This Day In History


Analog By Birth, Digital By Design
Valued Senior Member

I'll try a few tidbits each day.
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March 31st

King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain issue an edict expelling Jews from Spain, except for those willing to convert to Christianity. -1492-

Britain shuts down Boston Harbor. -1774-

President Martin Van Buren establishes a ten-hour workday for government employees with no reduction in pay. -1840-

Frederick Douglass lectures on abolition in Bath, N.Y. -1848-

Commodore Mathew C. Perry negotiates a treaty opening Japanese ports to American trade. -1854-

The United States takes possession of the Virgin Islands from Denmark. -1917-

The Civilian Conservation Corps is established to provide jobs for unemployed men between the ages of 18 and 25 in conservation projects. -1933-

President Lyndon Johnson announces that he would not seek reelection and he was ordering a halt to the bombing of North Vietnam. -1968-
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April 1st

Washington likens becoming president to "a culprit … going to the place of his execution." -1789-

Prudence Crandall opens a school for African American girls in Connecticut. -1833-

First Easter egg roll is held on the White House lawn -1877-

Royal Air Force established. -1918-

Rationing of meats, fats, and cheese begins during World War II. -1943-

"Big Bang" theory published by Alpher, Bethe and Gamow. -1952-

USSR launches Zond 1 towards Venus. -1964-

Iran proclaimed an Islamic Republic following fall of the Shah. -1979-

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April 2nd

Spanish explorer Juan Ponce de Leon lands in Florida. -1513-

During the Napoleonic Wars, the Danish fleet was destroyed by the British at the Battle of Copenhagen. -1801-

The 54th Massachusetts Infantry conducts its first dress parade. -1863-

Charles Hall patented aluminum. -1889-

The Simplon rail tunnel officially opened. The tunnel went under the Alps and linked Switzerland and Italy. -1905-

Karl Harris perfected the process for the artificial synthesis of rubber. -1910-

U.S. President Woodrow Wilson presented a declaration of war against Germany to the U.S. Congress -1917-

Watson Watt granted a patent for RADAR. -1935-

The National Advisory Council on Aeronautics was renamed NASA. -1958-

Argentina invaded the British-owned Falkland Islands -1982-

General Prosper Avril, Haiti's military leader, survived a coup attempt. -1989-

Russia and Belarus signed a treaty that created a political and economic alliance in an effort to reunite the two former Soviet republics. -1996-

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April 3rd

James Carrington patents the coffee mill. -1829-

The Pony Express begins service between St. Joseph, Missouri, and Sacramento, California. -1860-

Slavery wis abolished in Washington, DC. -1862-

The Union Army captures the Confederate capital, Richmond, Va. -1865-

The Japanese begin their all-out assault on the U.S. and Filipino troops at Bataan. -1942-

Lt. General Masaharu Homma, the Japanese commander responsible for the Bataan Death March, is executed in the Philippines. -1946-

President Truman signs the Marshall Plan, which provides about $14 billion in economic recovery aid to 16 European countries. -1948-

Martin Luther King Jr. delivers his "mountaintop" speech just 24 hours before he is assassinated. -1968-

The U.S. charges that Israel violates the Geneva Convention by deporting Shiite prisoners. -1985-

Riots disrupt mass during the Pope's visit to Santiago, Chili. -1987-

Unabomber suspect Theodore Kaczynski is arrested. -1996-

A U.S. federal judge ruls that Microsoft has violated U.S. antitrust laws by keeping "an oppressive thumb" on its competitors. -2000-

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April 4th

Formosus ended his reign as pope. -0896-

Frances Drake completed the circumnavigation of the world. -1581-

Congress decided the flag of the United States would consist of 13 red and white stripes with a new star to be added for every new state of the Union. -1818-

President William Henry Harrison died of pneumonia one month after his inauguration, becoming the first chief executive to die in office. -1841-

In the U.S., the Battle of Yorktown began as Union General George B. McClellan closed in on Richmond, VA. - 1862-

In Kangra, India, an earthquake killed 370,000 people. -1905-

The U.S. Senate voted 90-6 to enter World War I on the Allied side. -1917-

After five years of research, professor C.G. King, of the University of Pittsburgh, isolated vitamin C. -1932-

Twelve nations signed a treaty to create The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). -1949-

Civil rights leader Martin Luther King, Jr., 39, was assassinated in Memphis, Tennessee. -1968-

Dr. Denton Cooley implanted the first temporary artificial heart. -1969-

Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, the president of Pakistan, was executed. He had been convicted of conspiring to murder a political opponent -1979-

Sali Berisha became the first non-Marxist president of Albania since World War II. -1992-

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April 5th

American Indian Pocahontas married English colonist John Rolfe in Virginia. -1614-

U.S. President George Washington cast the first presidential veto. The measure was for apportioning representatives among the states. -1792-

Queen Victoria proclaimed Hong Kong to be a British crown colony. -1843-

Winston Churchill resigned as British prime minister. -1955-

1951: U.S. citizens Julius and Ethel Rosenberg are sentenced to death for spying for the Soviet Union.
April 10

1790: The first U.S. patent law, protecting inventions against piracy, is approved.

1866: The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) is founded in New York.

1912: The British luxury liner Titanic sets off on its maiden voyage across the Atlantic Ocean; five days later it sinks after hitting an iceberg.

1974: Golda Meir, a founder of the state of Israel, announces that she is resigning as prime minister.

68 – The Roman Senate proclaims Galba as emperor.
218 – Battle of Antioch: with the support of the Syrian legions, Elagabalus defeats the forces of emperor Macrinus. He flees, but is captured near Chalcedon and later executed in Cappadocia.
632 – Muhammad, Islamic prophet, dies in Medina and is succeeded by Abu Bakr who becomes the first caliph of the Rashidun Caliphate.
793 – Vikings raid the abbey at Lindisfarne in Northumbria, commonly accepted as the beginning of the Scandinavian invasion of England.
1042 – Edward the Confessor becomes King of England, one of the last Anglo-Saxon kings of England.
1191 – Richard I arrives in Acre (Palestine) thus beginning his crusade.
1405 – Richard le Scrope, the Archbishop of York, and Thomas Mowbray, Earl of Norfolk, are executed in York on Henry IV's orders.
1690 – Yadi Sakat, a Siddi general, razes the Mazagon Fort in Mumbai.
1776 – American Revolutionary War: Battle of Trois-Rivières – American attackers are driven back at Trois-Rivières, Quebec.
1783 – Laki, a volcano in Iceland, begins an eight-month eruption which kills over 9,000 people and starts a seven-year famine.
1789 – James Madison introduces twelve proposed amendments to the United States Constitution in the House of Representatives; by 1791, ten of them are ratified by the state legislatures and become the Bill of Rights; another is eventually ratified in 1992 to become the 27th Amendment.
1794 – Robespierre inaugurates the French Revolution's new state religion, the Cult of the Supreme Being, with large organized festivals all across France.
1856 – A group of 194 Pitcairn Islanders, descendants of the mutineers of HMS Bounty, arrives at Norfolk Island, commencing the Third Settlement of the Island.
1861 – American Civil War: Tennessee secedes from the Union.
1862 – American Civil War: Battle of Cross Keys – Confederate forces under General Stonewall Jackson save the Army of Northern Virginia from a Union assault on the James Peninsula led by General George B. McClellan.
1887 – Herman Hollerith applies for US patent #395,791 for the 'Art of Applying Statistics' – his punched card calculator.
1906 – Theodore Roosevelt signs the Antiquities Act into law, authorizing the President to restrict the use of certain parcels of public land with historical or conservation value.
1912 – Carl Laemmle incorporates Universal Pictures.
1928 – Second Northern Expedition: The National Revolutionary Army captures Peking, whose name is changed to Beijing ("Northern Capital").
1929 – Margaret Bondfield is appointed Minister of Labour. She is the first woman appointed to the Cabinet of the United Kingdom.
1940 – World War II: the completion of Operation Alphabet, the evacuation of Allied forces from Narvik at the end of the Norwegian Campaign.
1941 – World War II: Allies invade Syria and Lebanon.
1942 – World War II: The Japanese imperial submarines I-21 and I-24 shell the Australian cities of Sydney and Newcastle.
1948 – Milton Berle hosts the debut of Texaco Star Theater.
1949 – The celebrities Helen Keller, Dorothy Parker, Danny Kaye, Fredric March, John Garfield, Paul Muni and Edward G. Robinson are named in an FBI report as Communist Party members.
1949 – George Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-Four is published.
1950 – Sir Thomas Blamey becomes the only Australian-born Field Marshal in Australian history.
1953 – An F5 tornado hits Beecher, Michigan, killing 116, injuring 844, and destroying 340 homes.
1953 – The United States Supreme Court rules that restaurants in Washington, D.C., cannot refuse to serve black patrons.
1959 – The USS Barbero and United States Postal Service attempt the delivery of mail via Missile Mail.
1966 – An F-104 Starfighter collides with XB-70 Valkyrie prototype no. 2, destroying both planes during a photo shoot near Edwards Air Force Base. Joseph A. Walker, a NASA pilot, and Carl Cross, a United States Air Force test pilot, are both killed.
1966 – Topeka, Kansas, is devastated by a tornado that registers as an "F5" on the Fujita Scale: the first to exceed US$100 million in damages. Sixteen people are killed, hundreds more injured, and thousands of homes damaged or destroyed.
1967 – Six-Day War: The USS Liberty incident occurs, killing 34 and wounding 171.
1967 – Six-Day War: The Israeli army enters Hebron and the Cave of the Patriarchs.
1968 – Robert F. Kennedy's funeral takes place at the Basilica of St. Patrick's Cathedral, New York City.
1972 – Vietnam War: The Associated Press photographer Nick Ut takes his Pulitzer Prize-winning photo of a naked 9-year-old Phan Thị Kim Phúc running down a road after being burned by napalm.
1982 – Bluff Cove Air Attacks during the Falklands War: 56 British servicemen are killed by an Argentine air attack on two landing ships, RFA Sir Galahad and RFA Sir Tristram.
1984 – Homosexuality is declared legal in the Australian state of New South Wales.
1987 – New Zealand's Labour government establishes a national nuclear-free zone under the New Zealand Nuclear Free Zone, Disarmament, and Arms Control Act 1987.
1992 – The first World Ocean Day is celebrated, coinciding with the Earth Summit held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
1995 – The downed U.S. Air Force pilot Captain Scott O'Grady is rescued by U.S. Marines in Bosnia.
2001 – Mamoru Takuma kills eight and injures 15 in a mass stabbing at an elementary school in the Osaka Prefecture of Japan.
2004 – The first Venus Transit in modern history takes place, the previous one being in 1882.
2007 – Newcastle, New South Wales, Australia, is hit by the State's worst storms and flooding in 30 years resulting in the death of nine people and the grounding of a trade ship, the MV Pasha Bulker.
2008 – At least 37 miners go missing after an explosion in an Ukrainian coal mine causes it to collapse.
2008 – At least 7 people are killed and 10 injured in a stabbing spree in Tokyo, Japan.
2009 – Two American journalists are found guilty of illegally entering North Korea and sentenced to 12 years of penal labour.

