist, whether rugged or business oriented in corporate America. Toxicity, although toxic is not limited to any one particular type, but is rather a product of perceived injustice or one of selfish ambition. I'm sure other factors play into the toxicity, but the stated is a starting point for attached truths.

Sometimes it just feels good to step away from social settings. To make it clear, I'm doing very well, and have found places between now when I first became homeless, who make the transition between home dweller and land dweller easier and more pleasant than it would be otherwise. It's not a bad life. I prefer it actually, hence the whole individualistic rugged type sensitivities.
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You may well try to understand the emotion present in my original post.
Well, one can try, but again - this is a text only format, so emotions you are experiencing when you are writing it don't come through. Works better in person.
IWith that stated, and in agreement with your suggestion of better articulation
Well, one can try, but again - this is a text only format, so emotions you are experiencing when you are writing it don't come through. Works better in person.


It's sufficient to suggest an attempt, despite the text only format. For example:. Jesus just before being apprehended, as the story goes in the literature, he ridiculed a friend for an attempt to prevent the apprehension. He drew his sword and cut of someone's ear. There were, I guess, about 12 of them (his friends) against a Roman search party in pursuit of Jesus in effort to take him unto custody.

Jesus and his friends had two swords and against such odds I'm sure it unlikely that any would survive had the ridicule not been utilized by Jesus.

With that said, and Jesus willingly going, I'm nearly certain the concept of Jesus giving his life to save his friends rings true. Although, text formatted minus the emotion, this articulation of the event likely gives a more practical picture of the meaning behind the reality written about in the bible, namely that Jesus gave his life for his friends.

An earnest attempt at understanding a string of text is beneficial for an accurate understanding. That's what I was suggesting.