So you think that I thought that I was actually under some kind of threat from God himself that was going to actually strike me with lightning because I think that gay people should not get married and have children? To make to myself more clear, I did not think that this was going to happen or will ever happen.
I never suggested you did. You asked why he would say that, and I told you.
I think I heard about it on MTV. It had a gay person on there that said that they don't want to take hormones to try and make them straight. So I figured he didn't want to do this because he was gay, and thought that he should only be attracted to other men and this shouldn't change.
"I think I heard it on MTV" has to be the stupidest answer anyone has ever given for why they've adopted a worldview. Seriously, there are beauty pageant contestants who have offered better explanations for why they believe in something.
No I have never heard a reverend speak about this. If it doesn't have anything to do with hormones, what does it have to do with? Do you think it is only perversion that drives gay people into being gay?
The options aren't limited to "hormones" or "perversion." Fraggle offers an alternative in his post above. Perhaps you should, you know, actually look into it, instead of relying on 10-second news updates in between episodes of Jersey Shore for the entirety of your understanding of homosexuality's biological causes.
Why would gay people lie about this on television? I think you just have not heard of this before. I take it you do not agree with science and biology and its influence on the human psyche? If it is not hormones that what does that leave to be the cause of this type of disorder?
If you're suggesting I've never heard of hormone therapy to "cure" homosexuality, you're right. But that's because it doesn't exist. Nor is it a disorder. It happens in nature at about the same ratio it happens in humans. It's just a variation. It's like left-handedness or eye color. It's really that inconsequential.
It seems to have hit a button with you, but then you don't claim to even be gay.
I'm not an ethnic minority either, but I support racial equality. Is the concept of shared humanity really that alien to you?
I just don't understand why someone would just want to be gay and then think that it is okay to be gay. Maybe you could explain better than I can what it means to be gay and why it is so important that is acceptable to other people and why some gay people would not want to be straight.
Why don't you ask a gay person?
It sounds like you have some issues from getting beat up for being gay.
I have issues with people who hurt other people for no reason.
And people don't beat me up. But if you'd like to try, I'd be more than happy to oblige, sunshine.
I have not been raised to be against gays. I think it is just that being a normal heterosexual male I just find gay intercourse revolting between men. No one ever told me to be against gays, I have just seen gay people on television and found it unsettling. I think it is part of our nature and I find it really hard to believe that you are a straight male from your comments. Rather you act on those feelings or not to do something against them is a completely different matter.
So in your diseased little mind, only a gay person can stick up for gay people? Or is this just an ego defense, now that I've trounced your middle school-level arguments? By that same token, only women can strive for women's rights, and only minorities can do the same for racial equality. I can't even imagine how animal rights activists trained themselves to talk, seeing as how they're really just animals pretending to be people, because no one in this world stands for anything other than their own interests.
Oh, wait, that's just bigot frittatas like you.
I don't get why being with your grandparents would be embarrassing. Some people are embarrassed just by being with their parents, but I go places with my parents all the time and they are old and it doesn't bother me. Mostly because everywhere in town we go there is just only old people anyways.
It doesn't bother me
now. But as a child, it was embarrassing to be different.
How old are you, by the way? I'm guessing you're very young, given your spelling and your attitudes in general, but your comment above leads me to believe that you're still at home with mom and dad.
Could you say for certain that every gay parent would not ask their child to be open to gay sex?
Where the hell did you get an idea like that? Nobody is telling their children they should be open to gay sex.
It seems like it would cause confusion about roles in children raised by gay parents.
Why? Have you given it
any thought, or is this all coming off the top of your head? I feel like ten minutes of introspection would disabuse you of most of this bigotry.
Where your parents gay so you had to be raised by your grandparents or something?
Why would my parents' sexuality have anything to do with me being raised by my grandparents?
I don't think of myself as being less of person because I don't find homosexual activities as being tempting.
Nor would I. But that's not all you're doing here, is it? You're also insinuating that gays can't be good parents, and that they have a disorder that needs to be cured. You're also accusing them of bigotry against straight people. Oh, and let's not forget you saying that they shouldn't have equal rights.
Now stop pretending that you're only saying you don't want to have gay sex. And for whatever it's worth, all this protesting you're doing only makes you sound like a repressed homosexual.
You obviously haven't had much experience with women.