862 – Emperor Xizong of Tang (d. 888)
1552 – Gabriello Chiabrera, Italian poet (d. 1638)
1625 – Giovanni Domenico Cassini, Italian-French mathematician and astronomer (d. 1712)
1671 – Tomaso Albinoni, Italian composer (d. 1751)
1717 – John Collins, American politician, 3rd Governor of Rhode Island (d. 1795)
1724 – John Smeaton, English engineer, designed the Coldstream Bridge and Perth Bridge (d. 1794)
1745 – Caspar Wessel, Norwegian-Danish mathematician and cartographer (d. 1818)
1757 – Ercole Consalvi, Italian cardinal (d. 1824)
1810 – Robert Schumann, German composer and critic (d. 1856)
1829 – John Everett Millais, English painter and illustrator (d. 1896)
1831 – Thomas J. Higgins, Canadian-American sergeant, Medal of Honor recipient (d. 1917)
1842 – John Q. A. Brackett, American lawyer and politician, 36th Governor of Massachusetts (d. 1918)
1847 – Ida Saxton McKinley, American wife of William McKinley, 25th First Lady of the United States (d. 1907)
1851 – Jacques-Arsène d'Arsonval, French physician and physicist (d. 1940)
1852 – Guido Banti, Italian physician (d.1925)
1854 – Douglas Cameron, Canadian politician, 8th Lieutenant Governor of Manitoba (d. 1921)
1855 – George Charles Haité, English painter and illustrator (d.1924)
1859 – Smith Wigglesworth, English evangelist (d. 1947)
1860 – Alicia Boole Stott, Irish-English mathematician (d. 1940)
1867 – Frank Lloyd Wright, American architect, designed the Price Tower and Fallingwater (d. 1959)
1872 – Jan Frans De Boever, Belgian painter (d. 1949)
1875 – Ernst Enno, Estonian poet and children's writer (d. 1934)
1876 – Alexandre Tuffère, Greek-French triple jumper (d. 1958)
1885 – Karl Genzken, German physician (d. 1957)
1895 – Santiago Bernabéu Yeste, Spanish footballer and manager (d. 1978)
1897 – John G. Bennett, English mathematician and technologist (d. 1974)
1901 – Lena Baker, American maid and murderer (d. 1945)
1901 – Salustiano Sanchez, Spanish-American super-centenarian (d. 2013)
1903 – Ralph Yarborough, American colonel and politician (d. 1996)
1903 – Marguerite Yourcenar, Belgian-French author (d. 1987)
1904 – Dorothy Coburn, American actress (d. 1978)
1910 – C. C. Beck, American illustrator (d. 1989)
1910 – John W. Campbell, American author (d. 1971)
1910 – Fernand Fonssagrives, French-American photographer (d. 2003)
1911 – Edmundo Rivero, Argentinian singer-songwriter (d. 1986)
1912 – Maurice Bellemare, Canadian politician (d. 1989)
1912 – Harry Holtzman, American painter (d. 1987)
1916 – Francis Crick, English biologist, biophysicist, and neuroscientist, Nobel Prize laureate (d. 2004)
1916 – Luigi Comencini, Italian director and screenwriter (d. 2007)
1917 – Byron White, American football player and judge (d. 2002)
1918 – George Edward Hughes, Irish-New Zealand philosopher and logician (d. 1994)
1918 – Robert Preston, American actor and singer (d. 1987)
1918 – John D. Roberts, American chemist
1918 – John H. Ross, American military aviator (d. 2013)
1919 – John R. Deane, Jr., American general (d. 2013)
1920 – Gwen Harwood, Australian poet (d. 1995)
1921 – Suharto, Indonesian soldier and politician, 2nd President of Indonesia (d. 2008)
1921 – Gordon McLendon, American broadcaster and businessman (d. 1986)
1921 – LeRoy Neiman, American painter (d. 2012)
1921 – Alexis Smith, Canadian-American actress and singer (d. 1993)
1921 – Olga Nardone, American actress (d. 2010)
1923 – Malcolm Boyd, American priest and author
1923 – Alice Coleman, British geographer
1924 – Billie Dawe, Canadian ice hockey player (d. 2013)
1924 – Iain Glidewell, British judge
1924 – Lyn Nofziger, American journalist and author (d. 2006)
1924 – Kenneth Waltz, American political scientist (d. 2013)
1925 – Barbara Bush, American wife of George H. W. Bush, 41st First Lady of the United States
1925 – Del Ennis, American baseball player (d. 1996)
1925 – Eddie Gaedel, American baseball player (d. 1961)
1925 – Charles Tyner, American actor
1927 – Jerry Stiller, American comedian and actor
1927 – Anne Warburton, British ambassador
1929 – Nada Inada, Japanese psychiatrist (d. 2013)
1929 – Gastone Moschin, Italian actor
1929 – Robert Shirley, British politician (d. 2012)
1930 – Robert Aumann, German-American mathematician, Nobel Prize laureate
1930 – Michael Codron, British film and theatre producer
1930 – Marcel Léger, Canadian politician (d. 1993)
1930 – Ferenc Polikárp Zakar, Hungarian monk (d. 2012)
1931 – James Goldstone, American director and screenwriter (d. 1999)
1931 – Dana Wynter, German-English actress (d. 2011)
1932 – Ray Illingworth, English cricketer
1932 – Ian Kirkwood, Scottish judge
1933 – Rommie Loudd, American football player and coach (d. 1998)
1933 – Joan Rivers, American comedian, actress, and author
1933 – Robert Stevens, British lawyer and academic
1934 – Millicent Martin, English actress and singer
1936 – James Darren, American actor, singer, and director
1936 – Kenneth G. Wilson, American physicist, Nobel Prize laureate (d. 2013)
1937 – Gillian Clarke, Welsh poet
1938 – Angelo Amato, Italian cardinal
1939 – Bernie Casey, American football player and actor
1939 – Francis Jacobs, British judge
1940 – Arthur Elgort, American photographer
1940 – Nancy Sinatra, American singer and actress
1940 – Jim Wickwire, American lawyer and mountaineer
1941 – Robert Bradford, Irish politician (d. 1981)
1941 – Fuzzy Haskins, American singer, guitarist, and producer (The Parliaments and Parliament-Funkadelic)
1941 – George Pell, Australian cardinal
1942 – Nikos Konstantopoulos, Greek politician
1942 – Doug Mountjoy, Welsh snooker player
1942 – Chuck Negron, American singer-songwriter and guitarist (Three Dog Night)
1942 – Andrew Weil, American author and educator
1943 – Colin Baker, English actor
1943 – William Calley, American lieutenant
1943 – Willie Davenport, American hurdler (d. 2002)
1943 – Peter Eggert, German footballer and manager
1944 – Mark Belanger, American baseball player (d. 1998)
1944 – Annie Haslam, English singer-songwriter and painter (Renaissance and Nevada)
1944 – Marc Ouellet, Canadian cardinal
1944 – Boz Scaggs, American singer-songwriter and guitarist (Steve Miller Band)
1945 – Anthony Bagnall, British Royal Air Force officer
1945 – Steven Fromholz, American singer-songwriter, producer, and poet (d. 2014)
1945 – Derek Underwood, English cricketer
1946 – Alan Scarfe, English-Canadian actor
1946 – Graham Henry, New Zealander rugby union player and coach
1947 – Julie Driscoll, English singer
1947 – Sara Paretsky, American author
1947 – Eric F. Wieschaus, American biologist, Nobel Prize laureate
1948 – Lorna Heilbron, Scottish actress
1949 – Emanuel Ax, Polish-American pianist and educator
1949 – Hildegard Falck, German middle-distance runner
1949 – Jeffrey Mylett, American actor (d. 1986)
1950 – Kathy Baker, American actress
1950 – Sônia Braga, Brazilian-American actress
1951 – Tony Rice, American guitarist and songwriter (David Grisman Quintet and Bluegrass Album Band)
1951 – Bonnie Tyler, Welsh singer-songwriter
1952 – Lindka Cierach, British fashion designer
1952 – Dave Jennings, American football player and sportscaster (d. 2013)
1953 – Billy Hayes, English trade unionist
1953 – Sandy Nairne, British museum director
1953 – Ivo Sanader, Croatian politician, 8th Prime Minister of Croatia
1953 – Olav Stedje, Norwegian singer-songwriter
1953 – Ad Tak, Dutch cyclist
1954 – Greg Ginn, American singer-songwriter, guitarist, and producer (Black Flag, Gone, Mojack, and Confront James)
1954 – Kiril of Varna, Bulgarian metropolitan (d. 2013)
1954 – Sergei Storchak, Ukrainian-Russian politician
1954 – Marios Tokas, Cypriot composer (d. 2008)
1955 – Tim Berners-Lee, English-American computer scientist and engineer, invented the World Wide Web
1955 – Griffin Dunne, American actor, director, and producer
1956 – Udo Bullmann, German politician
1957 – Scott Adams, American cartoonist
1957 – Dimple Kapadia, Indian actress
1957 – Don Robinson, American baseball player
1958 – Keenen Ivory Wayans, American actor, director, and screenwriter
1958 – Cyril O'Reilly, American actor, writer and producer
1958 – Louise Richardson, Irish academic
1960 – Mick Hucknall, English singer-songwriter (Simply Red and Faces)
1960 – Thomas Steen, Swedish ice hockey player and coach
1961 – Mary King, British equestrian
1961 – Uno Laur, Estonian punk singer
1961 – Tatanka, American wrestler
1962 – John Gibbons, American baseball player and manager
1962 – Andreas Keim, German footballer
1962 – Nick Rhodes, English keyboard player and producer (Duran Duran, Arcadia, and The Devils)
1962 – Kristine W, American singer-songwriter and producer
1963 – Katy Garbi, Greek singer, actress, and producer
1963 – Frank Grillo, American actor
1963 – Karen Kingsbury, American author
1963 – Antoaneta Todorova, Bulgarian javelin thrower
1964 – Butch Reynolds, American runner
1965 – Kevin Farley, American actor, director, and screenwriter
1965 – Rob Pilatus, American-German singer and dancer (Milli Vanilli and Rob & Fab) (d. 1998)
1966 – Julianna Margulies, American actress and producer
1966 – Doris Pearson, English singer-songwriter and choreographer (Five Star)
1968 – Rob Ray, Canadian ice hockey player
1969 – J.P. Manoux, American-Canadian actor
1969 – Marcos Siega, American director and producer
1969 – David Sutcliffe, Canadian actor
1970 – Gabrielle Giffords, American politician
1970 – Seu Jorge, Brazilian singer-songwriter and actor
1970 – Kwame Kilpatrick, American politician, 68th Mayor of Detroit
1970 – Teresa Strasser, American television host
1970 – Troy Vincent, American football player
1970 – Kelli Williams, American actress
1971 – Troy Duffy, American director and screenwriter
1971 – Mark Feuerstein, American actor, director, and producer
1972 – Christian Mayrleb, Austrian footballer
1973 – Lexa Doig, Canadian actress
1973 – Shappi Khorsandi, Iranian-English comedian
1973 – Bryant Reeves, American basketball player
1973 – Lucija Šerbedžija, Croatian actress
1974 – Pål Arne Fagernes, Norwegian javelin thrower (d. 2003)
1974 – Maxim Gaudette, Canadian actor
1975 – Bryan McCabe, Canadian-American ice hockey player
1975 – Shilpa Shetty, Indian actress
1976 – Lindsay Davenport, American tennis player
1976 – Trish Goff, American model and actress
1976 – Kenji Johjima, Japanese baseball player
1976 – Catherine McKinnell, English politician
1977 – Kanye West, American rapper, producer, director, and fashion designer (Child Rebel Soldier)
1978 – Eun Ji-won, South Korean rapper, dancer, and producer (Sechs Kies)
1978 – Maria Menounos, American journalist and actress
1979 – Alexei Kozlov, Estonian figure skater
1979 – Pete Orr, Canadian-American baseball player
1979 – Derek Trucks, American guitarist and songwriter (The Allman Brothers Band, The Derek Trucks Band, and Tedeschi Trucks Band)
1979 – Adine Wilson, New Zealand netball player
1980 – Jamie Spencer, Irish flat racing jockey
1980 – Gustavo Manduca, Brazilian footballer
1981 – Alex Band, American singer-songwriter, guitarist, and producer (The Calling)
1981 – Matteo Meneghello, Italian race car driver
1981 – Ai Nonaka, Japanese voice actor
1981 – Sara Watkins, American singer-songwriter and fiddler (Nickel Creek, The Decemberists, and Works Progress Administration)
1981 – Jess Weixler, American actress
1982 – Matteo Barbini, Italian rugby player
1982 – Michael Cammalleri, Canadian ice hockey player
1982 – Dickson Etuhu, Nigerian footballer
1982 – Irina Lăzăreanu, Romanian-Canadian model and singer
1982 – Nadia Petrova, Russian tennis player
1983 – Gaines Adams, American football player (d. 2010)
1983 – Kim Clijsters, Belgian tennis player
1983 – Lee Harding, Australian singer
1983 – Coby Karl, American basketball player
1983 – Pantelis Kapetanos, Greek footballer
1983 – Mamoru Miyano, Japanese actor and singer
1984 – Andrea Casiraghi, Monacan son of Caroline, Princess of Hanover
1984 – Javier Mascherano, Argentinian footballer
1985 – Alexandre Despatie, Canadian diver
1986 – Patrick Kaleta, American ice hockey player
1987 – Coralie Balmy, French swimmer
1987 – Issiar Dia, Senegalese footballer
1987 – Samantha Saint, American pornographic actress
1989 – Timea Bacsinszky, Swiss tennis player
1989 – Richard Fleeshman, English singer-songwriter and actor
1989 – Mitchell Schwartz, American football player
1990 – Mickey Bushell, English wheelchair racer
1990 – Alexander Yakin, Russian actor
1992 – Sebastião de Freita Couto Júnior, Brazilian footballer
1997 – Jeļena Ostapenko, Latvian tennis player
2002 – Countess Eloise of Orange-Nassau van Amsberg, Dutch royalty

