Theme of the universe = waste resources?

I agree with you Is energy ever wasted.....
My sarcasm does over in print

No I was questioning TabbyStar

Having revisited this I looked more closely at

So I agree that said universe is not sentient. However, it either was designed


Red flag planted


Red flag? Please, I am not on a fishing trip here. That would be rude to other members and totally disrespectful to the site founders.

I have no deity agenda. Do not believe in it at all. However, I have made it clear, in other threads, that I do support Kardashev possibilities...even up to, or beyond, level 5. So I remain open to the idea that a highly advanced civilization could have, "arranged" all we observe...locally and outward to some extent. Who created them, if they exist? I have no idea. Like I said (which you only quoted the "designed" word, leaving out "random") I am only trying to do thought exercises as a means of trying to understand.
TabbyStar, given you concept of waste, are you saying that the entire Universe was just being wasteful for the first 13.80 billion years, considering that homo sapiens has only been around roughly 200,000 years?

Is in only in the last 200,000 years that it has started to because less wasteful?

In my silly mind I picture countless photons zooming across the universe. So many it makes my head spin. A tiny fraction have benefit (from a perspective of how we benefit) and are simply not utilized. I then struggle with, "why". At that point I come to forums, like sciforums, hoping to interact and further my education and understanding of opinions from others.

Such is my adventure in life currently.
That's exactly right. Any use of energy ends up wasting some of it. That is the reason why no heat engine can be 100% efficient. The highest efficiency with which the most sophisticated modern heat engines (e.g. combined cycle gas turbines) can convert heat to work is about 60%. So 40% or more is always wasted. This is called "waste" heat in fact.

Once the energy in the universe is all evened out it is still all there, in the thermal motion of atoms, molecules and subatomic particles, but it will not flow anywhere as everything will be at the same temperature. At that point there can be no more processes of change in the universe and it will dead. But all the energy will still be there, just unable to do anything.

The basic point about it is that heat is the most randomised form of energy there is: it is just kinetic energy of atoms and molecules in random motion. Once it is random, you cannot un-randomise it all. So any process that involves conversion of energy to heat can be said involve "wasting" energy, by putting it into a useless form, from which it cannot be recovered.

My suspicion is that our new automotive engineer friend has absorbed these ideas from his professional life.

Thank you for using the word, "friend"!
You are correct. My automotive career has planted deep sensitivities to aspects like efficiency. It hangs me up often when trying to engage in conversations regarding science:(
Thank you for using the word, "friend"!
You are correct. My automotive career has planted deep sensitivities to aspects like efficiency. It hangs me up often when trying to engage in conversations regarding science:(
I haven't read the entire thread I guess but you aren't saying that you have an engineering degree are you?
Red flag? Please, I am not on a fishing trip here. That would be rude to other members and totally disrespectful to the site founders.

I have no deity agenda. Do not believe in it at all. However, I have made it clear, in other threads, that I do support Kardashev possibilities...even up to, or beyond, level 5. So I remain open to the idea that a highly advanced civilization could have, "arranged" all we observe...locally and outward to some extent. Who created them, if they exist? I have no idea. Like I said (which you only quoted the "designed" word, leaving out "random") I am only trying to do thought exercises as a means of trying to understand.
I had to look up Kardashev. For some reason I found irrelevant images of women with large bottoms swimming into my mind.....:oops:
I had to look up Kardashev. For some reason I found irrelevant images of women with large bottoms swimming into my mind.....:oops:
Can you please explain further the nature of your question? I do not see it being relevant to the discussion.
You keep mentioning your career in the automotive industry as a reason for your concern about the Universe and waste. You seemed to think it was relevant.
You keep mentioning your career in the automotive industry as a reason for your concern about the Universe and waste. You seemed to think it was relevant.

My experience, from an efficiency point of view, is indeed relevant. It is why I view the Cosmos with such scrutiny regarding energy waste.. as I perceive it. I am not sure I can ever shake it off. I examined painters outside my home today. My brain kerchunks (processes) all the waste in their routine.

I believe properly trained efficiency personnel need not be degreed in order to observe similar/identical practices.

TX for clarifying my request btw.
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My experience, from an efficiency point of view, is indeed relevant. It is why I view the Cosmos with such scrutiny regarding energy waste.. as I perceive it. I am not sure I can ever shake it off. I examine painters outside my home today. My brain kerchunks (processes) all the waste in their routine.

I believe properly trained efficiency personnel need not be degreed in order to observe similar/identical practices.

TX for clarifying my request btw.
I don't think your focus on "efficiency" is a result of your job. That may just be how you look at things however.

It doesn't really have any bearing on how the Universe works however. What does "waste" even mean in the context of the Universe. Human beings are waste in that context.
I don't think your focus on "efficiency" is a result of your job. That may just be how you look at things however.

It doesn't really have any bearing on how the Universe works however. What does "waste" even mean in the context of the Universe. Human beings are waste in that context.

Well the Cosmos seems to obey conservation laws as we both, along with many others, understand. Efficiency, in my perspective, can be thought along a similar thought exercise. In an automotive factory (running only one 8 hour shift) powers down non essential conserve or be more efficient. Stars do least not in the sense I try to understand. They deplete resources without benefit that I understand.

Whether my adventure in knowledge has obstacles pertaining from my career or not. I will not debate. I see no point in it. I am satisfied, as an individual, with where I draw conclusions regarding such.
Well the Cosmos seems to obey conservation laws as we both, along with many others, understand. Efficiency, in my perspective, can be thought along a similar thought exercise. In an automotive factory (running only one 8 hour shift) powers down non essential conserve or be more efficient. Stars do least not in the sense I try to understand. They deplete resources without benefit that I understand.

Whether my adventure in knowledge has obstacles pertaining from my career or not. I will not debate. I see no point in it. I am satisfied, as an individual, with where I draw conclusions regarding such.
This is going to be a short thread.

Automotive plants and the Universe aren't related in any way.