The Trump Presidency

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Trump is going to move fast, after he is sworn in. Get ready for the roller coaster ride. Currently, the word is, there are over 200 executive orders that will by signed into law by the Monday, after the inauguration. One executive order, that will be signed today, is all political appointees need to resign. The two week notices were already given out, so they are ready to replace. The Democrats should not have shown their nasty cards, so early. They should have pretended to be good sports, so Trojan horse appointees would have bene left in place. Now, since the Democrats have demonstrated their lock step disruption,, all the Trojan horses need to be purged. This is smart business. Why make it easier for those who wish to hurt you.

Trump is moving so fast, he is way behind previous administrations. Hundreds of senior jobs remain unfilled, and as a result and contrary to your assertion, Trump has asked Obama's appointees to say on.

Things are going to move very fast. The result is there will not be enough leftist media and organized Democratic party confusion, to contain everything, at the same time. It will be like a boat with a hundred leaks, were all the leaks need to be addressed, but there is only enough manpower to address the worse, first, while taking in water, elsewhere. Nobody expected Trump, the moron, to be so smart in political warfare.

Actually, the Trump organization is moving very slowly compared to past administrations. And as Kittamaru has pointed out, Trump has announced he is going on vacation after the inauguration.

The Democrats have underestimated the power of practical skills and a very intelligent cabinet and staff, who can run a multi front war on a broke system. When the Democrats try to slow changes at the EPA, Obamacare will targeted. If you go there to reinforce the troops, illegal immigration is will be the new point of attack. Government workers and government leaders are used to the pretentious snail pace, where nothing gets done very quickly or the can is kicked down the road. They will not know how to deal with change. This is more private sector. It will be fun to watch.

You obviously haven't been paying attention, as is your custom; Obamacare has been targeted by Republicans, including Trump, for 8 years now. The Republican targeting of Obamacare has absolutely nothing to do with whatever Democrats might or might not do going forward and it has everything to do with Republican election prospects going forward. If Republicans screw up Obamacare, it's their problem. And while the Republican base remains oblivious as is their custom and demonstrated by your repeated posts, senior Republican leaders are not.

Nothing has happened yet, since Trump is not yet president. If he tried anything tangible before inauguration, Obama and the Democrats would throw sand in the gears, like he did with sanctions on Russia. Obama could have done the sanctions, 1 year ago, since this is how long they knew of the hacks. Obama did not wish to make problems for Hilary. He did this now, so Trump will inherits problems so his approach is made more difficult.

Trump will not show his cards until the correct time. The Democrats are trying to disrupt and undermine, A smart leader will not make it easy for the enemy by talking strategy, when he is not yet in power. Later today, D-day or rather T-day begins.

You just can't get your head out of those right wing conspiracies, can you? You cannot support any of your machinations with evidence and reason because they are fictions. You have no evidence Democrats have tried to throw sand in the gears, and Russian sanctions are a punishment for Russia's repeated invasions, occupations, and annexation of the lands of neighboring states and for its meddling in our election. It's a punishment, for bad behavior. Contrary to your assertion, Russia's hacking of Democratic servers became known 6 months ago, not one year ago.

Unfortunately for you and your Republican cohorts, fact and reason matter for those who haven't drank the right wing Kool-Aid.

Trump inherits an economy growing at annualized rate of 3.5%. He inherits an economy with an unemployment rate of 4.7% and very near full employment. That's what Trump inherits from his Democratic predecessor. That's very different from what Trump's predecessor, i.e. Obama, inherited from his Republican predecessor. Obama inherited an economy shrinking at an annualized rate of 10% and losing nearly a million jobs a month. Obama inherited an economic disaster from his Republican predecessor.

Those are hard facts Comrade Wellwisher.

Trump has already shown his cards, and they aren't good. People keep expecting Trump to change, i.e. "to show his cards", because they cannot believe this man is going to be the POTUS. The truth is Trump has already shown his cards.
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I don't care much for Trump . He succeeded economically in his life . And many critics are just envious .
Trump was born into great wealth. That was the key to his success. Were it not for his good fortune, being born the son of America's wealthiest man, Trump would be nothing more than a used car salesman.
The moral of this little parable is:
You can't please everybody, and if you try, you could lose your ass in the bargain.
This is really interesting.

For starters, the parable has been carefully rewritten from any of the original versions ( ,
Real life American solution 1, approaching the bridge, : hand all your stuff to the conservative who promises to put it in his bank safe for you, have the donkey carry you and the liberal half way across the bridge, and as soon as you can see the other side kick the liberal off for telling you you've been robbed and push the donkey over the rail because you don't need it.

Real life American solution 2, approaching the bridge: give the donkey to the conservative because he knows how to manage donkeys, have the liberal help you carry the stuff across the bridge, and half way across push the liberal and half your stuff over the rail because he tells you a donkey would have been a lot of help.