632 – Muhammad, Last Prophet of Islam (b. 570)
1042 – Harthacnut, English son of Cnut the Great (b. 1018)
1154 – William of York, English archbishop
1376 – Edward, the Black Prince, English son of Edward III of England (b. 1330)
1383 – Thomas de Ros, 4th Baron de Ros, English crusader (b. 1338)
1384 – Kan'ami, Japanese actor (b. 1333)
1476 – George Neville, English archbishop (b. 1432)
1505 – Hongzhi Emperor of China (b. 1470)
1611 – Jean Bertaut, French poet (b. 1552)
1612 – Hans Leo Hassler, German organist and composer (b. 1562)
1621 – Anne de Xainctonge, French founder of the Society of the Sisters of Saint Ursula of the Blessed Virgin (b. 1567)
1628 – Rudolph Goclenius, German philosopher (b. 1547)
1714 – Sophia of Hanover (b. 1630)
1716 – Johann Wilhelm, Elector Palatine, German son of Landgravine Elisabeth Amalie of Hesse-Darmstadt (b. 1658)
1727 – August Hermann Francke, German-Lutheran clergyman, philanthropist, and scholar (b. 1663)
1768 – Johann Joachim Winckelmann, German archaeologist and scholar (b. 1717)
1771 – George Montagu-Dunk, 2nd Earl of Halifax, English politician (b. 1716)
1795 – Louis XVII of France (b. 1785)
1809 – Thomas Paine, English-American theorist and author (b. 1737)
1835 – Gian Domenico Romagnosi, Italian economist and jurist (b. 1761)
1845 – Andrew Jackson, American general, judge, and politician, 7th President of the United States (b. 1767)
1857 – Douglas William Jerrold, English playwright (b. 1803)
1874 – Cochise, American tribal chief (b. 1805)
1876 – George Sand, French author (b. 1804)
1885 – Ignace Bourget, Canadian bishop (b. 1799)
1889 – Gerard Manley Hopkins, English priest and poet (b. 1844)
1924 – Andrew Irvine, English mountaineer (b. 1902)
1924 – George Mallory, English lieutenant and mountaineer (b. 1886)
1929 – Bliss Carman, Canadian-American poet (b. 1861)
1945 – Karl Hanke, Polish-German politician (b. 1903)
1951 – Eugène Fiset, Canadian physician, general, and politician, 18th Lieutenant Governor of Quebec (b. 1874)
1951 – Oswald Pohl, German SS officer (b. 1892)
1956 – Marie Laurencin, French painter (b. 1883)
1965 – Edmondo Rossoni, Italian politician (b. 1884)
1966 – Anton Melik, Slovenian geographer (b. 1890)
1968 – Elizabeth Enright, American author and illustrator (b. 1909)
1968 – Ludovico Scarfiotti, Italian racing driver (b. 1933)
1969 – Arunachalam Mahadeva, Sri Lankan colonial and politician (b. 1885)
1969 – Robert Taylor, American actor and singer (b. 1911)
1970 – Abraham Maslow, American psychologist (b. 1908)
1972 – Jimmy Rushing, American singer (Oklahoma City Blue Devils) (b. 1901)
1980 – Ernst Busch, German actor and singer (b. 1900)
1982 – Satchel Paige, American baseball player (b. 1906)
1984 – Gordon Jacob, English composer (b. 1895)
1987 – Alexander Iolas, Egyptian-American art collector (b. 1907)
1992 – Atef Bseiso, Palestinian terrorist (b. 1948)
1993 – Root Boy Slim, American singer-songwriter and guitarist (b. 1945)
1997 – George Turner, Australian author and critic (b. 1916)
1997 – Karen Wetterhahn, American chemist and educator (b. 1948)
1998 – Sani Abacha, Nigerian general and politician, 10th President of Nigeria (b. 1943)
1998 – Maria Reiche, German mathematician and archaeologist (b. 1903)
2000 – Jeff MacNelly, American cartoonist (b. 1948)
2001 – Alex de Renzy, American director and producer of pornographic movies (b. 1935)
2003 – Leighton Rees, Welsh darts player (b. 1940)
2004 – Charles Hyder, American astrophysicist (b. 1930)
2004 – Mack Jones, American baseball player (b. 1938)
2006 – Jaxon, American illustrator and publisher, co-founded Rip Off Press (b. 1941)
2006 – Robert Donner, American actor (b. 1931)
2006 – Matta El Meskeen, Egyptian monk (b. 1919)
2007 – Kenny Olsson, Swedish race car driver (b. 1977)
2007 – Richard Rorty, American philosopher (b. 1931)
2008 – Šaban Bajramović, Serbian singer-songwriter (b. 1936)
2009 – Omar Bongo, Gabonese politician, President of Gabon (b. 1935)
2009 – Johnny Palermo, American actor (b. 1982)
2010 – Crispian St. Peters, English singer-songwriter (b. 1939)
2010 – Andreas Voutsinas, Greek actor and director (b. 1932)
2011 – Fazul Abdullah Mohammed, Comoran terrorist (b. 1974)
2011 – Alan Rubin, American musician (b. 1943)
2012 – Pete Brennan, American basketball player (b. 1936)
2012 – Frank Cady, American actor and singer (b. 1915)
2012 – K. S. R. Das, Indian director (b. 1936)
2012 – Nikolai Petrovich Ivanov, Russian rower (b. 1949)
2012 – Ivan Lessa, Brazilian journalist (b. 1935)
2012 – Charles E. M. Pearce, New Zealand-Australian mathematician and educator (b. 1940)
2012 – Ghassan Tueni, Lebanese journalist, academic, and politician (b. 1926)
2013 – Paul Cellucci, American politician, 69th Governor of Massachusetts (b. 1948)
2013 – Nathan Dean, American politician (b. 1934)
2013 – Niels Diffrient, American designer (b. 1928)
2013 – Yoram Kaniuk, Israeli painter, journalist, and critic (b. 1930)
2013 – Taufiq Kiemas, Indonesian politician, 5th First Gentleman of Indonesia (b. 1942)
2013 – Angus MacKay, English actor (b. 1927)
2013 – Kyle Miller, Canadian lacrosse player (b. 1981)
2013 – Eugene P. Ruehlmann, American lawyer and politician (b. 1925)
2013 – Richard J. Seitz, American general (b. 1918)
2013 – Willi Sitte, German painter (b. 1921)
2013 – Philip White, Canadian pharmacist and politician (b. 1923)
June 9 Events

411 BC – The Athenian coup succeeds, forming a short-lived oligarchy.
53 – The Roman Emperor Nero marries Claudia Octavia.
68 – The Roman Emperor Nero commits suicide, after quoting Homer's Iliad, thus ending the Julio-Claudian dynasty and starting the civil year known as the Year of the Four Emperors.
721 – Odo of Aquitaine defeats the Moors in the Battle of Toulouse.
1311 – Duccio's Maestà Altarpiece, a seminal artwork of the early Italian Renaissance, is unveiled and installed in Siena Cathedral in Siena, Italy.
1534 – Jacques Cartier is the first European to discover the Saint Lawrence River.
1650 – The Harvard Corporation, the more powerful of the two administrative boards of Harvard, is established. It is the first legal corporation in the Americas.
1667 – The Raid on the Medway by the Dutch fleet in the Second Anglo-Dutch War begins. It lasts for five days and results in the worst ever defeat of the Royal Navy.
1732 – James Oglethorpe is granted a royal charter for the colony of the future U.S. state of Georgia.
1762 – British forces begin the Siege of Havana and capture the city during the Seven Years' War.
1772 – The British schooner Gaspée is burned off the coast of Rhode Island.
1798 – Irish Rebellion of 1798: Battle of Arklow and Battle of Saintfield.
1815 – End of the Congress of Vienna: the new European political situation is set.
1856 – 500 Mormons leave Iowa City, Iowa, and head west for Salt Lake City carrying all their possessions in two-wheeled handcarts.
1862 – American Civil War: Stonewall Jackson concludes his successful Shenandoah Valley Campaign with a victory in the Battle of Port Republic; his tactics during the campaign are now studied by militaries around the world.
1863 – American Civil War: Battle of Brandy Station, Virginia.
1873 – Alexandra Palace in London burns down after being open for only 16 days.
1885 – Treaty of Tientsin is signed to end the Sino-French War, with China eventually giving up Tonkin and Annam – most of present-day Vietnam – to France.
1900 – Birsa Munda, an important figure in the Indian independence movement, dies in a British prison under mysterious circumstances.
1915 – William Jennings Bryan resigns as Woodrow Wilson's Secretary of State over a disagreement regarding the United States' handling of the sinking of the RMS Lusitania.
1923 – Bulgaria's military takes over the government in a coup.
1928 – Charles Kingsford Smith completes the first trans-Pacific flight in a Fokker Trimotor monoplane, the Southern Cross.
1930 – A Chicago Tribune reporter, Jake Lingle, is killed during rush hour at the Illinois Central train station by Leo Vincent Brothers, allegedly over a $100,000 gambling debt owed to Al Capone.
1934 – Donald Duck makes his debut in The Wise Little Hen.
1944 – World War II: 99 civilians are hanged from lampposts and balconies by German troops in Tulle, France, in reprisal for maquisards attacks.
1944 – World War II: the Soviet Union invades East Karelia and the previously Finnish part of Karelia, occupied by Finland since 1941.
1946 – King Ananda Mahidol is found shot dead in his bedroom, Bhumibol Adulyadej ascends to the throne of Thailand. He is currently the world's longest reigning monarch.
1948 – Foundation of the International Council on Archives under the auspices of the UNESCO.
1953 – Flint–Worcester tornado outbreak sequence: a tornado spawned from the same storm system as the Flint tornado hits in Worcester, Massachusetts, killing 94.
1954 – McCarthyism: Joseph Welch, special counsel for the United States Army, lashes out at Senator Joseph McCarthy during hearings on whether Communism has infiltrated the Army giving McCarthy the famous rebuke, "You've done enough. Have you no sense of decency, sir, at long last? Have you left no sense of decency?"
1957 – First ascent of Broad Peak by Fritz Wintersteller, Marcus Schmuck, Kurt Diemberger, and Hermann Buhl.
1958 – Queen Elizabeth II officially opens London's Gatwick Airport in Crawley, West Sussex, United Kingdom.
1959 – The USS George Washington is launched. It is the first submarine to carry ballistic missiles.
1965 – The civilian Prime Minister of South Vietnam, Phan Huy Quát, resigns after being unable to work with a junta led by Nguyễn Cao Kỳ.
1967 – Six-Day War: Israel captures the Golan Heights from Syria
1968 – U.S. President Lyndon B. Johnson declares a national day of mourning following the assassination of Senator Robert F. Kennedy.
1972 – Severe rainfall causes a dam in the Black Hills of South Dakota to burst, creating a flood that kills 238 people and causes $160 million in damage.
1973 – In horseracing, Secretariat wins the Triple Crown.
1974 – Portugal and the Soviet Union establish diplomatic relations.
1978 – The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints opens its priesthood to "all worthy men", ending a 148-year-old policy of excluding black men.
1979 – The Ghost Train fire at Luna Park Sydney (Australia) kills seven.
1985 – Thomas Sutherland is kidnapped in Lebanon. He will not be released until 1991.
1999 – Kosovo War: the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and NATO sign a peace treaty.
2006 – 60th Anniversary Celebrations of Bhumibol Adulyadej's Accession.
2008 – Two bombs explode at a train station near Algiers, Algeria, killing at least 13 people.
2008 – In the town of Lake Delton, Wisconsin, Lake Delton drains as a result of heavy flooding, breaking the dam holding the lake back.
2009 – An explosion kills 17 people and injures at least 46 at a hotel in Peshawar, Pakistan.
2010 – At least 40 people are killed and more than 70 others are wounded as an explosion rips through an evening wedding party in Arghandab, Kandahar.
June 9 Births

