The truth about truth.

so whats your point , I don't get it !!

The point is is that he is a man. So is he telling the truth that the first statement isn't true? Or is he just a liar? But he said the first statement too, so one of them has to be a lie... So then at least one of those statements is true and one of them is false. By the way, you should change to "Men always tell lies," that way it is never possible for them to tell the truth. Because you can be called a liar and still tell the truth sometimes.

PS sorry for editing like 5 times in case anyone was reading them during.
The point is is that he is a man. So is he telling the truth that the first statement isn't true? Or is he just a liar? But he said the first statement too, so maybe they're both lies in which case he's telling the truth??? BUT THEN. BUT. BUT. THEN ITS BOTH TRUE AND FALSE.

so does this really get us anywhere on this thread ?

I say no