And so forth.

Notice, btw, the central discordance between the fable as oddly rewritten from the original and handed to us by the rightwing media ops,

(in the original of this one man one donkey one load setup, the peasant has begun by distributing the load between both himself and his donkey, competently avoiding overburdening either one - and it is by overburdening the donkey with all his goods, the "conservative" advice above, that he loses the animal, who drowns crossing a stream without a bridge).

and the US political situation: the wrong person is supposedly influencing the poor man by laughing at him. In matching up the analogy, not only is the "conservative" overload-the-donkey now both competent and agreeing with the peasant's common sense, but the conservative is the supposedly the one laughing at the poor guy for being foolish.

In the US media ops, other than this story, we see the opposite of both - the "conservative" , who disagrees with the original peasant's common sense of splitting the load, is presented as sympathetic while the "liberal" is presented as disrespecting by laughter and mockery.

That's kind of intriguing. It points to the irrelevance of content generally, the complete lack of coherent substance, in the Nameless Ones's propaganda operations. This is not inherently "post-truth" , which is revealed to be a side effect, but rather post-fact - even in the fictional scenes. The world is at any given moment what is seen on a screen at that moment, and continuity is (deliberately?) destroyed.
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Were it not for his good fortune, being born the son of America's wealthiest man,
Still haven't read the links provided you multiple times, apparently. Why not?

It damages the criticism of Trump, to associate it with exaggerations and falsehoods of that kind.
wellwisher said:
The Democrats have underestimated the power of practical skills and a very intelligent cabinet and staff, who can run a multi front war on a broke system. When the Democrats try to slow changes at the EPA, Obamacare will targeted. If you go there to reinforce the troops, illegal immigration is will be the new point of attack. Government workers and government leaders are used to the pretentious snail pace, where nothing gets done very quickly or the can is kicked down the road. They will not know how to deal with change. This is more private sector. It will be fun to watch
We've seen it already, in 2001 and 2002. W&Co had put the entire country under NSA surveillance, created and established the largest and most comprehensive increase in Federal bureaucracy since WWII, revamped the upper level management of every major Federal agency, and launched two full scale land wars in Asia (Minor), within less than three years. And that's just the highlights.
Still haven't read the links provided you multiple times, apparently. Why not?

It damages the criticism of Trump, to associate it with exaggerations and falsehoods of that kind.
We've seen it already, in 2001 and 2002. W&Co had put the entire country under NSA surveillance, created and established the largest and most comprehensive increase in Federal bureaucracy since WWII, revamped the upper level management of every major Federal agency, and launched two full scale land wars in Asia (Minor), within less than three years. And that's just the highlights.

It damages you to make these stupid statements. You are trolling yet again.
So, in Seattle the protest is basically an exercise in trying to peacefully wander around in the middle of the street for hours on end. It works well enough, I suppose, and has some symbolic value, as a form, compared to what happened in '99 when the WTO blew through town.

Meanwhile, there is also a demonstration over at University of Washington because someone invited Milo Yiannopoulos, and there was a great moment on the local news when the reporter advised, approximately, "Word is there are more protesters on the way, taking light rail from Westlake."

It's one of the funniest things I've heard in a while.
Trump was born into great wealth. That was the key to his success. Were it not for his good fortune, being born the son of America's wealthiest man, Trump would be nothing more than a used car salesman.
I am not sure you or I read well into Trump history . whatever his father left and what he made with it since .
Perhaps they were all in the neighborhood pub today - they sure weren't out at the inauguration...

Did you catch the part where officials are claiming stunning incompetence in order to explain the sparsely populated parade route?
Perhaps they were all in the neighborhood pub today - they sure weren't out at the inauguration...

Or much more likely, the blue collar workers were at work during the work week. Welfare recipients had the free time in 2009.
Or much more likely, the blue collar workers were at work during the work week. Welfare recipients had the free time in 2009.
Not in 2009. Have you forgotten? -

Haven't forgotten at all. "By August" of 2009 was 6 months into Obama's first term. LOL! :rolleyes: How exactly does that bear on his inaugural turnout?

Wow! So only minorities are on welfare? Now THAT'S a racist assumption. How do you live with yourself? o_O
cute the racist is calling me a racist because i called him on his bullshit

Nope. The clear bullshit is you equating "welfare recipient" with a specific ethnicity. You can keep calling me names all you like, but it won't change the fact that you slipped up and admitted your own racist stereotypes. That's what happens when your too eager to sling unsupported ad hominems and too lazy or ignorant to think before you type. :rolleyes:

One more chance. How is what I wrote racist, aside from the racist stereotype you supplied yourself? o_O
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