1580 – Daniel Heinsius, Belgian scholar (d. 1655)
1588 – Johann Andreas Herbst, German composer and theorist (d. 1666)
1595 – Władysław IV Vasa, Polish son of Sigismund III Vasa (d. 1648)
1640 – Leopold I, Holy Roman Emperor (d. 1705)
1661 – Feodor III of Russia (d. 1682)
1672 – Peter the Great, Russian emperor (d. 1725)
1686 – Andrey Osterman, German-Russian politician, Minister of Foreign Affairs for Russia (d. 1747)
1732 – Giuseppe Demachi, Italian violinist and composer (d. 1791)
1768 – Samuel Slater, English-American businessman (d. 1835)
1781 – George Stephenson, English engineer (d. 1848)
1810 – Otto Nicolai, German composer and conductor (d. 1849)
1812 – Johann Gottfried Galle, German astronomer (d. 1910)
1836 – Elizabeth Garrett Anderson, English physician (d. 1917)
1843 – Bertha von Suttner, Austrian author, Nobel Prize laureate (d. 1914)
1845 – Gilbert Elliot-Murray-Kynynmound, 4th Earl of Minto, English politician, 36th Governor-General of India (d. 1914)
1845 – Frank Norton, American baseball player (d. 1920)
1849 – Michael Ancher, Danish painter (d. 1927)
1851 – Charles Joseph Bonaparte, American lawyer and politician, 46th United States Attorney General (d. 1921)
1861 – Pierre Duhem, French physicist, mathematician, and historian (d. 1916)
1861 – Gustav Tammann, Baltic German chemist (d. 1938)
1865 – Albéric Magnard, French composer (d. 1914)
1865 – Carl Nielsen, Danish violinist, composer, and conductor (d. 1931)
1868 – Jane Avril, French dancer (d. 1943)
1874 – Launceston Elliot, Scottish weightlifter (d. 1930)
1875 – Henry Hallett Dale, English pharmacologist and physiologist, Nobel Prize laureate (d. 1968)
1879 – Harry DeBaecke, American rower (d. 1961)
1882 – Robert Kerr, Irish-Canadian sprinter (d. 1963)
1885 – Felicjan Sławoj Składkowski, Polish general and politician, 27th Prime Minister of Poland (d. 1962)
1890 – Leslie Banks, English actor, director, and producer (d. 1952)
1891 – Cole Porter, American composer (d. 1964)
1893 – Irish Meusel, American baseball player (d. 1963)
1895 – Archie Weston, American football player and journalist (d. 1981)
1898 – Luigi Fagioli, Italian race car driver (d. 1952)
1900 – Fred Waring, American bandleader and television host (Waring's Pennsylvanians) (d. 1984)
1902 – Skip James, American singer-songwriter and guitarist (d. 1969)
1903 – Marcia Davenport, American author and critic (d. 1996)
1906 – Robert Klark Graham, American eugenicist and businessman, founded Repository for Germinal Choice (d. 1997)
1908 – Luis Kutner, American lawyer, author, and activist (d. 1993)
1908 – Branch McCracken, American basketball player and coach (d. 1970)
1910 – Robert Cummings, American actor, singer, and director (d. 1990)
1912 – Ingolf Dahl, German-American pianist, composer, and conductor (d. 1970)
1912 – Philip Simmons, American blacksmith (d. 2009)
1915 – Lee Embree, American sergeant and photographer (d. 2008)
1915 – Jim McDonald, American football player and coach (d. 1997)
1915 – Les Paul, American guitarist and songwriter (d. 2009)
1916 – Jurij Brězan, German author (d. 2006)
1916 – Robert McNamara, American businessman and politician, 8th United States Secretary of Defense (d. 2009)
1917 – Eric Hobsbawm, Egyptian-English historian and author (b. 2012)
1918 – John Hospers, American philosopher and politician (d. 2011)
1921 – Arthur Hertzberg, American rabbi and scholar (d. 2006)
1921 – Jean Lacouture, French journalist, historian, and author
1922 – George Axelrod, American director, producer, and screenwriter (d. 2003)
1922 – John Gillespie Magee, Jr., Chinese-American pilot and poet (d. 1941)
1922 – Fernand Seguin, Canadian biochemist and educator (d. 1988)
1924 – Tony Britton, English actor
1924 – Ed Farhat, American wrestler (d. 2003)
1925 – Keith Laumer, American author (d. 1993)
1926 – Calvin "Fuzz" Jones, American electric blues bassist and singer (d. 2010)
1927 – Jim Nolan, American basketball player (d. 1983)
1928 – R. Geraint Gruffydd, Welsh language scholar
1929 – Johnny Ace, American singer (d. 1954)
1930 – Barbara, French singer-songwriter and actress (d. 1997)
1930 – Jordi Pujol i Soley, Spanish politician, 126th President of the Generalitat de Catalunya
1930 – Princess Ragnhild, Mrs. Lorentzen, Norwegian daughter of Olav V of Norway (d. 2012)
1931 – Joe Santos, American actor
1931 – Bill Virdon, American baseball player, coach, and manager
1933 – Al Cantello, American javelin thrower
1934 – Michael Mates, British politician
1934 – Jackie Wilson, American singer-songwriter (Billy Ward and his Dominoes) (d. 1984)
1935 – Dutch Savage, American wrestler (d. 2013)
1936 – Jackie Mason, American comedian, actor, and screenwriter
1936 – Mick O'Dwyer, Irish footballer and manager
1936 – George Radda, Hungarian chemist
1937 – Harald Rosenthal, German hydrobiologist
1937 – Willard Cox, American musician (The Cox Family)
1938 – Jeremy Hardie, British economist and businessman
1938 – Giles Havergal, Scottish theatre director, actor and playwright
1938 – Charles Wuorinen, American composer
1939 – Ileana Cotrubaș, Romanian soprano and actress
1939 – Eric Fernie, Scottish art historian
1939 – David Hobbs, English race car driver and sportscaster
1939 – Dick Vitale, American basketball player, coach, and sportscaster
1939 – Charles Webb, American author
1940 – André Vallerand, Canadian businessman and politician
1941 – Jon Lord, English singer-songwriter and keyboard player (Deep Purple, Paice Ashton Lord, The Flower Pot Men, and The Artwoods) (d. 2012)
1942 – Anton Burghardt, German footballer and manager
1942 – Nicholas Lloyd, British newspaper editor and broadcaster
1943 – Kenny Barron, American pianist (Sphere)
1943 – John Fitzpatrick, English race car driver
1943 – Joe Haldeman, American author
1943 – Charles Saatchi, Iraqi-English businessman, co-founded Saatchi & Saatchi
1944 – Janric Craig, British peer and politician
1944 – Wally Gabler, American football player and sportscaster
1945 – Faina Melnik, Soviet discus thrower
1945 – Luis Ocaña, Spanish cyclist (d. 1994)
1945 – Nike Wagner, German author and critic
1946 – Deyda Hydara, Gambian journalist, co-founded The Point (d. 2004)
1946 – James Kelman, Scottish writer
1946 – Peter Kilfoyle, English politician
1946 – Giulio Terzi di Sant'Agata, Italian politician, Minister of Foreign Affairs for Italy
1947 – Howie Chizek, American radio host (d. 2012)
1947 – John Gurda, American historian and author
1948 – Jim Bailey, American football player
1948 – Gudrun Schyman, Swedish politician
1949 – Kiran Bedi, Indian police officer and activist
1950 – Trevor Bolder, English bass player, songwriter, and producer (Uriah Heep, The Spiders from Mars, and Cybernauts) (d. 2013)
1950 – Fred Jackson, American football player and coach
1950 – Giorgos Kastrinakis, Greek-American basketball player
1950 – David Troughton, English actor
1951 – Michael Patrick Cronan, American graphic designer (d. 2013)
1951 – James Newton Howard, American composer
1951 – Dave Parker, American baseball player and coach
1951 – Reinhard Schmitz, German footballer
1951 – Brian Taylor, American basketball player
1952 – Uzi Hitman, Israeli singer-songwriter (d. 2004)
1952 – Billy Knight, American basketball player
1953 – Ken Navarro, Italian-American guitarist and composer
1954 – Paul Chapman, Welsh guitarist and songwriter (UFO, Lone Star, and Skid Row)
1954 – Richard Hudson, Zimbabwean stage designer
1954 – Gregory Maguire, American author
1954 – Elizabeth May, American-Canadian environmentalist, lawyer, and politician
1954 – George Pérez, American author and illustrator
1955 – Wolfgang Schilling, German footballer
1956 – Patricia Cornwell, American author
1958 – David Ancrum, American basketball player
1960 – Steve Paikin, Canadian journalist and author
1961 – Thomas Benson, American football player
1961 – Michael J. Fox, Canadian-American actor, producer, and author
1961 – Aaron Sorkin, American screenwriter, producer, and playwright
1962 – Yuval Banay, Israeli singer-songwriter and guitarist (Mashina)
1962 – Ken Rose, American football player
1963 – Gilad Atzmon, Israeli-English saxophonist, author, and activist (The Blockheads)
1963 – Johnny Depp, American actor, singer, producer, and director
1963 – David Koepp, American director, producer, and screenwriter
1964 – Slaid Cleaves, American singer-songwriter and guitarist
1964 – Gloria Reuben, Canadian actress and singer
1964 – Wayman Tisdale, American basketball player and bass player (d. 2009)
1964 – Hiroko Yakushimaru, Japanese actress and singer
1966 – Tamela Mann, American singer-songwriter and actress
1966 – Jan Vayne
1967 – Richard Cooey, American murderer (d. 2008)
1967 – Jian Ghomeshi, Canadian singer-songwriter, producer, and radio host (Moxy Früvous)
1967 – Rubén Maza, Venezuelan runner
1968 – Niki Bakoyianni, Greek high jumper
1969 – Nick Kiriazis, American actor
1969 – André Racicot, Canadian ice hockey player
1969 – Eric Wynalda, American soccer player, coach, and sportscaster
1970 – Erika Miklósa, Hungarian soprano
1971 – Gilles De Bilde, Belgian footballer and sportscaster
1971 – Jean Galfione, French pole vaulter
1971 – Jackie McKeown, Scottish singer-songwriter and guitarist (The Yummy Fur and 1990s)
1972 – Tomoe Hanba, Japanese voice actress
1972 – Matt Horsley, Australian footballer
1973 – Aigars Apinis, Latvian discus thrower
1973 – Tedy Bruschi, American football player and sportscaster
1973 – Frédéric Choffat, Swiss director, producer, and cinematographer
1973 – Iain Lee, English comedian and television host
1973 – Grant Marshall, Canadian ice hockey player
1973 – Laura Ponte, Spanish model
1974 – Samoth, Norwegian singer-songwriter and guitarist (Emperor, Zyklon, and Scum)
1975 – Otto Addo, German-Ghanaian footballer
1975 – Andrew Symonds, English-Australian cricketer
1977 – Usman Afzaal, Pakistani cricketer
1977 – Olin Kreutz, American football player
1977 – Ameesha Patel, Indian actress and producer
1977 – Peja Stojaković, Croatian-Greek basketball player
1978 – Matthew Bellamy, English singer-songwriter, guitarist, and producer (Muse)
1978 – Michaela Conlin, American actress
1978 – Shandi Finnessey, American model and actress, Miss USA 2004
1978 – Miroslav Klose, German footballer
1978 – Heather Mitts, American soccer player
1978 – Eric Papilaya, Austrian singer
1978 – Hayden Schlossberg, American director, producer, and screenwriter
1978 – Brian Patrick Wade, American actor
1979 – Dario Dainelli, Italian footballer
1979 – Akiko Kobayashi, Japanese voice actor and singer
1979 – Ryoko Kuninaka, Japanese actress and singer
1979 – Amanda Lassiter, American basketball player
1979 – Jasper Redd, American comedian and actor
1979 – Chris Tilton, American composer
1979 – Andrew Walker, Canadian actor and producer
1980 – D'banj, Nigerian singer-songwriter and harmonica player
1980 – Navíd Akhavan, Iranian-German actor
1980 – James DeBello, American actor
1980 – Mike Fontenot, American baseball player
1980 – Timothy Glanfield, English journalist
1980 – Udonis Haslem, American basketball player
1980 – Nikolai Novosjolov, Estonian fencer
1980 – Kevin Owens, American basketball player
1980 – Paul Preiss, American model and actor
1980 – Lehlohonolo Seema, South African footballer
1980 – Kana Ueda, Japanese voice actress
1980 – David Williams, American poker player
1981 – Cameron Bunce, American model and actor
1981 – Vic Chou, Taiwanese actor and singer (F4)
1981 – Natalie Portman, Israeli-American actress
1981 – Anoushka Shankar, English-Indian sitar player and composer
1981 – Sara Tommasi, Italian actress and model
1982 – Thomas Aldridge, English actor
1982 – Yoshito Ōkubo, Japanese footballer
1982 – Christina Stürmer, Austrian singer-songwriter
1982 – Andrew Walker, Canadian actor
1983 – Firas Al-Khatib, Syrian footballer
1983 – Alektra Blue, American porn actress
1983 – Erin Cafaro, American rower
1983 – Josh Cribbs, American football player
1983 – Dwayne Jones, American basketball player
1983 – Marina Lizorkina, Russian singer and dancer (Serebro)
1983 – Danny Richar, Dominican-American baseball player
1983 – Jim Tang, Hong Kong actor
1983 – Alex Templeton-Ward, English singer-songwriter, bass player, and poet
1983 – Princess Theodora of Greece and Denmark
1984 – Yulieski Gourriel, Cuban baseball player
1984 – Kaleth Morales, Colombian singer-songwriter (d. 2005)
1984 – Jake Newton, Guyanese footballer
1984 – Asko Paade, Estonian basketball player
1984 – Masoud Shojaei, Iranian footballer
1984 – Wesley Sneijder, Dutch footballer
1985 – Anthimos Ananiadis, Greek actor
1985 – Richard Kahui, New Zealand rugby player
1985 – Sonam Kapoor, Indian model and actress
1985 – Jon Nørgaard, Danish singer-songwriter
1985 – Sebastian Telfair, American basketball player
1986 – Kevin Borg, Maltese-Swedish singer
1986 – Doug Legursky, American football player
1986 – Kary Ng, Hong Kong singer-songwriter and actress (Cookies and Ping Pung)
1986 – Yadier Pedroso, Cuban baseball player (d. 2013)
1986 – Ashley Postell, American gymnast
1986 – Adamo Ruggiero, Canadian actor
1986 – Karan Wahi, Indian actor
1987 – Jaan Mölder, Estonian rally driver
1987 – Sofía Stamatiades, Mexican actress
1987 – Rheagan Wallace, American actress
1988 – Sara Isaković, Slovenian swimmer
1988 – Sokratis Papastathopoulos, Greek footballer
1988 – Mae Whitman, American actress
1989 – Chloë Agnew, Irish singer (Celtic Woman)
1989 – Logan Browning, American actress and singer
1989 – Nina Kodaka, Japanese-Filipino television host
1989 – Dídac Vilà, Spanish footballer
1990 – Lauren Socha, English actress
1992 – Yannick Agnel, French swimmer
1992 – Lucien Laviscount, English actor and singer
1993 – Danielle Chuchran, American actress
1994 – Lee Hyeri, South Korean idol singer (Girl's Day)
June 9 Deaths

