

How Ted Serios could have fooled Eisenbud?

If there is no way a fraud could have occurred, then,

Possibility n°1: The phenomenon is real, or

Possibility n°2: It is real, but exceptionally rare. Very few people possess psychokinetic ability

Eisenbud studied at Columbia College (B.A., 1929), Columbia College of Physicians and Surgeons (M.D., 1934), and Columbia University (D.Med.Sc., 1939). In 1950 he became a professor of psychiatry at the University of Colorado Medical School and an attending psychiatrist at the U.S. Veterans Administration Hospital in Denver.

This digital collection contains all of the images produced during two experiment sessions at the Colorado Psychiatry Hospital in Denver, Colorado. The first session was held on October 4, 1964 and the second on January 2, 1965. Viewing the full run of images produced allows researchers to see the varied images that may have been created during one of the Eisenbud-Serios sessions including thoughtographs, "blackies" (underexposed images that are completely black), "whities" (overexposed images that are completely white), snapshots of the session room and/or attendees, and Serios himself, looking into the lens of the camera. Researchers can pull up the images from these two sessions by searching: C.P.H.
How Ted Serios could have fooled Eisenbud?

If there is no way a fraud could have occurred, then,

Possibility n°1: The phenomenon is real, or

Possibility n°2: It is real, but exceptionally rare. Very few people possess psychokinetic ability

Eisenbud studied at Columbia College (B.A., 1929), Columbia College of Physicians and Surgeons (M.D., 1934), and Columbia University (D.Med.Sc., 1939). In 1950 he became a professor of psychiatry at the University of Colorado Medical School and an attending psychiatrist at the U.S. Veterans Administration Hospital in Denver.

This digital collection contains all of the images produced during two experiment sessions at the Colorado Psychiatry Hospital in Denver, Colorado. The first session was held on October 4, 1964 and the second on January 2, 1965. Viewing the full run of images produced allows researchers to see the varied images that may have been created during one of the Eisenbud-Serios sessions including thoughtographs, "blackies" (underexposed images that are completely black), "whities" (overexposed images that are completely white), snapshots of the session room and/or attendees, and Serios himself, looking into the lens of the camera. Researchers can pull up the images from these two sessions by searching: C.P.H.

Or, If there is a way for the fraud to have occured, then,

Possibility 1, it was a fraud.

It is very easy for a person using a magicians trick to fool the most educated person, look at the fraud Uri Geller for instance.
Or, If there is a way for the fraud to have occured, then,

Possibility 1, it was a fraud.

It is very easy for a person using a magicians trick to fool the most educated person, look at the fraud Uri Geller for instance.
Geller fooled atomic physicist John Hasted? Or Hasted knowing Geller is a fraud, published a 'serious' book to fool buyers and media?
Then, Hasted's book support Law of Attraction theorists, etc.

There must be a scientific field specialized on tricks used in parapsychological experiments. If not, i see no reason to think paranormal phenomena exist, instead i see greed and metaphysical beliefs are the fuel behind it.
Geller fooled atomic physicist John Hasted?
I don't know, I have not asked him and I am not aware of anything sayig he was fooled.

Or Hasted knowing Geller is a fraud, published a 'serious' book to fool buyers and media?
I certainly have not heard anything about a book.

Then, Hasted's book support Law of Attraction theorists, etc.
I do not know what you are trying to say.

There must be a scientific field specialized on tricks used in parapsychological experiments.
Of course not don't be absurd.

If not, i see no reason to think paranormal phenomena exist, instead i see greed and metaphysical beliefs are the fuel behind it.
I completely agree with this statement.
I certainly have not heard anything about a book.
The book is entitled Metal Benders


by John B. Hasted, Ph.D., Department of Physics,
Birkbeck College, University of London.
David Bohm, Ph.D., Department of Physics,
Birkbeck College, University of London.
Edward W. Bastin, Ph.D., Language Research Unit,
Cambridge University.

John B. Hasted is Professor of Experimental Physics and Head of the Physics Department at Birkbeck College, University of London. He began his professional training as a chemist and moved into physics at the Clarendon Laboratory, Oxford, during wartime work on radar. He did pioneering work in opening up the microwave region of the electromagnetic spectrum in communications, was reader in physics at the University College of London, and has published books on atomic collisions and on dielectrics.

David Bohm has been professor of theoretical physics at Birkbeck College since 1961. He obtained his Ph.D. at the University of California, Berkeley, and was the last student to study under the atomic bomb-pioneering physicist J. Robert Oppenheimer. Professor Bohm has worked in the field of plasma physics, extending the concepts of this field to the many-body system, and he spent several years at the Institute of Advanced Study at Princeton, New Jersey, during which time he worked with Albert Einstein

I do not know what you are trying to say.
Pseudoscience published in scientific language serves as the basis for best sellers plagues as The Secret (Law of Attraction).