I'm sorry, how did you derive that from what I said?
I don't think this is true, but it is only delusional fantasies that you are having and that is the only place this comes from.
There's no reason to believe that men are not every bit as sexually experimental as women, and plenty of studies to suggest otherwise.
The reason why men do not like male-male imagery is because they are not homosexual, and they cannot even imagine wanting to be gay.
It isn't a question of want. It's not a choice. And it's not about "liking" male-male imagery. It's about being tolerant of it. Society is tolerant of female-female imagery, yet not so much with men. But as I said before, this is changing. Our society has more male homoeroticism than every before, and there's only going to be more of it. So buckle up, kid, you're in for a ride (one that I suspect you'll like)
Women are more open about it because they enjoy playing mind games on men and they know that they like it.
Spoken like someone who's view of women is wholly formed by cable television.
Kudos on outing yourself as a misogynist in a thread unrelated to the topic, by the way.
That is most likely because you don't have one when it comes to this issue.
As I said in the post you're responding to, I used to. But with understanding comes tolerance, and then acceptance. I got over my immature preconceptions. It turned out that I was just uncomfortable with the strangeness of it; I had never heard a guy talk about another guy like that. I had never been looked at by a man in that way, either. But once the novelty wore off, he was just some guy that I knew, and homosexuality wasn't even a thing to me. And you'd feel the same way, if you'd let yourself get over it. But you're obviously not mature enough for that. In time, perhaps.
There was a guy in my school that was gay and very flamboyant. I couldn't stand him, and I wouldn't ever dare talk to him or else I would fear that he would feel like he had to talk to me. I dreaded everyday I had to go to that class, because he was a real loud mouth and a smart aleck and I just couldn't stand hearing his voice. I never got over it and I can only thank God that I only had him for one class.
Why were you afraid of him? Did he pick on you? Or were you attracted to him? What was it that made him so scary?
And no one's saying you have to be fond of the screaming queens. I find them somewhat annoying myself, and so do some of my gay friends. But it has nothing to do with homosexuality. I no more want to socialize with them then I want to socialize with vapid, gum-smacking, shop-til-you-drop high-maintenance women. Or ultra-machismo men who call everything "gay," for that matter.
They compare it that way because they cannot grasp why a normal person would want to be gay. It is impossible to put yourself in their shoes and then understand why they would want to or choose to be gay. So then they figure it must be because of some biological defect.
No, you compare it to that because you think it's somehow wrong, or corrosive in some way. You think it's immoral--or at least the people you've learned this crap from do.
And it isn't impossible at all to put yourself in their shoes. They're doing what feels natural to them, just like you do. How I feel about the opposite sex is how they feel about their own. Nothing in the world's easier to empathize with than that. You worry about the details because you're a bigot who needs someone to hate; I realize that the details are just window dressing, and ultimately unimportant to the person inside.
I guess you just don't like straight men who are honest.
If I thought for a second I were talking to a straight man, you might have a point...
In any event, that's not what's at issue here. If you feel grossed out, that's fine. But as I told you, it's not an excuse to mistreat others, or to hold such a negative opinion of them as human beings. You should know this, considering how you claim to feel injured by the remarks of gay people who criticize you for your toxic opinion of them.
I don't feel like I should have to lie to make a gay man happy, for obvious reasons.
No one said you did. If you're content with being a bigot, fine. But remember that the same freedom you have to express your disgust at them is shared by others who have every right to express their disgust with
If life gives you lemons make lemonade, it doesn't make it okay to become gay.
A new idiot mantra is born.
Who becomes gay? And why isn't it okay? All you've said so far is that you don't like it; why should anyone be concerned with your opinion?
It sounds like you really need someone in your life that will lie to you about how they truly feel about things. Honestly if someone is straight and they act like they are okay with gays it is just a masquerade of them trying to be politically correct.
Obviously not. Gays make up a small population of the country. If it were only them campaigning on their own behalf, none of the progress we've made as a country over the last fifty years would have happened. Thankfully, most people aren't suffering from your profound lack of intellect and empathy.
I am proud to be a homophobe and I do not regret it, and that is simply all this is really. I will wear it like a badge of honor, and I think it is only people's inability to do that is what makes being gay okay politically correct.
Good for you. Just know that we're all laughing at you to your face, and pitying you behind your back.