68 – Nero, Roman emperor (b. 37)
373 – Ephrem the Syrian, Turkish hymnographer and theologian (b. 306)
597 – Columba, Irish missionary and saint (b. 521)
630 – Shahrbaraz, Persian general and king
1361 – Philippe de Vitry, French composer and poet (b. 1291)
1563 – William Paget, 1st Baron Paget, English accountant and politician (b. 1506)
1572 – Jeanne d'Albret, French wife of Antoine of Navarre (b. 1528)
1583 – Thomas Radclyffe, 3rd Earl of Sussex, English politician, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland (b. 1525)
1656 – Thomas Tomkins, Welsh composer (b. 1572)
1716 – Banda Singh Bahadur, Indian commander (b. 1670)
1717 – Jeanne Guyon, French mystic (b. 1648)
1834 – William Carey, English minister and missionary (b. 1761)
1870 – Charles Dickens, English author and critic (b. 1812)
1875 – Gérard Paul Deshayes, French geologist and conchologist (b. 1795)
1889 – Mike Burke, American baseball player (b. 1854)
1892 – Yoshitoshi, Japanese painter (b. 1839)
1892 – William Grant Stairs, Canadian-English captain and explorer (b. 1863)
1901 – Adolf Bötticher, German historian (b. 1842)
1923 – Princess Helena of the United Kingdom (b. 1846)
1942 – František Erben, Czech gymnast (b. 1874)
1946 – Ananda Mahidol, Thai king (b. 1925)
1952 – Adolf Busch, German-Austrian violinist and composer (b. 1891)
1953 – Ernest Graves, Sr., American football player, coach, and general (b. 1880)
1958 – Robert Donat, English actor (b. 1905)
1959 – Adolf Otto Reinhold Windaus, German chemist, Nobel Prize laureate (b. 1876)
1960 – Harry S. Hammond, American football player and businessman (b. 1884)
1961 – Camille Guérin, French veterinarian, bacteriologist and immunologist (b. 1872)
1964 – Max Aitken, Lord Beaverbrook, Canadian-English businessman and politician (b. 1879)
1968 – Bernard Cronin, Australian author and journalist (b. 1884)
1972 – Gilberto Parlotti, Italian motorcycle racer (b. 1940)
1973 – Chuck Bennett, American football player and coach (b. 1907)
1973 – John Creasey, English author (b. 1908)
1973 – Erich von Manstein, German general (b. 1887)
1974 – Miguel Ángel Asturias, Guatemalan journalist, author, and poet, Nobel Prize laureate (b. 1899)
1979 – Cyclone Taylor, Canadian ice hockey player and civil servant (b. 1884)
1981 – Allen Ludden, American game show host (b. 1917)
1989 – Rashid Behbudov, Azerbaijani singer and actor (b. 1915)
1989 – George Wells Beadle, American geneticist, Nobel Prize laureate (b. 1903)
1991 – Claudio Arrau, Chilean-American pianist (b. 1903)
1991 – Howard Hobson, American basketball player and coach (b. 1903)
1992 – Big Miller, American-Canadian singer (b. 1922)
1993 – Thomas Ammann, Swiss art dealer (b. 1950)
1993 – Alexis Smith, Canadian-American actress and singer (b. 1921)
1994 – Jan Tinbergen, Dutch economist, Nobel Prize laureate (b. 1903)
1997 – Stanley Knowles, American-Canadian politician (b. 1908)
2000 – John Abramovic, American basketball player (b. 1919)
2000 – Jacob Lawrence, American painter (b. 1917)
2004 – Rosey Brown, American football player and coach (b. 1932)
2004 – Brian Williamson, Jamaican activist, co-founded J-FLAG (b. 1945)
2006 – Drafi Deutscher, German singer-songwriter (b. 1946)
2007 – Frankie Abernathy, American purse designer, cast-member on The Real World: San Diego (b. 1981)
2008 – Algis Budrys, Lithuanian-American author and critic (b. 1931)
2008 – Suleiman Mousa, Jordanian historian and author (b. 1919)
2009 – Dick May, American race car driver (b. 1930)
2010 – Melbert Ford, American murderer (b. 1960)
2011 – M. F. Husain, Indian painter and director (b. 1915)
2011 – Tomoko Kawakami, Japanese voice actress (b. 1970)
2011 – Mike Mitchell, American basketball player (b. 1956)
2012 – Régis Clère, French cyclist (b. 1956)
2012 – Masahisa Fukase, Japanese photographer (b. 1934)
2012 – Patrick Morgan Mahoney, Canadian lawyer, politician, and judge (b. 1929)
2012 – John Maples, Baron Maples, English politician (b. 1943)
2012 – Ivan Minatti, Slovene poet (b. 1924)
2012 – Georges Sari, Greek author and actress (b. 1925)
2012 – Hawk Taylor, American baseball player (b. 1939)
2012 – Abram Wilson, American-English trumpet player (b. 1973)
2013 – Darondo, American singer (b. 1946)
2013 – Iain Banks, Scottish author (b. 1954)
2013 – Bruno Bartoletti, Italian conductor (b. 1926)
2013 – John Burke, English rugby player (b. 1948)
2013 – Walter Jens, German philologist, historian, and educator (b. 1923)
2013 – Harry Lewis, American actor (b. 1920)
2013 – Elías Querejeta, Spanish screenwriter and producer (b. 1934)
2013 – Zdeněk Rotrekl, Czech poet (b. 1920)
2013 – Edward Stevens, American rower (b. 1932)
2013 – Joe Tereshinski, Sr., American football player (b. 1923)
2014 – Rik Mayall English comedian, writer and actor (b. 1958)

10 June Events

671 – Emperor Tenji of Japan introduces a water clock (clepsydra) called Rokoku. The instrument, which measure time and indicates hours, is placed in the capital of Ōtsu.
1190 – Third Crusade: Frederick I Barbarossa drowns in the river Saleph while leading an army to Jerusalem.
1329 – The Battle of Pelekanon results in a Byzantine defeat by the Ottoman Empire.
1523 – Copenhagen is surrounded by the army of Frederick I of Denmark, as the city won't recognise him as the successor of Christian II of Denmark.
1539 – Council of Trent: Paul III sends out letters to his bishops, delaying the Council due to war and the difficulty bishops had traveling to Venice.
1619 – Thirty Years' War: Battle of Záblatí, a turning point in the Bohemian Revolt.
1624 – Signing of the Treaty of Compiègne between France and the Netherlands.
1692 – Salem witch trials: Bridget Bishop is hanged at Gallows Hill near Salem, Massachusetts, for "certaine Detestable Arts called Witchcraft & Sorceries".
1719 – Jacobite Rising: Battle of Glen Shiel.
1786 – A landslide dam on the Dadu River created by an earthquake ten days earlier collapses, killing 100,000 in the Sichuan province of China.
1793 – The Jardin des Plantes museum opens in Paris. A year later, it becomes the first public zoo.
1793 – French Revolution: Following the arrests of Girondin leaders, the Jacobins gain control of the Committee of Public Safety installing the revolutionary dictatorship.
1805 – First Barbary War: Yusuf Karamanli signs a treaty ending the hostilities between Tripolitania and the United States.
1829 – The first Boat Race between the University of Oxford and the University of Cambridge takes place.
1838 – Myall Creek massacre: 28 Aboriginal Australians are murdered.
1854 – The first class of United States Naval Academy students graduate.
1861 – American Civil War: Battle of Big Bethel - Confederate troops under John B. Magruder defeat a much larger Union force led by General Ebenezer W. Pierce in Virginia.
1864 – American Civil War: Battle of Brice's Crossroads - Confederate troops under Nathan Bedford Forrest defeat a much larger Union force led by General Samuel D. Sturgis in Mississippi.
1871 – Sinmiyangyo: Captain McLane Tilton leads 109 US Marines in a naval attack on Han River forts on Kanghwa Island, Korea.
1878 – League of Prizren is established, to oppose the decisions of the Congress of Berlin and the Treaty of San Stephano, as a consequence of which the Albanian lands in Balkans were being partitioned and given to the neighbor states of Serbia, Montenegro, Bulgaria and Greece.
1886 – Mount Tarawera in New Zealand erupts, killing 153 people and destroying the famous Pink and White Terraces.
1898 – Spanish–American War: U.S. Marines land on the island of Cuba.
1912 – The Villisca Axe Murders were discovered in Villisca, Iowa.
1916 – An Arab Revolt against the Ottoman Empire led by Lawrence of Arabia breaks out.
1918 – The Austro-Hungarian battleship SMS Szent István sinks off the Croatian coast after being torpedoed by an Italian MAS motorboat; the event is recorded by camera from a nearby vessel.
1924 – Fascists kidnap and kill Italian Socialist leader Giacomo Matteotti in Rome.
1925 – Inaugural service for the United Church of Canada, a union of Presbyterian, Methodist, and Congregationalist churches, held in the Toronto Arena.
1935 – Dr. Robert Smith takes his last drink, and Alcoholics Anonymous is founded in Akron, Ohio, United States, by him and Bill Wilson.
1935 – Chaco War ends: a truce is called between Bolivia and Paraguay who had been fighting since 1932.
1936 – The Russian animation studio Soyuzmultfilm is founded.
1940 – World War II: U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt denounces Italy's actions with his "Stab in the Back" speech at the graduation ceremonies of the University of Virginia.
1940 – World War II: Norway surrenders to German forces.
1940 – World War II: Italy declares war on France and the United Kingdom.
1942 – World War II: Nazis burn the Czech village of Lidice in reprisal for the killing of Reinhard Heydrich.
1944 – World War II: 642 men, women and children are killed in the Oradour-sur-Glane Massacre in France.
1944 – World War II: In Distomo, Boeotia, Greece 218 men, women and children are massacred by German troops.
1944 – In baseball, 15-year old Joe Nuxhall of the Cincinnati Reds becomes the youngest player ever in a major-league game.
1945 – Australian Imperial Forces land in Brunei Bay to liberate Brunei.
1947 – Saab produces its first automobile.
1957 – John Diefenbaker leads the Progressive Conservative Party of Canada to a stunning upset in the Canadian federal election, 1957, ending 22 years of Liberal Party government.
1963 – Equal Pay Act of 1963 aimed at abolishing wage disparity based on sex (see Gender pay gap). It was signed into law on June 10, 1963 by John F. Kennedy as part of his New Frontier Program
1967 – The Six-Day War ends: Israel and Syria agree to a cease-fire.
1967 – Argentina becomes a member of the Berne Convention copyright treaty.
1977 – James Earl Ray escapes from Brushy Mountain State Prison in Petros, Tennessee, but is recaptured on June 13.
1977 – The Apple II, one of the first personal computers, goes on sale.
1980 – The African National Congress in South Africa publishes a call to fight from their imprisoned leader Nelson Mandela.
1990 – British Airways Flight 5390 lands safely at Southampton Airport after a blowout in the cockpit causes the captain to be partially sucked from the cockpit. There are no fatalities
1996 – Peace talks begin in Northern Ireland without the participation of Sinn Féin.
1997 – Before fleeing his northern stronghold, Khmer Rouge leader Pol Pot orders the killing of his defense chief Son Sen and 11 of Sen's family members.
1999 – Kosovo War: NATO suspends its air strikes after Slobodan Milošević agrees to withdraw Serbian forces from Kosovo.
2001 – Pope John Paul II canonizes Lebanon's first female saint, Saint Rafqa.
2002 – The first direct electronic communication experiment between the nervous systems of two humans is carried out by Kevin Warwick in the United Kingdom.
2003 – The Spirit Rover is launched, beginning NASA's Mars Exploration Rover mission.

