Valued Senior Member
image caption For 40 days and 40 nights, the cave-dwelling volunteers swapped modern comforts for basic necessities
Discussion topic
concepts of perception of time & how that interacts & effects human cognition & group behaviours
(individual behaviours must be subject to group critical interactive function[religious naval gazing preaching will be reported/prosthelytizing content ])
have you experienced different perceptions of time when you associate & de-associate with groups ?
does personal alone time take on different concepts of time measurement ?
are group time concepts forced by overt collectivism at the loss of content value ?
Abstractionism, welcomed
Kathryn Lasky grew up in Indianapolis, and is married to Christopher Knight, with whom she lives in Cambridge, Massachusetts. She received a bachelor's degree in English from the University of Michigan and a master's degree in early childhood education from Wheelock College.[1]
She was the 2011 winner of the Anne V. Zarrow Award for Young Readers' Literature[2] and her work has received many other honors and awards.
Her adult nonfiction work includes the 2011 book, Silk and Venom: Searching for a Dangerous Spider, a biography of the arachnologist Greta Binford,[3] and the 2017 bestseller Night Witches, the story of Soviet women pilots of the 588th Night Bomber Regiment in WWII.[4][5]
Kathryn Lasky
Thinking - in particular abstract thinking, which most of us are introduced to through the study of mathematics and literature - helps us learn that we can become problem solvers.
image caption For 40 days and 40 nights, the cave-dwelling volunteers swapped modern comforts for basic necessities

Discussion topic
concepts of perception of time & how that interacts & effects human cognition & group behaviours
(individual behaviours must be subject to group critical interactive function[religious naval gazing preaching will be reported/prosthelytizing content ])
have you experienced different perceptions of time when you associate & de-associate with groups ?
does personal alone time take on different concepts of time measurement ?
are group time concepts forced by overt collectivism at the loss of content value ?
Abstractionism, welcomed
Kathryn Lasky grew up in Indianapolis, and is married to Christopher Knight, with whom she lives in Cambridge, Massachusetts. She received a bachelor's degree in English from the University of Michigan and a master's degree in early childhood education from Wheelock College.[1]
She was the 2011 winner of the Anne V. Zarrow Award for Young Readers' Literature[2] and her work has received many other honors and awards.
Her adult nonfiction work includes the 2011 book, Silk and Venom: Searching for a Dangerous Spider, a biography of the arachnologist Greta Binford,[3] and the 2017 bestseller Night Witches, the story of Soviet women pilots of the 588th Night Bomber Regiment in WWII.[4][5]
Kathryn Lasky
Thinking - in particular abstract thinking, which most of us are introduced to through the study of mathematics and literature - helps us learn that we can become problem solvers.
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