I completely agree with this statement
I find it scandalous that these eminent physicists do not begin their argument by showing they know all the possible tricks used by illusionists and explaining how they have eliminated the possibility of fraud.
The book is entitled Metal Benders


by John B. Hasted, Ph.D., Department of Physics,
Birkbeck College, University of London.
David Bohm, Ph.D., Department of Physics,
Birkbeck College, University of London.
Edward W. Bastin, Ph.D., Language Research Unit,
Cambridge University.

John B. Hasted is Professor of Experimental Physics and Head of the Physics Department at Birkbeck College, University of London. He began his professional training as a chemist and moved into physics at the Clarendon Laboratory, Oxford, during wartime work on radar. He did pioneering work in opening up the microwave region of the electromagnetic spectrum in communications, was reader in physics at the University College of London, and has published books on atomic collisions and on dielectrics.

David Bohm has been professor of theoretical physics at Birkbeck College since 1961. He obtained his Ph.D. at the University of California, Berkeley, and was the last student to study under the atomic bomb-pioneering physicist J. Robert Oppenheimer. Professor Bohm has worked in the field of plasma physics, extending the concepts of this field to the many-body system, and he spent several years at the Institute of Advanced Study at Princeton, New Jersey, during which time he worked with Albert Einstein

Oh my god, how embarrasing. Even smart people can be scammed.

Pseudoscience published in scientific language serves as the basis for best sellers plagues as The Secret (Law of Attraction).

I find it scandalous that these eminent physicists do not begin their argument by showing they know all the possible tricks used by illusionists and explaining how they have eliminated the possibility of fraud.
You don't need to know all of the tricks but you certainly need to have the proper protocol.

I remember (showing how old I am) when URI GELLER went on the Jonny Carson show and was a flop. Jonny Carson started his career as a magician.

How Ted Serios could have fooled Eisenbud?

This information is a click away on the internet.

Look on Wikipedia for Ted Serios's entry:

In an article in New Scientist titled "The Chance of a Lifetime" (24 March 2007), an interview appears with the noted mathematician and magician Persi Diaconis. During the interview Persi mentioned that Martin Gardner had paid him to watch Ted Serios perform, during which Persi claimed that he caught Serios sneaking a small marble with a photograph on it into the little tube attached to the front of the camera he used. "It was," Persi said, "a trick."

As for your comments:

Geller fooled atomic physicist John Hasted? Or Hasted knowing Geller is a fraud, published a 'serious' book to fool buyers and media?
Then, Hasted's book support Law of Attraction theorists, etc.

Again, John Hasted similar to Ted Serios has been debunked by skeptics. According to his Wikipedia entry:

Hasted was a believer in psychokinesis. He endorsed the spoon bending feats of Uri Geller and other alleged psychics. A 1987 report by the United States National Academy of Sciences investigated the paranormal claims of Hasted and chided him for his naiveté for playing into the hands of anyone intending on deceiving him. The report wrote that the conditions of his 1974 tests with Geller did not rule out the possibility of trickery.

Hasted believed that children could paranormally bend paperclips inside a glass sphere, provided the sphere had a hole in it and were allowed to take the sphere into a room unobserved. Martin Gardner wrote Hasted was incapable of devising simple controls such as videotaping the children secretly.[4] Stephen North a British psychic was tested by Hasted in the late 1970s. Hasted claimed North had the psychokinetic ability to bend spoons and teleport objects in and out of sealed containers. North was tested in Grenoble on 19 December, 1977 in scientific conditions and the results were negative. According to James Randi during a test at Birkbeck College North was observed to have bent a metal sample with his bare hands. Randi wrote "I find it unfortunate that [Hasted] never had an epiphany in which he was able to recognize just how thoughtless, cruel, and predatory were the acts perpetrated on him by fakers who took advantage of his naivety and trust."

The physicist John Taylor gave The Metal Benders (1981) a negative review. According to Taylor the metal bending tests had poor controls and Hasted was not in the same room as the subjects for some of the tests. Taylor wrote "not only are the tests not watertight but the conjectured theory is monumentally silly." Hasted suggested in the book that paranormal effects arise through telepathy from the individual in a parallel universe.

In other words there were no scientific controls in Hasted's experiments with the "psychics" he studied. He was easily duped and his book The Metal Benders contains silly ideas. None of this is science pal. Yawn. Next.