10 June Births

1213 – Fakhr-al-Din Iraqi, Persian poet and philosopher (d. 1289)
1632 – Esprit Fléchier, French bishop and author (d. 1710)
1657 – James Craggs the Elder, English politician (d. 1721)
1688 – James Francis Edward Stuart, English son of James II of England (d. 1766)
1713 – Princess Caroline of Great Britain (d. 1757)
1737 – Ruth Blay, American murderer (d. 1768)
1753 – William Eustis, American physician and politician, 12th Governor of Massachusetts (d. 1825)
1803 – Henry Darcy, French engineer (d. 1858)
1804 – Hermann Schlegel, German ornithologist and herpetologist (d. 1884)
1819 – Gustave Courbet, French painter (d. 1877)
1825 – Princess Hildegard of Bavaria (d. 1864)
1825 – Sondre Norheim, Norwegian skier (d. 1897)
1832 – Edwin Arnold, English poet and journalist (d. 1904)
1832 – Nikolaus Otto, German engineer (d. 1891)
1832 – Stephen Mosher Wood, American politician (d. 1920)
1835 – Rebecca Latimer Felton, American educator and politician (d. 1930)
1839 – Ludvig Holstein-Ledreborg, Danish politician, 19th Prime Minister of Denmark (d. 1912)
1840 – Theodor Philipsen, Danish painter (d. 1920)
1843 – Heinrich von Herzogenberg, Austrian composer and conductor (d. 1900)
1847 – John Beresford, Irish polo player (d. 1925)
1859 – Emanuel Nobel, Swedish-Russian oil baron (d. 1932)
1862 – Mrs. Leslie Carter, American actress (d. 1937)
1863 – Louis Couperus, Dutch author and poet (d. 1923)
1865 – Frederick Cook, American physician and explorer (d. 1940)
1880 – André Derain, French painter and sculptor (d. 1954)
1884 – Leone Sextus Tollemache, English captain (d. 1917)
1889 – Sessue Hayakawa, Japanese actor and producer (d. 1973)
1891 – Al Dubin, American songwriter (d. 1945)
1894 – Prince Igor Constantinovich of Russia (d. 1918)
1895 – Hattie McDaniel, American actress and singer (d. 1952)
1897 – Grand Duchess Tatiana Nikolaevna of Russia (d. 1918)
1899 – Stanislaw Czaykowski, Polish racing driver (d. 1933)
1901 – Frederick Loewe, Austrian-American composer (d. 1988)
1904 – Lin Huiyin, Chinese architect and poet (d. 1955)
1907 – Fairfield Porter, American painter and critic (d. 1975)
1910 – Frank Demaree, American baseball player (d. 1958)
1910 – Robert Still, English composer and educator (d. 1971)
1910 – Howlin' Wolf, American singer-songwriter and guitarist (d. 1976)
1911 – Ralph Kirkpatrick, American harpsichord player and musicologist (d. 1984)
1911 – Terence Rattigan, English playwright (d. 1977)
1912 – Jean Lesage, Canadian lawyer and politician, 11th Premier of Quebec (d. 1980)
1913 – Tikhon Khrennikov, Russian pianist and composer (d. 2007)
1913 – Benjamin Shapira, German-Israeli biochemist (d. 1993)
1915 – Saul Bellow, Canadian-American author, Nobel Prize laureate (d. 2005)
1916 – Peride Celal, Turkish author (d. 2013)
1918 – Patachou, French singer and actress
1918 – Barry Morse, English-Canadian actor and director (d. 2008)
1919 – Haidar Abdel-Shafi, Palestinian physician and politician (d. 2007)
1919 – Kevin O'Flanagan, Irish footballer, rugby player, and physician (d. 2006)
1921 – Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh
1921 – Jean Robic, French cyclist (d. 1980)
1922 – Judy Garland, American actress and singer (d. 1969)
1923 – Paul Brunelle, Canadian singer-songwriter and guitarist (d. 1994)
1923 – Robert Maxwell, Czech-English captain, publisher, and politician (d. 1991)
1925 – Leo Gravelle, Canadian ice hockey player (d. 2013)
1925 – Nat Hentoff, American historian, author, and journalist
1926 – Bruno Bartoletti, Italian conductor (d. 2013)
1926 – Lionel Jeffries, English actor, director, and screenwriter (d. 2010)
1927 – László Kubala, Hungarian footballer, coach, and manager (d. 2002)
1927 – Johnny Orr, American basketball player and coach (d. 2013)
1927 – Michael J. H. Walsh, British army officer
1927 – Lin Yang-kang, Chinese politician, 29th Vice Premier of the Republic of China (d. 2013)
1928 – Maurice Sendak, American author and illustrator (d. 2012)
1929 – Harald Juhnke, German actor and singer (d. 2005)
1929 – James McDivitt, American general, pilot, and astronaut
1929 – Ian Sinclair, Australian politician, 42nd Minister for Defence for Australia
1929 – E. O. Wilson, American biologist and author
1930 – Aranka Siegal, Czech-American author and holocaust survivor
1930 – Chen Xitong, Chinese politician, 8th Mayor of Beijing (d. 2013)
1931 – Bryan Cartledge, British academic and diplomat
1931 – João Gilberto, Brazilian singer-songwriter and guitarist
1932 – Branko Lustig, Croatian-American actor, producer, and production manager
1933 – F. Lee Bailey, American lawyer
1934 – Peter Gibson, British judge
1934 – Tom Pendry, British politician
1935 – Vic Elford, English race car driver
1936 – Alex DeCroce, American politician (d. 2012)
1937 – Luciana Paluzzi, Italian actress
1937 – Vilmos Varjú, Hungarian shot putter (d. 1994)
1938 – Rahul Bajaj, Indian businessman and politician
1938 – Violetta Villas, Belgian-Polish singer-songwriter and actress (d. 2011)
1939 – Guy Harwood, British racehorse trainer
1939 – Alexandra Stewart, Canadian actress
1940 – Augie Auer, American-New Zealand meteorologist (d. 2007)
1940 – John Stevens, English drummer (Spontaneous Music Ensemble) (d. 1994)
1941 – Mickey Jones, American drummer and actor (The First Edition)
1941 – Shirley Owens, American singer (Shirelles)
1941 – Jürgen Prochnow, German-American actor
1941 – David Walker, Australian race car driver
1942 – Gordon Burns, Irish journalist
1942 – Chantal Goya, Vietnamese-French singer and actress
1942 – Arthur Hamilton, British judge
1942 – Preston Manning, Canadian politician
1943 – Simon Jenkins, British chairman of the National Trust
1944 – Ze'ev Friedman, Polish-Israeli weightlifter (d. 1972)
1944 – Anthony Rooley, English lutenist
1946 – Fernando Balzaretti, Mexican actor (d. 1998)
1947 – Michel Bastarache, Canadian businessman, lawyer, and jurist
1947 – Ken Singleton, American baseball player and sportscaster
1947 – Larry Townsend, American politician (d. 2013)
1947 – Robert Wright, British Royal Air Force officer
1949 – Keith Best, British charity executive and former politician
1949 – Kevin Corcoran, American actor, director, and producer
1949 – Robert Dewar, British diplomat
1949 – John Sentamu, Ugandan-English archbishop
1950 – Elías Sosa, Dominican-American baseball player
1951 – Dan Fouts, American football player and sportscaster
1951 – Burglinde Pollak, German pentathlete
1952 – Kage Baker, American author (d. 2010)
1953 – Eileen Cooper, British artist
1953 – John Edwards, American lawyer and politician
1953 – Garry Hynes, Irish theatre director
1953 – Christine St-Pierre, Canadian journalist and politician
1954 – Moya Greene, Canadian businesswoman
1954 – Rich Hall, American comedian and actor
1955 – Annette Schavan, German politician
1955 – Andrew Stevens, American actor, director, and producer
1956 – Borwin, Duke of Mecklenburg
1956 – Laimutė Baikauskaitė, Lithuanian middle-distance runner
1957 – Hidetsugu Aneha, Japanese architect
1957 – Lindsay Hoyle, English politician
1958 – Christos Dimopoulos, Greek footballer
1958 – Yu Suzuki, Japanese game designer and producer
1958 – Robert Clohessy, American actor
1959 – Carlo Ancelotti, Italian footballer and manager
1959 – Eliot Spitzer, American lawyer and politician, 54th Governor of New York
1959 – Timothy Van Patten, American director, actor, screenwriter, and producer
1960 – Nandamuri Balakrishna, Indian actor
1960 – Mark-Anthony Turnage, English composer
1961 – Kelley Deal, American singer and guitarist (The Breeders and The Kelley Deal 6000)
1961 – Kim Deal, American singer-songwriter and bass player (Pixies, The Breeders, and The Amps)
1961 – Maxi Priest, English singer-songwriter
1962 – Akie Abe, Japanese wife of Shinzō Abe
1962 – Gina Gershon, American actress and singer
1962 – Carolyn Hennesy, American actress
1962 – Anderson Bigode Herzer, Brazilian poet (d. 1982)
1962 – Wong Ka Kui, Hong Kong singer-songwriter, guitarist, and actor (Beyond) (d. 1993)
1962 – Brent Sutter, Canadian ice hockey player and coach
1963 – Brad Henry, American lawyer and politician, 26th Governor of Oklahoma
1963 – Jeanne Tripplehorn, American actress
1963 – Tony Ward, American model and actor
1964 – Jimmy Chamberlin, American drummer, songwriter, and producer (The Smashing Pumpkins, Zwan, Starchildren, and The Jimmy Chamberlin Complex)
1964 – Ben Daniels, English actor
1964 – Kate Flannery, American actress
1964 – Tony Martin, New Zealand-Australian comedian, actor, director, and screenwriter
1964 – Vincent Perez, Swiss actor and director
1965 – Veronica Ferres, German actress
1965 – Elizabeth Hurley, English model and actress
1965 – Joey Santiago, Filipino-American guitarist and songwriter (Pixies and The Martinis)
1966 – Prince Hubertus of Hohenzollern
1966 – David Platt, English footballer and manager
1967 – Emma Anderson, English singer-songwriter and guitarist (Lush and Sing-Sing)
1967 – Paul Maskey, Irish politician
1968 – Bill Burr, American comedian and actor
1968 – The D.O.C., American rapper (Fila Fresh Crew)
1968 – Derek Dooley, American football player and coach
1968 – Jimmy Shea, American skeleton racer
1968 – Stephen DeRosa, American actor
1969 – Ronny Johnsen, Norwegian footballer
1969 – Kate Snow, American journalist
1969 – Helen Young, English meteorologist and television presenter
1970 – Mike Doughty, American singer-songwriter and guitarist (Soul Coughing)
1971 – Joel “JoJo” Hailey, American singer-songwriter (K-Ci & JoJo and Jodeci)
1971 – Bobby Jindal, American politician, 55th Governor of Louisiana
1971 – Bruno N'Gotty, French footballer
1971 – Erik Rutan, American singer-songwriter, guitarist, and producer (Morbid Angel, Alas, Hate Eternal, and Ripping Corpse)
1971 – Kyle Sandilands, Australian radio host
1972 – Steven Fischer, American director and producer
1972 – Radmila Šekerinska, Macedonian politician, Prime Minister of the Republic of Macedonia
1973 – Flesh-n-Bone, American rapper (Bone Thugs-N-Harmony)
1973 – Faith Evans, American singer-songwriter, producer, and actress
1973 – Damian Kallabis, German steeplechase runner
1973 – Pokey Reese, American baseball player
1974 – Dustin Lance Black, American director, producer, and screenwriter
1974 – Robert Rave, American author
1975 – Rebecca Cardon, American personal trainer and author
1975 – Altiyan Childs, Australian singer-songwriter and guitarist (Masonia)
1975 – Risto Jussilainen, Finnish ski jumper
1975 – Henrik Pedersen, Danish footballer
1976 – Alari Lell, Estonian footballer
1976 – James Moore, Canadian journalist and politician
1976 – Esther Ouwehand, Dutch politician
1976 – Stefan Postma, Dutch footballer and coach
1976 – Hadi Saei, Iranian martial artist
1977 – Dan-e-o, Canadian rapper and actor
1977 – Adam Darski Polish singer-songwriter and guitarist (Behemoth)
1977 – Enzo Emanuele, Italian pathologist
1977 – Takako Matsu, Japanese singer-songwriter and actress
1977 – Mike Rosenthal, American football player and coach
1978 – Raheem Brock, American football player
1978 – DJ Qualls, American actor
1978 – Brian West, American soccer player
1978 – Shane West, American singer-songwriter, guitarist, and actor (Germs)
1979 – Kostas Louboutis, Greek footballer
1979 – Jake Tsakalidis, Georgian-Greek basketball player
1979 – Svetlana Zakharova, Russian ballerina
1980 – Jessica DiCicco, American actress and singer
1980 – Francelino Matuzalem, Brazilian footballer
1980 – Ovie Mughelli, American football player
1980 – Dmitri Uchaykin, Russian ice hockey player (d. 2013)
1980 – Daniele Seccarecci, Italian bodybuilder (d. 2013)
1980 – Jessica Wild, Puerto Rican drag queen and performer
1980 – Wang Yuegu, Singaporean table tennis player
1981 – Hōkū, American singer-songwriter, guitarist, and actress
1981 – Prince Hashim Al Hussein of Jordan
1981 – Jonathan Bennett, American actor
1981 – Mat Jackson, English race car driver
1981 – Albie Morkel, South African cricketer
1981 – Burton O'Brien, Scottish footballer
1981 – Andrey Yepishin, Russian sprinter
1982 – Steve Guerdat, Swiss horse rider
1982 – Tara Lipinski, American figure skater
1982 – Princess Madeleine, Duchess of Hälsingland and Gästrikland
1982 – Laleh Pourkarim, Iranian-Swedish singer-songwriter and actress
1982 – Elyse Sewell, American model
1982 – Ana Lucia Souza, Brazilian ballet dancer
1983 – Nick Adams, American actor and dancer
1983 – Marion Barber III, American football player
1983 – Shanna Collins, American actress
1983 – Aaron Davey, Australian footballer
1983 – Leelee Sobieski, American actress
1983 – Steve von Bergen, Swiss footballer
1984 – Nicky Bailey, English footballer
1984 – Dean Leacock, English footballer
1984 – Johanna Kedzierski, German sprinter
1984 – Dirk Van Tichelt, Belgian martial artist
1985 – Richard Chambers, British rower
1985 – Gert Dorbek, Estonian basketball player
1985 – Kaia Kanepi, Estonian tennis player
1985 – Kristina Lundberg, Swedish ice hockey player
1985 – Andy Schleck, Luxembourger cyclist
1985 – Vasilis Torosidis, Greek footballer
1985 – Kreesha Turner, Canadian singer-songwriter and model
1986 – Zara Dampney, English volleyball player
1986 – Keith Harkin, Irish singer-songwriter and actor (Celtic Thunder)
1986 – Hajime Hosogai, Japanese footballer
1986 – Joey Zimmerman, American actor
1987 – Lyssa Chapman, American bounty hunter
1987 – Martin Harnik, German-Austrian footballer
1987 – Amobi Okoye, Nigerian-American football player
1988 – Patrik Lindberg, Swedish gamer
1988 – Becki Ronen, American model, Miss Kansas 2009
1988 – Kelly Vitz, American actress
1988 – Marco Andreolli, Italian footballer
1988 – Melanie Müller, German pornographic actress, singer, TV personality, and adult model
1989 – DeAndre Kane, American basketball player
1989 – David Miller, South African cricketer
1989 – Mustapha Carayol, Gambian footballer
1989 – Alexandra Stan, Romanian singer-songwriter, dancer, and model
1989 – Ryuya Wakaba, Japanese actor
1990 – Tristin Mays, American actress and singer
1990 – Valeen Montenegro, Filipino actress
1991 – Pol Espargaró, Spanish motorcycle racer
1991 – Juan Jesus, Brazilian footballer
1992 – Saulius Ambrulevičius, Lithuanian figure skater
1992 – Kate Upton, American model and actress
1993 – Vita Chambers, Canadian singer-songwriter
1996 – Julian De La Celle, American actor

10 June Deaths

323 BC – Alexander the Great, Macedonian king (b. 356 BC)
223 – Liu Bei, Chinese emperor (b. 161)
1075 – Ernest, Margrave of Austria (b. 1027)
1190 – Frederick I, Holy Roman Emperor (b. 1122)
1424 – Ernest, Duke of Austria (b. 1377)
1552 – Alexander Barclay, English poet (b. 1476)
1556 – Martin Agricola, German composer and theorist (b. 1486)
1580 – Luís de Camões, Portuguese poet (b. 1524)
1607 – John Popham, English politician, Attorney General for England and Wales (b. 1531)
1654 – Alessandro Algardi, Italian sculptor (b. 1598)
1680 – Johan Göransson Gyllenstierna, Swedish politician (b. 1635)
1692 – Bridget Bishop, English-American woman executed for witchcraft (b. 1632)
1735 – Thomas Hearne, English antiquarian (b. 1678)
1753 – Joachim Ludwig Schultheiss von Unfriedt, German architect (b. 1678)
1776 – Hsinbyushin, Burmese king (b. 1736)
1776 – Leopold Widhalm, Austrian instrument maker (b. 1722)
1791 – Toussaint-Guillaume Picquet de la Motte, French admiral (b. 1720)
1799 – Chevalier de Saint-Georges, Caribbean-French violinist, composer, and conductor (b. 1745)
1831 – Hans Karl von Diebitsch, German-Russian field marshal (b. 1785)
1836 – André-Marie Ampère, French physicist and mathematician (b. 1775)
1849 – Thomas Robert Bugeaud, French marshal and politician (b. 1784)
1868 – Mihailo Obrenović III, Prince of Serbia (b. 1823)
1889 – Abraham Hochmuth, Hungarian rabbi (b. 1816)
1896 – Amelia Dyer, English murderer (b. 1829)
1898 – Tuone Udaina, Croatian-Italian last speaker of the Dalmatian language
1899 – Ernest Chausson, French composer (b. 1855)
1901 – Robert Williams Buchanan, Scottish poet, author, and playwright (b. 1841)
1902 – Jacint Verdaguer, Catalan priest and poet (b. 1845)
1909 – Edward Everett Hale, American clergyman, historian, and author (b. 1822)
1912 – Anton Aškerc, Slovenian priest and poet (b. 1856)
1918 – Arrigo Boito, Italian author, poet, and composer (b. 1842)
1923 – Pierre Loti, French navy officer and author (b. 1850)
1924 – Giacomo Matteotti, Italian politician (b. 1885)
1926 – Antoni Gaudí, Spanish architect, designed the Park Güell (b. 1852)
1929 – Hélène Smith, French psychic (b. 1861)
1930 – Adolf von Harnack, German historian and theologian (b. 1851)
1934 – Frederick Delius, English composer (b. 1862)
1937 – Robert Borden, Canadian lawyer and politician, 8th Prime Minister of Canada (b. 1854)
1940 – Marcus Garvey, Jamaican journalist and activist, founded the Black Star Line (b. 1887)
1944 – Willem Jacob van Stockum, Dutch mathematician (b. 1910)
1946 – Jack Johnson, American boxer (b. 1878)
1947 – Alexander Bethune, Canadian politician, 12th Mayor of Vancouver (b. 1852)
1949 – Sigrid Undset, Norwegian author, Nobel Prize laureate (b. 1882)
1955 – Margaret Abbott, Indian-American golfer (b. 1876)
1958 – Angelina Weld Grimké, American journalist, poet, and playwright (b. 1880)
1959 – Zoltán Meskó, Hungarian politician (b. 1883)
1963 – Timothy Birdsall, English cartoonist (b. 1936)
1967 – Spencer Tracy, American actor and singer (b. 1900)
1968 – Patricia Jessel, English actress (b. 1920)
1970 – Earl Grant, American singer and pianist (b. 1931)
1971 – Michael Rennie, English actor (b. 1909)
1973 – William Inge, American author and playwright (b. 1913)
1974 – Prince Henry, Duke of Gloucester (b. 1900)
1976 – Adolph Zukor, Hungarian-American film producer, co-founded Paramount Pictures (b. 1873)
1982 – Rainer Werner Fassbinder, German actor, director, and screenwriter (b. 1945)
1986 – Merle Miller, American author (b. 1919)
1987 – Elizabeth Hartman, American actress (b. 1943)
1988 – Louis L'Amour, American author (b. 1908)
1991 – Jean Bruller, French author and illustrator, co-founded Les Éditions de Minuit (b. 1902)
1992 – Zak Hernández, American sergeant (b. 1970)
1992 – Hachidai Nakamura, Chinese-Japanese pianist and composer (b. 1931)
1993 – Arleen Auger, American soprano (b, 1939)
1993 – Les Dawson, English comedian, actor, and screenwriter (b. 1934)
1996 – George Hees, Canadian soldier and politician (b. 1910)
1996 – Jo Van Fleet, American actress (b. 1914)
1998 – Jim Hearn, American baseball player (b. 1921)
1998 – Hammond Innes, English author (b. 1914)
2000 – Hafez al-Assad, Syrian general and politician, 18th President of Syria (b. 1930)
2000 – Brian Statham, English cricketer (b. 1930)
2001 – Mike Mentzer, American bodybuilder (b. 1951)
2001 – Leila Pahlavi, Iranian daughter of Mohammad Reza Pahlavi (b. 1970)
2002 – John Gotti, American mob boss (b. 1940)
2003 – Donald Regan, American colonel and politician, 11th White House Chief of Staff (b. 1918)
2003 – Bernard Williams, English philosopher (b. 1929)
2003 – Phil Williams, Welsh politician (b. 1939)
2004 – Ray Charles, American singer-songwriter, pianist, and actor (b. 1930)
2004 – Odette Laure, French actress and singer (b. 1917)
2004 – Xenophon Zolotas, Greek economist and politician, 177th Prime Minister of Greece (b. 1904)
2005 – Curtis Pitts, American aircraft designer, designed the Pitts Special (b. 1915)
2007 – Augie Auer, American-New Zealand meteorologist (b. 1940)
2008 – Chinghiz Aitmatov, Kyrgyzstani author (b. 1928)
2009 – Tenniel Evans, Kenyan-English actor (b. 1926)
2009 – Stelios Skevofilakas, Greek footballer (b. 1940)
2010 – Basil Schott, American archbishop (b. 1939)
2011 – Brian Lenihan, Jnr, Irish politician (b. 1959)
2012 – Piero Bellugi, Italian conductor (b. 1924)
2012 – Will Hoebee, Dutch songwriter and producer (b. 1947)
2012 – Georges Mathieu, French painter (b. 1921)
2012 – Joshua Orwa Ojode, Kenyan politician (b. 1958)
2012 – Elvis J. Perrodin, American jockey (b. 1956)
2012 – George Saitoti, Kenyan economist and politician, 6th Vice-President of Kenya (b. 1945)
2012 – Sudono Salim, Chinese-Indonesian businessman, founded Bank Central Asia (b. 1916)
2012 – Eugene Selznick, American volleyball player and coach (b. 1930)
2012 – Gordon West, English footballer (b. 1943)
2013 – Doug Bailey, American political consultant (b. 1933)
2013 – Allen Derr, American lawyer (b. 1928)
2013 – Bel'ange Epako, Congolese footballer (b. 1995)
2013 – Franz Handlos, German politician (b. 1939)
2013 – Yehoshua Neuwirth, Israeli rabbi and scholar (b. 1927)
2013 – Enrique Orizaola, Spanish footballer and coach (b. 1922)
2013 – Pete Vonachen, American businessman (b. 1925)
2013 – Barbara Vucanovich, American politician (b. 1921)

11 June Events

1184 BC – Trojan War: Troy is sacked and burned, according to calculations by Eratosthenes.
323 BC – Alexander the Great dies in the palace of Nebuchadnezzar II in Babylon
173 – Marcomannic Wars: The Roman army in Moravia is encircled by the Quadi, who have broken the peace treaty (171). In a violent thunderstorm emperor Marcus Aurelius defeats and subdues them in the so-called "miracle of the rain".
631 – Emperor Taizong of Tang, the Emperor of China, sends envoys to the Xueyantuo bearing gold and silk in order to seek the release of enslaved Chinese prisoners captured during the transition from Sui to Tang from the northern frontier; this embassy succeeded in freeing 80,000 Chinese men and women who were then returned to China.
786 – A Hasanid Alid uprising in Mecca is crushed by the Abbasids at the Battle of Fakhkh. Idris ibn Abdallah flees to the Maghreb, where he later founds the Idrisid dynasty.
1345 – The megas doux Alexios Apokaukos, chief minister of the Byzantine Empire, is lynched by political prisoners.
1429 – Hundred Years' War: start of the Battle of Jargeau.
1488 – Battle of Sauchieburn: fought between rebel Lords and James III of Scotland, resulting in the death of the King.
1509 – Henry VIII of England marries Catherine of Aragon.
1594 – Philip II recognizes the rights and privileges of the local nobles and chieftains in the Philippines, which paved way to the stabilization of the rule of the Principalía (an elite ruling class of native nobility in Spanish Philippines).
1770 – British explorer Captain James Cook runs aground on the Great Barrier Reef.
1775 – The American Revolutionary War's first naval engagement, the Battle of Machias, results in the capture of a small British naval vessel.
1776 – The Continental Congress appoints Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Roger Sherman, and Robert R. Livingston to the Committee of Five to draft a declaration of independence.
1788 – Russian explorer Gerasim Izmailov reaches Alaska.
1805 – A fire consumes large portions of Detroit in the Michigan Territory.
1825 – The first cornerstone is laid for Fort Hamilton in New York City.
1837 – The Broad Street Riot occurs in Boston, fueled by ethnic tensions between Yankees and Irish.
1865 – The Naval Battle of Riachuelo is fought on the rivulet Riachuelo (Argentina), between the Paraguayan Navy on one side and the Brazilian Navy on the other. The Brazilian victory was crucial for the later success of the Triple Alliance (Brazil, Uruguay and Argentina) in the Paraguayan War.
1892 – The Limelight Department, one of the world's first film studios, is officially established in Melbourne, Australia.
1898 – Spanish-American War: U.S. war ships set sail for Cuba.
1898 – The Hundred Days' Reform is started by Guangxu Emperor with a plan to change social, political and educational institutions in China, but is suspended by Empress Dowager Cixi after 104 days. The failed reform though led to the abolition of Imperial Examination in 1905.
1901 – New Zealand annexes the Cook Islands.
1903 – Group of Serbian officers stormed royal palace and assassinated King Alexander Obrenović and his wife queen Draga.
1907 – George Dennett, aided by Gilbert Jessop, dismisses Northamptonshire for 12 runs, the lowest total in first-class cricket.
1917 – King Alexander assumes the throne of Greece after his father Constantine I abdicates under pressure by allied armies occupying Athens.
1919 – Sir Barton wins the Belmont Stakes, becoming the first horse to win the Triple Crown.
1920 – During the U.S. Republican National Convention in Chicago, U.S. Republican Party leaders gathered in a room at the Blackstone Hotel to come to a consensus on their candidate for the U.S. presidential election, leading the Associated Press to first coin the political phrase "smoke-filled room".
1935 – Inventor Edwin Armstrong gives the first public demonstration of FM broadcasting in the United States at Alpine, New Jersey.
1936 – The International Surrealist Exhibition opens in London, England.
1937 – Great Purge: The Soviet Union under Joseph Stalin executes eight army leaders.
1938 – Second Sino-Japanese War: The Battle of Wuhan starts.
1942 – World War II: The United States agrees to send Lend-Lease aid to the Soviet Union.
1944 – USS Missouri (BB-63) the last battleship built by the United States Navy and future site of the signing of the Japanese Instrument of Surrender, is commissioned.
1955 – Eighty-three spectators are killed and at least 100 are injured after an Austin-Healey and a Mercedes-Benz collide at the 24 Hours of Le Mans, the deadliest ever accident in motorsports.
1956 – Start of Gal Oya riots, the first reported ethnic riots that target minority Sri Lankan Tamils in the Eastern Province. The total number of deaths is reportedly 150.
1962 – Frank Morris, John Anglin and Clarence Anglin allegedly become the only prisoners to escape from the prison on Alcatraz Island.
1963 – American Civil Rights Movement: Alabama Governor George Wallace stands at the door of Foster Auditorium at the University of Alabama in an attempt to block two black students, Vivian Malone and James Hood, from attending that school. Later in the day, accompanied by federalized National Guard troops, they are able to register.
1963 – Buddhist monk Thich Quang Duc burns himself with gasoline in a busy Saigon intersection to protest the lack of religious freedom in South Vietnam.
1963 – John F. Kennedy addresses Americans from the Oval Office proposing the Civil Rights Act of 1964 that would revolutionize American society. Proposing equal access to public facilities, end segregation in education and guarantee federal protection for voting rights.
1964 – World War II veteran Walter Seifert runs amok in an elementary school in Cologne, Germany, killing at least eight children and two teachers and seriously injuring several more with a home-made flamethrower and a lance.
1970 – After being appointed on May 15, Anna Mae Hays and Elizabeth P. Hoisington officially receive their ranks as U.S. Army Generals, becoming the first females to do so.
1971 – The U.S. Government forcibly removes the last holdouts to the Native American Occupation of Alcatraz, ending 19 months of control.
1972 – The Eltham Well Hall rail crash, caused by an intoxicated train driver, kills six people and injures 126.
1978 – Altaf Hussain founds the students' political movement All Pakistan Muhajir Students Organisation (APMSO) in Karachi University.
1981 – A Richter Scale 6.9 magnitude earthquake at Golbaf, Iran, kills at least 2,000.
1982 – The Sentosa Musical Fountain was officially opened as part of the second phase of construction on the island of Sentosa, Singapore.
1987 – Diane Abbott, Paul Boateng and Bernie Grant are elected as the first black Parliamentarians in Great Britain.
1998 – Compaq Computer pays $9 billion for Digital Equipment Corporation in the largest high-tech acquisition.
2001 – Timothy McVeigh is executed for his role in the Oklahoma City bombing.
2002 – Antonio Meucci is acknowledged as the first inventor of the telephone by the United States Congress.
2004 – Cassini-Huygens makes its closest flyby of the Saturn moon Phoebe.
2007 – Mudslides in Chittagong, Bangladesh, kill 130 people.
2008 – Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper makes a historic official apology to Canada's First Nations in regard to a residential school abuse in which children are isolated from their homes, families and cultures for a century.
2012 – Two earthquakes struck northern Afghanistan, causing a large landslide, which buried the town of Sayi Hazara, trapping 71 people. After four days of digging, only five bodies were recovered and the search was called off.

11 June Births

##1403 – John IV, Duke of Brabant (d. 1427)
##1456 – Anne Neville, English wife of Richard III of England (d. 1485)
##1540 – Barnabe Googe, English poet (d. 1594)
##1588 – George Wither, English poet (d. 1667)
##1672 – Francesco Antonio Bonporti, Italian priest and composer (d. 1749)
##1690 – Giovanni Antonio Giay, Italian composer (d. 1764)
##1696 – James Francis Edward Keith, Scottish-Prussian field marshal (d. 1758)
##1697 – Francesco Antonio Vallotti, Italian organist and composer (d. 1780)
##1704 – Carlos Seixas, Portuguese composer (d. 1742)
##1713 – Edward Capell, English critic (d. 1781)
##1723 – Johann Georg Palitzsch, German astronomer (d. 1788)
##1726 – Infanta Maria Teresa Rafaela of Spain (d. 1746)
##1741 – Joseph Warren, American doctor and general (d. 1775)
##1776 – John Constable, English painter (d. 1837)
##1797 – José Trinidad Reyes, Honduran philosopher and theorist (d. 1855)
##1815 – Julia Margaret Cameron, Indian photographer (d. 1879)
##1832 – Lucy Pickens, American wife of Francis Wilkinson Pickens (d. 1899)
##1842 – Carl von Linde, German engineer (d. 1934)
##1846 – William Louis Marshall, American general and engineer (d. 1920)
##1847 – Millicent Fawcett, English activist (d. 1929)
##1864 – Richard Strauss, German composer and conductor (d. 1949)
##1867 – Charles Fabry, French physicist (d. 1945)
##1871 – Stjepan Radić, Croatian politician (d. 1928)
##1876 – Alfred L. Kroeber, American anthropologist (d. 1960)
##1877 – Renée Vivien, English-French poet (d. 1909)
##1879 – Roger Bresnahan, American baseball player and manager (d. 1944)
##1880 – Jeannette Rankin, American politician (d. 1973)
##1881 – Spiros Xenos, Greek-Swedish artist (d. 1963)
##1888 – Bartolomeo Vanzetti, Italian-American criminal (d. 1927)
##1889 – Hugo Wieslander, Swedish decathlete (d. 1976)
##1894 – Kiichiro Toyoda, Japanese businessman, founded Toyota (d. 1952)
##1894 – Dai Vernon, Canadian-American magician (d. 1992)
##1897 – Ram Prasad Bismil, Indian activist, founder of Hindustan Republican Association (d. 1927)
##1903 – Ernie Nevers, American football player (d. 1976)
##1908 – Karl Hein, German hammer thrower (d. 1982)
##1908 – Francisco Marto, Portuguese child visited by the Blessed Virgin Mary at Fatima (d. 1919)
##1910 – Carmine Coppola, American flute player and composer (d. 1991)
##1910 – Jacques Cousteau, French biologist, author, and inventor, co-developed the aqua-lung (d. 1997)
##1912 – James Algar, American director, producer, and screenwriter (d. 1998)
##1912 – Mohammad Hassan Ganji, Iranian meteorologist and academic (d. 2012)
##1913 – Vince Lombardi, American football player, coach, and manager (d. 1970)
##1913 – Risë Stevens, American soprano and actress (d. 2013)
##1913 – Coby Whitmore, American painter and illustrator (d. 1988)
##1914 – Gerald Mohr, American actor (d. 1968)
##1914 – Jan Hendrik van den Berg, Dutch psychiatrist (d. 2012)
##1915 – Magda Gabor, Hungarian-American actress (d. 1997)
##1915 – Nicholas Metropolis, American mathematician and physicist (d. 1999)
##1917 – Joseph B. Wirthlin, American businessman and religious leader (d. 2008)
##1918 – Ruth Aarons, American table tennis player and manager (d. 1980)
##1919 – Helen Tobias-Duesberg, Estonian-American composer (d. 2010)
##1919 – Richard Todd, Irish-English actor and soldier (d. 2009)
##1920 – Irving Howe, American critic (d. 1993)
##1920 – Robert Hutton, American actor (d. 1994)
##1920 – Shelly Manne, American drummer, composer, and bandleader (d. 1984)
##1920 – Hazel Scott, Trinidadian-American singer, actress, and pianist (d. 1981)
##1920 – Keith Seaman, Australian politician, 29th Governor of South Australia (d. 2013)
##1922 – Jean Sutherland Boggs, Peruvian-Canadian historian, academic, and civil servant
##1922 – John Bromfield, American actor (d. 2005)
##1922 – Michael Cacoyannis, Cypriot director, producer, and screenwriter (d. 2011)
##1922 – Douglas Campbell, Scottish-Canadian actor (d. 2009)
##1925 – Johnny Esaw, Canadian sportscaster (d. 2013)
##1925 – William Styron, American author (d. 2006)
##1926 – Carlisle Floyd, American composer
##1927 – Beryl Grey, British ballet dancer
##1928 – Queen Fabiola of Belgium
##1930 – Charles B. Rangel, American lawyer and politician
##1931 – Kenneth Cameron, Scottish judge
##1931 – Audrey Schuh, American soprano
##1932 – Athol Fugard, South African-American actor, playwright, and director
##1932 – Tim Sainsbury, British politician and businessman
##1933 – Martti Soosaar, Estonian journalist and writer
##1933 – Gene Wilder, American actor, director, and screenwriter
##1934 – Anthony Evans (judge), British judge
##1934 – Henrik, Prince Consort of Denmark
##1936 – Jud Strunk, American singer-songwriter (d. 1981)
##1937 – Johnny Brown, American actor and singer
##1937 – Chad Everett, American actor (d. 2012)
##1937 – Robin Warren, Australian pathologist, Nobel Prize laureate
##1939 – Christina Crawford, American actress and author
##1939 – Rachael Heyhoe Flint, English cricketer
##1939 – Diana Moran, English model, fitness expert and journalist
##1939 – Bernard Purdie, American drummer (Hummingbird)
##1939 – Jackie Stewart, Scottish race car driver
##1940 – Michael Wilkes, British army officer
##1943 – Henry Hill, American mobster (d. 2012)
##1944 – Alan Howarth, British politician
##1944 – Roscoe Orman, American actor
##1945 – Adrienne Barbeau, American actress and author
##1945 – Patrick Joseph McGrath, Irish-American bishop
##1945 – Robert Munsch, American-Canadian author
##1946 – Jenny Pitman, British racehorse trainer
##1947 – Henry Cisneros, American politician, Mayor of San Antonio
##1947 – Bob Evans, English race car driver
##1947 – Richard Palmer-James, English singer-songwriter and guitarist (King Crimson and Supertramp)
##1947 – Lalu Prasad Yadav, Indian politician
##1948 – Dave Cash, American baseball player and coach
##1948 – Stephen Schnetzer, American actor
##1948 – Michael Swan, American actor
##1949 – Frank Beard, American drummer and songwriter (ZZ Top and American Blues)
##1949 – Tom Pryce, Welsh race car driver (d. 1977)
##1950 – Lynsey de Paul, English singer-songwriter, pianist, and actress
##1950 – Graham Russell, English-Australian singer-songwriter and guitarist (Air Supply)
##1951 – Matthew Engel, English writer and editor
##1951 – Jaan Mark, Estonian politician
##1951 – Yasumasa Morimura, Japanese painter
##1951 – Mark D. Siljander, American politician
##1952 – Yekaterina Podkopayeva, Russian middle-distance runner
##1952 – Donnie Van Zant, American singer-songwriter and guitarist (38 Special and Van Zant)
##1953 – Steve Bassam, British politician
##1953 – Peter Bergman, American actor
##1953 – José Bové, French farmer and politician
##1953 – Vera Komisova, Russian hurdler
##1953 – Georgios Orfanos, Greek politician
##1954 – Johnny Neel, American vocalist, songwriter, and musician (The Allman Brothers Band and Gov't Mule)
##1955 – Yuriy Sedykh, Ukrainian hammer thrower
##1955 – Duncan Steel, English-Australian astronomer and author
##1956 – Steven A. Cohen, American businessman, founded SAC Capital Advisors
##1956 – Joe Montana. American football player
##1956 – Simon Plouffe, Canadian mathematician
##1957 – Geoffrey Adams, British diplomat
##1957 – Jamaaladeen Tacuma, American bass player and bandleader
##1959 – Hugh Laurie, English actor, singer, and screenwriter
##1959 – Magnum T.A., American wrestler
##1960 – Mehmet Oz, American surgeon, author, and television host
##1961 – María Barranco, Spanish actress
##1962 – Mano Menezes, Brazilian footballer and coach
##1962 – Erika Salumäe, Estonian cyclist
##1963 – Gioia Bruno, American singer (Exposé)
##1963 – Bruce Kimball, American diver and coach
##1963 – Sandra Schmirler, Canadian curler (d. 2000)
##1964 – Jean Alesi, French race car driver
##1964 – Kim Gallagher, American middle-distance runner (d. 2002)
##1964 – Gunnar Sauer, German footballer
##1965 – Manuel Uribe, Mexican computer repairman, world's heaviest man (d. 2014)
##1967 – Clare Carey, Zimbabwean-American actress
##1967 – João Garcia, Portuguese mountaineer
##1968 – Alois, Hereditary Prince of Liechtenstein
##1968 – Bryan Perro, Canadian author
##1969 – Peter Dinklage, American actor
##1969 – Steven Drozd, American singer-songwriter and actor (The Flaming Lips)
##1969 – Bryan Fogarty, Canadian ice hockey player (d. 2002)
##1969 – Olaf Kapagiannidis, German footballer
##1969 – Matt McGrath, American actor
##1969 – Kip Miller, American ice hockey player
##1969 – Sergei Yuran, Ukrainian football player and coach
##1970 – Alex Barron, American race car driver
##1970 – Kang Ho-dong, South Korean comedian and actor
##1971 – Vladimir Gaidamaşchuc, Moldovan footballer
##1971 – Liz Kendall, English politician
##1973 – José Manuel Abundis, Mexican footballer and coach
##1973 – Dana Brunetti, American film producer
##1974 – Fragiskos Alvertis, Greek basketball player
##1974 – Tatiana Ignatieva, Belarusian tennis player
##1974 – David Starie, English boxer
##1975 – Fjordman, Norwegian blogger
##1975 – Thomas Bimis, Greek diver
##1975 – Choi Ji-woo, South Korean actress and model
##1976 – Gran Naniwa, Japanese wrestler (d. 2010)
##1976 – Reiko Tosa, Japanese long-distance runner
##1977 – Ryan Dunn, American actor and stuntman (d. 2011)
##1977 – Shane Meier, Canadian-American actor
##1977 – Geoff Ogilvy, Australian golfer
##1978 – Joshua Jackson, Canadian actor
##1978 – Ujjwala Raut, Indian model
##1979 – Ali Boussaboun, Moroccan-Dutch footballer
##1979 – Amy Duggan, Australian footballer
##1979 – Tõnu Endrekson, Estonian rower
##1979 – Rino Nakasone Razalan, Japanese-American dancer and choreographer
##1980 – Yhency Brazobán, Dominican baseball player
##1981 – Emiliano Moretti, Italian footballer
##1981 – Kristo Tohver, Estonian football referee
##1982 – Marco Arment, American businessman, co-created Tumblr
##1982 – Vanessa Boslak, French pole vaulter
##1982 – Johnny Candido, American wrestler
##1982 – Jacques Freitag, South African high jumper
##1982 – Joey Graham, American basketball player
##1982 – Stephen Graham, American basketball player
##1982 – Eldar Rønning, Norwegian skier
##1982 – Diana Taurasi, American basketball player
##1983 – Chuck Hayes, American basketball player
##1983 – Josh Ramsay, Canadian singer-songwriter, guitarist, and producer (Marianas Trench)
##1983 – José Reyes, Dominican baseball player
##1984 – Andy Lee, Irish boxer
##1984 – Vágner Love, Brazilian footballer
##1985 – Violeta Isfel, Mexican actress and singer
##1985 – Mason Kayne, English actor
##1985 – Dmitry Koldun, Russian singer
##1985 – Chris Trousdale, American singer, dancer, and actor (Dream Street)
##1986 – Sebastian Bayer, German long jumper
##1986 – Chase Clement, American football player
##1986 – Robert Krabbendam, Dutch basketball player
##1986 – Shia LaBeouf, American actor
##1986 – Magaly Solier, Peruvian actress and singer
##1987 – TiA, Japanese singer
##1987 – Cherry Dee, Welsh model
##1987 – Dappy, Singer-songwriter and rapper
##1987 – Didrik Solli-Tangen, Norwegian singer
##1987 – Robert Welbourn, British paralympian swimmer
##1988 – Yui Aragaki, Japanese actress and singer
##1988 – Jesús, Spanish footballer
##1988 – Claire Holt, Australian actress
##1988 – Rome Ramirez, American singer-songwriter and guitarist (Sublime with Rome)
##1989 – Keith Aulie, Canadian ice hockey player
##1989 – Ana Clara Duarte, Brazilian tennis player
##1989 – Maya Moore, American basketball player
##1990 – Christophe Lemaitre, French sprinter
##1990 – Sherina Munaf, Indonesian singer-songwriter and actress
##1991 – Dan Howell, English radio host and blogger
##1992 – Eugene Simon, English actor and model
##1992 – Jordanne Whiley, British wheelchair tennis player
##1994 – Ivana Baquero, Spanish actress
##1994 – Jessica Fox, French-born Australian canoeist
